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"Happy Blues"


Well, now that you have met the kitties that have been good enough to adopt me and the d*g Heidi, I guess you realize that I am a true "Cat Addict." I cannot stand to see any of them left alone and on their own outside or abused and mistreated. Cats, as any cat lover knows, can be the best of friends. These guys fill my home with love, joy and laughter and comfort. Gus, my devilish cat, is also a very "tuned in" cat to my emotions. If I am upset or even sick, he will come and lay on my chest, put his face right into mine, and just pat my face with his paw, looking at me as if to say "It will be all right Mom, I'll take care of you" Now what more could you ask of a friend right. Seti is my "mouthy" cat, although very laid back and sweet, when it is meal time, he just moans and meows at the top of his lungs and doesn't stop until you feed him. They all have their own personalities, just as people do. Even Neffy, the "Queen" can be as playful as can be sometimes, there is nothing funnier than watching this usually "regal" cat lay on the floor and try to catch her own tail, going round and round and round, playing just like a kitten.

I have tried to take in cats that need homes or have been abused in order to save them from a life where no one loves them. Those of us who love our kitties and have been fortunate enough for them to "adopt" us, know how wonderful they can be. There are still many, many of them out there however without homes, food, shelter and this upsets me very much. I urge all of you who take the time to visit my site to think what kind of life these kitties would have had if they were not taken in and to please do all they can to encourage people to neuter their animals so that there are not so many of the unwanted ones out there. They are the greatest of friends and it is up to us to see that they have a good life and that there are not so many of them born to lead a homeless life. I am a complete pushover when it comes to kitties and although I have 10 right now, have had as many as 15 at a time. My motto has always been "There is always room for one more." So please folks, do what you can to encourage others to have their animals neutered, if someone you know wants a kitten, ask them rescue one from the local animal shelter that might otherwise be put down. There are many older cats at these shelters also that are not adopted because they are not "kittens" but they make great pets. If each of us does what we can to keep just one of them from being homeless or put down because they are not wanted, we can make a difference.

I would love to hear stories about your own cats (or other pets) and their adventures and would ask that you send them to me for the Friend's Story's page. Thanks and come back again soon, and please remember to sign my guest book so I know that you have been here and enjoyed meeting my family.

This is a wonderful organization that does alot to help our feline friends.... She was a great help to me when I was trying to trap my ferals. If your having behavior problems with your felines, Isabel is a great cat behavior therapist. Be sure to check out her site!

Dalton International Feral Rescue

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