I thought that I should get a web page, too. After all, Molly's the baby and if she can have one, why not me? I'm cute too and I love attention! So please pay lots of attention to me!
Here I am as a pup. Cute wasn't I???
I love to PARTY!!! I'm a real party animal.
My human dad thought it would be cute to put this stupid visor on me and have mom take a picture. Of course, this would be the picture Molly puts on Her webpage.
See I can sit, too!
I was not too happy in this picture. Mom just gave me ANOTHER bath!
Like my new collar?
Of course, now I have to include pictures of the cat, too! That's not fair! He needs his own webpage?!?!
This is my doggie Mom. Her name is Brandy. Don't we look alike? My hooman Mom's best friend lives with Brandy and my brother, Whiskey, so I still get to see them sometimes!
Here's the mutt now. Just kidding. I love my brother. I'm lots bigger than he is though, and we love to fight.
What is this thing? What did you bring home now Mom? Can I eat him?
Mom tells me this thing is called a hamster. She won't let me eat him. What good is this thing for anyway??? He's too small for me to play with? He doesn't get to go on walks with me?!?
This is me in Illinois when I stayed with my Aunt Joyce and Whiskey and Brandy for a while while my hooman Mom and Dad moved to Florida.
Here I am in my bed. Gosh I was little! Mom says I grew too much!!!
Me in my younger and skinnier days!!
Here's me and my doggie Mom, Brandy.
I love to play in my big backyard. The grass is sooo soft.
Ahhhh. . .that's just the spot! It's good for scratching an itch, too!!!!!
I bet he'd taste really good, but my hooman mom won't let me eat him. She's says cat's aren't for lunch! Too bad!
Oops! Caught. Too bad that book wasn't bigger!
This is me, Molly, and my girl, Bre.
Nobody can catch me! I'm Superdog!!!
Bye! Thanks for Visiting! Hope you'll come back and visit again real soon!