I love to watch the hummingbirds. Their size can range from 2 3/4 in. to 3 3/4 in. and they love the nectar from flowers or feeders. Their wings may beat more then 75 times a second so they need a lot of food. There are very many different species of hummingbirds and each species has a different range across North America. I have two feeders set up on the porch. They are territorial as this one chases the other away and then sets on the perch looking around.
*American Robin*
The robin is one of the most recognized birds. It belongs to the thrush family. It migrates to the north in early spring and it grows to about 8 1/2 inches. In summer it is located thoughout the United States, then migrates back south in the late fall. Robins like to eat earthworms but also like fleshy fruits and berries.
*Northern Oriole*
This is another great looking bird. There are two types, the eastern which is the Baltimore Oriole and the western, which is called Bullocks Oriole. The eastern has mainly a black head, neck, bib and wings on orange body. The western is similar but has a large white wing patch and orange face. They grow to about 7 inches. They eat insects but also like fleshy fruit and nectar.
*Eastern Bluebird*
There are 3 types of bluebirds, eastern has a skyblue back and orange breast, the western bluebird has a dark blue and rust back and a blue bib above a rusty belly. The mountain bluebird is all blue with dark blue back and lighter blue belly and breast. They grow to about 6 inches. They like berries, soft fruits, suet among other things.
This one pictured is an eastern bird. The one on the left is the male. The other is a female. It has variable
gray above, white below, pink bill, white outer tail
feathers that flash in flight. Some western birds
have brownish heads and they all grow to 5 1/4 to 6
inches. They prefer to eat mixed seed, sunflower
hearts and cracked corn. They are common all over
North America but winter in SE United States.
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