*Northern Cardinal*
Most everyone recognizes a cardinal. The male is
brillant red and has a crested head with black face and
orange beak. They grow to about 7 3/4 inches. The
females are a little browner. They love sunflower
and safflower seeds. They will come to a feeder to
eat. Most of them that do come to the feeder, nest in the area and come back each year and so do the young as they grow.They reside in the eastern 2/3 ofNorth America,
to N.M.- AZ.
*American Goldfinch*
These are wonderful little birds to watch at a
feeder. The male is a bright yellow with a black
cap, wings and tail. The females are drab yellowish
brown. They grow to about 1 1/4 inches. They like
sunflower hearts and niger seeds. You can put in a
birdbath as they love water. They reside across most
of North America and breed into Canada but leave in
the winter.
This is a black-capped chickadee and is 4 1/2 in.
It's main features are a black cap and bib. It
resides in the northern two-thrids of North America.
There is also 3 similar types, Carolina, Mountain and
Chestnut-Backed. They all have similar food
preference which is sunflower hearts, suet, peanuts,
peanut butter and black-oil sunflower seeds.
*Mourning Dove*
This is a very common dove and is located in most of
North America. It's size is 10 1/2 inches and a warm
brown color. It likes to wander around bird feeders
to find any seeds, so I would throw some on the
ground for them. They like cracked corn, mixed seed,
other seeds and grain. There is also other types of
This is a Red-Headed Woodpecker. There are quite a
few different types of woodpeckers. This one is a
resident of the eastern half of the United States and
is about 8 1/2 inches. It used to live in most areas
of the U.S.but starlings started to drive them off
for living areas. They are also a lot of fun to watch
especially when they are at a feeder which they do in
winter. I had one that came to the feeder and their colors are really bright. A fun bird to watch at the feeder, along with the red-bellied woodpecker that comes. They like suet, peanuts, sunflower hearts and
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