

    This is a Northern Mockingbird and it has white flashes on the wings. Overall it appears gray, black and white and is 9 inches in length. They are constant singers and mimic other bird sounds. They are quite loud in their singing especially on moonlight nights. They like apple slices, berries, fruits and suet.

*Scarlet Tanager*

male scarlet tanagerfemale scarlet tanager

    Scarlet tanagers like mainly forest areas. In the winter they migrate to South America. They are mostly insect eaters but do eat fleshy fruits, berries and grapes. They sometimes will visit a feeder that is high off the ground and like slice apples, oranges and bananas among other things.

*Red-Wing Blackbird*

redwing- blackbird

    There are plenty of red-wing blackbirds around plus just the plain blackbirds. They are found all over North America and they are 7 1/4 inches long. They like mixed seeds, cracked corn and sunflower hearts. They will also come to a feeder.


grackle grackle

    This is a large black bird, glossed with blue and bronze. The colors when the sun shines on them is just wonderful. They are 10 -12 inches long and reside in eastern two-thirds of North America. They prefer cracked corn, mixed seeds, sunflower hearts and suet pieces. They are replaced in the west by Brewer's blackbird.

*Purple Martins*


    The Purple Martin is the largest swallow in North America and is not purple like it is called. It is blackish with purple highlights and they will nest in apartment-like houses. They are great insect eaters and consume large quantities. They winter in South America.Here is a picture of one type of a purple martin house.

p.martin house


Angel Flying Too Close To The Ground

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