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Cooper's Catnip Corner
Welcome to Cooper's Homepage!
This site was created out of love for my furbaby, Cooper.  I think he's a wonderful kitty with a great purrsonality and I wanted to share him with other cat lovers.  Enjoy your visit and don't forget to leave your pawprint in the guestbook so we know you came to visit.
...one of the ways in which cats show happiness is by sleeping.

                              -Cleveland Amory
Click on the page you'd like to paw through:
Cooper's Corner: Meet the Boy!
Bleu's Page: Meet my Best Friend!
Links: Spay/neuter, graphics, Bleu's favorites.
Fun & Games: Quizlet, cat quotes & more
Banner Exchange: Let's exchange link banners!
Photo Galleries: Bleu & I each have our own photo gallery.  Check out our new pictures!
Cooper's Postcard Corner: Send or receive a musical Coopercard! 
Clubs: Bleu & I are members of some great clubs!
Catnippers: The Cats of Comphealth
Please be a responsible pet owner and spay or neuter your animals!
Spayed or neutered animals typically live longer and healthier lives and make for better companions.  Go to my links page for more information.
Thanks to the Bratcats for my very first award!
I was Cat of the Day for April 8, 1999
I won for the week of 12/17/99
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The Rail
"The Rail"
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Please note:  All photos on this website are the property of the owner of Cooper's Catnip Corner. Please do not use without permission. Thank You.
Last updated 04/10/2000
Copyright 1999 Cooper's Creations