When I first started my website, I was just going to have pages about my cats.
But after seeing banners on other websites and reading stories of abuse, I knew I had to do something.
It was then that I decided to make this page.
By adding this page to my site, I know that I am helping to spread the word.
Reading these stories of cruelty and abuse and seeing these pictures breaks my heart.
It also makes me very sick!!
It doesn't seem possible that people that can do this to animals and feel no guilt!!
But it is real and it is happening.
Some people that have committed these crimes are still out walking the streets!!
They need to be punished to the fullest extent and pay for the crimes they have committed!!
Read the stories, sign the petitions, and help spread the word.
We are the animals only hope!!
Please don't turn your back on them.
We must all work together to stop these horrible crimes!!
Make Animal Cruelty a FELONY in Georgia.
Hope survived this abuse, but most animals don't.
Please sign the petition to bring her killers to justice.
The Remember Ninja Project.
Convicted child abuser kills animals.
The cycle of violence.
The 16 year old girl who turned in the killers of a cat.
Show your support and join The Blue Ribbon Crusade.