Snoopy's Awards

Here is my show case of awards,  I hope that you enjoy viewing them.  If you are interested in winning any of them,  click on the award for details.  Happy Hunting!

Madame Alto's Cat House Award
Thank you Madame Alto!

The 3 Mouse Kitteer's Award
Thank-You The Three Mouse Kitteers!


Ringo's Perfect site Award
            Thanks Ringo! Your the Best!

Beware of Cat's Sittin' Pretty Award
Thanks Beware of Cat!
Petsburgh Blue Ribbion Award
I was honored with the Petsburgh
Blue Ribbion Award!

Luv Kitties Award
Thanks so much Luv Kitties!

I was in the 2000 Valentine's Contest

I was very honored to win the
Petsburgh Stable award!

I earned several degree's by taking classes at CLAW University.




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