Crackers and Lady's Memorial Page
        This is a loving tribute to my to pets who have sadly died. A Golden Retriever Lady and a cat Crackers. Crackers looked almost identical to Snoopy, and Lady looked almost exactly the same as Cookie. Cookie and Snoopy were truly a gift to me! I am thankful for them every day. Lady and Crackers will stay in my heart forever. I hope that you have enjoyed my other pages as well as this one. I would like to thank the "Cat Stuff" web page for this web page set. It makes my memorial page look so great. I am sorry I don't have many pictures of Crackers and Lady.

Please Visit our new Memorial Gardens where  you can even get a place of your own for free!

I made a banner for this page you are more then welcome to use it!


Keepers Korner

Rainbow Bridge Page

The Official Rainbow Bridge Page

Rasky's Memorial Website

In Memory of Pets

Memorial To Mkwa

If you would like your link here please send it to me. I am looking for links!

     There is a bridge connecting heaven and earth. It is called the Rainbow Bridge because of its many colors.  Just this side of the    Rainbow Bridge is the land of meadows, hills, and valleys, all of it covered with lush green grass.  When a beloved pet dies, the pets goes to this lovely land.  There is always food and water and warm spring weather.  There, the old and frail animals are young again.  Those who are maimed are made whole once more.  They play all day with each other, content, and comfortable.  There is only one thing missing.  They are not with the special person who loved them on earth.  So each day they run and play until the day comes when one suddenly stops playing and looks up!  Then, the nose twitches! The ears are up! The eyes are staring!  You have been seen, and that one suddenly runs from the group!  You take him or her in your arms and embrace.  Your face is kissed again and again and again, and you look once more into the eyes of your trusting pet.  Then together, you cross the Rainbow Bridge, never again to be separated.

Author Unknown

A Special Tribute to Little Skye
    This is a tribute to a little puppy that lived only a day.  Little Skye, was a puppy born in June, 1999 in Arizona, USA.  She was delivered by C-Section surgery, and had pneumonia.  She was given treatment and fought to the very end but sadly she went to the Rainbow Bridge.  We miss you Little Skye! Visit Little Skye's Rainbow Brige residency.
Thank-you Rasky for this Award!


A picture of Crackers on my bed

A picture of Crackers and his friend Woodstock, Woodstock has also crossed the Rainbow Bridge


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site is owned by Jaimee Schmidt
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