Snoopy's Best Ways to get Tuna This is my very own method of getting your daily tuna! I know that if I don't get my tuna, I make a big fuss and be very nice to Jaimee. She always gives me my tuna when I give that oh so cute look that just melts her to bits! When your owner gets home from work/school rub against their leg and then go meow at the fridge door, to show them how hard of a day you have had!Stand next to your dish and meow
When your owner comes in purr and give them one of those cute looks that make them melt!Paw and meow at the fridge door
When you hear the electric can opener going run over to your owner. (The can opener is music to my ears!)
If your owner is petting the d*g, make sure that they know you are waiting for your tuna! (But don't scratch them!)
In the morning when your owner is asleep walk on his/her face and purr alot until they get up and give you tuna.
Submitted by JesterI like to roll on my back and meow at my human like I'm starving. Submitted by Charlie You have to angle with your paw at your Meowmies food when she is eating. Just try to get the cheese or the ham off of her bread or something similar and when she does not like it any more you go straight there where she hides the tuna. She will be thankful for the opportunity to get you off of her dishes. Submitted by Puntomaus1. Just steal it.
2. Find a tuna can, carry it to your human and sit in front of him/her looking up in a cute, yet demanding look. Submitted by MacavityI find that it is always easiest to get my tuna is to jump in meowmie's lap and act like I want to be petted. She then thinks I am being an awfully good kitty and I look up at her with my cutest look and lick her hand maybe and that tuna is MINE!!! Mew!
Submitted by WillieAll I have to do to get my tuna because I am so small and cute is meow about
1000 times in a cutest meow!! Meowmie listens to me.
Submitted by Sami
If your owner is well trained like Jaimee, and you get your tuna at a certain time once a day, you are lucky, but it takes time and patience to train your owner just the way you like!
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