Miss Minnie just LOVES her new award she just received from Sue's Furry Family!
What a beautiful site! Pay this site a visit soon!
Minnie gave a big MEOW when she learned she won TWO wonderful awards from
Diane's Cats & Others! Throughout her life, she has had 79 cats! What a
blessed lady! Please pay this site a vist!
Wow! Look at this great award Miss Minnie just got from The PUNKIN Net!
This great site is just FILLED with goodies! You must visit them soon!
Minnie was just thrilled to learn she won VioletDame's Rose of Beauty Award!
Isn't it beautiful! Thanks so much.... you owe it to yourself to go visit her site soon!
Minnie just loves this beautiful award received from a beautiful site!
You must visit Rita's Cozy Corner! It's got so many wonderful things!
Thanks, Rita!