What a GREAT surprise! Miss Minnie was awarded the "Pink Champagne Award for Sites
that Sparkle!" Thank you, Ellie! Miss Minnie just loves the award AND your great site, "Cats &
Pink Cadillacs"... where the love of animals is spoken!
Miss Minnie won the Blue Ribbon Pet Award from Petsburgh for December 17, 1999.
What a lovely Christmas present and such an honor! Thank You!
Minnie's Menagerie won Smokey's Best Friends
Pet Site for Kids Award for
December, 1999
from Grammy and Dan's Story Page
Miss Minnie is so proud of this because it references children!
Miss Minnie won The "Christmas Caption Contest"!
She submitted: "One down, tree to go!"
Hope's Mom sent Minnie, Mickey, & Mushy the most beautiful basket
filled with goodies for the fur babies! Thank you!!!
Look what Miss Minnie got from Gypsy Rose!
This was a great surprise from a wonderful site!
Miss Minnie just got this lovely award from Cara's Kitties!
You must visit this site. Miss Minnie just loved it!
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