Dear Sassy,
It's been over 8 years since you left me... this month
you would have been 11 years old... I missed out on so
much time sharing in your life. Our time together was
too short! You taught me so much in that short time
... taught me unconditional love ... taught me
friendship... I think of you everyday... how you would
always sleep on your back, or swat at people from
behind a table leg... how you played with your doggy
sisfur Koli, and always seemed to know how to make me
feel better. I waited 14 years for you to come into my
life, and although our time together was short, I will
treasure it for all eternity. Somewhere up in that big
rainbow sky, you are playing with your friends...
chasing the butterflies & grasshoppers, smelling the
roses, and eating your birthday cake. Play, have fun,
& we will be reunited before you know it.