"Close to You"

wreath ~ M U S H Y I I ~ wreath

Cat Walk
Boat Line of Quilts Raggedy Andy

This page is dedicated to my Mushy II, my boy!
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Thanks so much to Joan and the Gang
at the Lilley Pad for this lovely new award!.

Left Angel Animated picture of a baby Mushy Right Angel
Mushy is my youngest cat, but he's also my largest cat! He's a lovebug and a half and quite a handsome boy!
His name was "Leo" when we first adopted him from the Cedar Park S.P.C.A., and he loved to sleep in his little hammock there!
kitty in hammock! Z-z-z-z-z-z

Mushy is often called "The Mookyman" or "Lumpy"... He loves to run into closets as soon as they open. I have to be absolutely certain he hasn't slipped in there without my noticing it. He also has to be by me every time I'm on the computer. He likes to lay on the desk under the light.
A cartoon orange kitty birdhouse Orange Kitty
Here's a picture of Mushy sleeping in our living room chair not too long after we adopted him. (...actually, he adopted us.) His older sister, MINNIE, couldn't figure out what he was. Maybe he's another teddy bear???
Baby Mushy
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Who can resist pink feet?

Baby Mushy
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Here is a picture of Mushy not long thereafter....he really grew a lot!!! PLUS...he's a whole lot bigger than this now.
Fat Mush!
Mooky on Couch
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Oh, you beautiful DOLL!
Mushy & Dolls
Award for Mushy's Picture!
Miss Minnie won SueCat's "Photo of the Week Award" on 04/16/99.
Many thanks to SueCat's Palace!

We WON the VERY FIRST Most PURRFECT Picture Contest in 2001!
Thank you SO much to all of you wonderful people who faithfully voted for MushyII! Click on the award (above)
to see a large copy of the picture that won!

Tabby Line
Miss Minnie ALSO won "Cute Cat's" CAT OF THE MONTH
for May, 1999!....for the same picture of Mushy! Thanks SO much to Cute Cats!
Two kitties
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A Picture of Mushy's Pretty Face!
Mushy's Face
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Another closeup of the "Mookyman".
My Lumpy
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Mushy Award!
An award JUST FOR MUSHY! Thanks so much to Flora from Precious Kittens!
Mushy Loves it!
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To see what clubs Mushy belongs to, click Here

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