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This page is dedicated to "Squeak", the orphan cat!
Finally, here is a picture of Squeak! She's the queen of the outside territory where all the orphans reside. She's very loving...but she's still the boss! We call her squeak, because she doesn't Meow...she squeaks!
Isn't she pretty?
Hi, folks.... Squeaker here!
Get off my porch, or I'll bite your ankle! :-)
Some Updates:
Well, Squeak's lip is all swollen. It looks just like Mickey's when she got stung by a bee. Since there are a lot of bees around the front door, I think this might have been what happened. It was staying swollen for a couple of days.
I took the tiniest bit of benedryl and mixed it in with her cat food. She didn't like that very much. That's what we did for Mickey (per the vet's instructions).
Squeak's lip is back to normal! Yeah!
Little Squeaker now looks forward to me visiting her late at night after I've finished working on Minnie's Menagerie. I don't care what time it is, I go out to give her a hug. She sings like a violin!
Squeak was tucked away safely in my garage on Halloween night.
It's very hot now in Texas and we have been leaving the garage door cracked (still) so Squeak can find a safe place. Large dogs are allowed to "wander" around the neighborhood and the orphans are frightened of them. Why don't people take proper care of their pets? I will go out to the garage late at night to find Squeak sleeping on the workbench. I can't believe she's in there in this heat.
I must report sad news. Squeak has disappeared and just when she was about to be adopted by her new Mom, Diane, and move to Michigan! It seems that coyotes might be in the area. Many pets are being killed by them. I can't believe she's gone. She is greatly missed. She was just SO close to moving away to a brand new home with a family! She deserved nothing less. I miss you Little Squeaker!