Welcome...My Organizations I Belong to and Believe In!!

Please Support National GRADD...Don't Drink and Drive
A non-profit organization working to save lives from drunken driving by
maintaining a national network of safe ride home programs in college
communities.National GRADD assists in the development
of new programs and the improvement of existing
services by providing programming resources and making it easy for
schools to work together.

Please help support the 'Adopt A Guardian Angel' program. By doing so you are virtually taking the hand of a neighbor and joining us in creating a never ending circle around the world that will empower us to stand up and be the voice for all children of this planet! Show them we care enough to make a difference! In reality, by displaying this link back to our site you are helping us to meet our goal of creating awareness, education, recognition, prevention and intervention and that is the first real step towards breaking the cycle of abuse and stopping all forms of maltreatment!

Children Are Worth Saving Web Site
Adopted October 13, 1998

Please help support the 'Adopt A Guardian Angel' program. By doing so you are virtually taking the hand of a neighbor and joining us in creating a never ending circle around the world that will empower us to stand up and be the voice for all children of this planet! Show them we care enough to make a difference! In reality, by displaying this link back to our site you are helping us to meet our goal of creating awareness, education, recognition, prevention and intervention and that is the first real step towards breaking the cycle of abuse and stopping all forms of maltreatment!

"We hope you find the information
on this site useful, educational and even a bit eye opening.
Please read through the pages and bookmark our site for
future visits. Knowledge is power. The more you know the
better you can help in safeguard yourself and others against becoming
a victim. If you are suffering at the hands of an abuser,
we hope this site will offer you a little ray of hope. Many people
care, and try to help! "Child Abuse Helplines" or "Domestic
Violence" provides services that may be offered in your area.
If you know of services in your area that are not listed,
PLEASE send us information on them."
~From the CAWS Corp. Homepage's "Breif Introducation"
This organization is so big and so wonderful
I couldn't describe it in my own words.
Hence the quote!
If you actually are a "webaholic" You need help.
Don't let the web take up a lot of your time, you're family and friends need you more. :o)
This is a great group of people who try to keep the web safe for EVERYBODY.
They try to stop sick adults getting to get and they try to get porno off the web.
A really great group.
Rest In Peace Princess Diana Of Wales
Too many teenagers go around with depression and suicidal thoughts.
We can't lose our future to suicide.
This candle is a vigil across the internet for Violence Against Women.
It's a vigil to remind you that abuse against women
does happen, and the violence needs to stop.
This half of "The Organizations I belong to and beieve in" is of graphics that
I can't link back to a particular page. If you know the page it links back to,
I would appreciate it if you could e-mail me the
address and give the owner credit and link. Thank you!
Put this dove on your page to pray for every woman with
breast cancer and support research!
This is the only banner I did myself. I don't like any pornography on the web.
I, like billions of other humans, will not tolerate child pornography.
I think it's sick, and whoever does have child pornography, on
a site, or in their personal use should be sent to jail for life.
(E-mail me if you want to use my banner; E-mail me)

My history class does current world events every time we have
class first thing in the morning. One of the events mentioned
by a classmate was the mistreatment of women in Afghanistan.
Since the Taliban took over they have been prisioners of their
home. They cannot go out without a close male relative and
without working a burca. In these burcas the women can only
see, and barely breathe. A lot of women (97% of 190 women
polled that came to America in refuge) said they were depressed
over the treatment they received in their motherland. Women
cannot go to school, get examined by a male doctor, or own their
own business. They cannot make noise in public, show any of
their body parts, or own anything from the "western world" (i.e.
television, radio, nail polish...etc.) If a women is caught
showing a body part (even by accident) or caught going out of
her house with a male that isn't a close relative, the women is
beaten up, has limbs amputated, stoned to death, and worse. The
punishments are done infront of the public one day of the week.
Since no women can get medical treatment from male doctors and
there are virtually no female doctors and if there are, the
doctors have unsterile or no tools to work with. Most women die
from easily curable ailments. THIS MISTREATMENT MUST STOP!
Put this graphic on your webpage and link it right back
here to support the end to the Taliban rule in Afghanistan.
(Taliban are also allegedly holding terrorist that bombed NYC's world trade center.)
Personally, I have a family member with a learning
disablity, and some friends with physical disablities.
They all
need just a little more encouragement then we do. It's hard being different, but don't consider them different.
Consider them unique!

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