Background created from art by ©Leslie Newcomer,


Please be sure to read the terms of use for our tutorials. 



These tutorials are copyright © Catarific PSP Tutorials. You may use a TEXT LINK to these tutorials only but please do not reproduce them for any reason. Do not include any of the premade graphics. Also, please DO NOT LINK to any of the images.  Any graphics that you have made from these tutorials are yours to do with as you please as long as you do not make a profit from those results such as in the sale of a tube or image.


Please Read:

Due to the actions of a group called the Art Protection League, I have redone all my tutorials. I have received permission from each of the artists whose work you will see displayed and the proper credit has been given to each of these artists. I no longer can offer artist tubes for download due to the copyright laws on distribution. Because I have received permission to use a piece of art does not allow me to distribute the art to anyone else. Should you wish to use any of the artist's work, you will need to contact the artist personally and request permission. I have found so many artists to be so generous with their talent and all they ask is that we abide by their requirements and give them credit for their art. That really is not too much to ask.


Also please note, that if you belong to a graphic group and receive permission to use an artist's work, that work needs to remain in the confines of the group where the permission was granted unless of course, you have personal artist permission to use the work elsewhere.



Nikki, Nichie, Gingercats & Sue




Index of Tutorials