Here are some pictures of my free-roaming
setup for my
August 1999:
1View of Earline on her new shelf from my upstairs loft.
2Closer view of Earline on her new shelf.
3Earline's setup below her shelf.
4Earline's stick and mesh climbing routes to get up to her shelf.
5Earline using her stick route to get to her shelf.
6View of Larry on his new shelf from my loft above.
7Larry's setup below his shelf.
8Larry's stick and mesh climbing routes to his shelf.
9Side view of shelves with Larry's being the closer one.
10Larry climbing up his stick route to the upper shelf.
11Larry finishing his climb on the remaining wire mesh.
12View of how I mounted the electrical stuff next to Larry's shelf.
13Closer view of surge protector and timer mount from above picture.
14Closer view of wire sleeves/mounts on near Larry's shelf.
15View of Larry's light setup.
16Earline invading Larry's setup.
speakers and cardboard that block the stairs to prevent acces to my loft