Daisy May and Dusty Roo Picture Page!

Name: Daisy
Nickname: Daisy May
Birthdate: Febuary 26, 1996
Favorite Foods: Turkey

Name: Dusty
Nickname: Dusty Roo, Chicken Cat
Birthdate: March 16, 1996
Favorite foods: Anything!

Daisy and Dusty were litter mates, They had the same dad, but different moms.

Here's Daisy (right) and Dusty (left) when they were very young.

Daisy May enjoying the warm laundary.

Dusty Roo laying in the sun.

Daisy is taking a nap on her human's bed!

Daisy in her famous chicken position.

Daisy May just walkn' around...

Daisy likes to clean herself and the other cats.

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