I have lost two of my cats to serious illnesses. I find dealing with their death the hardest thing I have had to deal with in my life.
I find joining webrings comforting for me, and a way to show the 'world' how much they mean to me even in death.
Please do join our webring if you have a webpage you would like to share that expresses the love you have for the pets you have lost.

Precious Angels Webring Guidelines

1. If you have a website, or a webpage dedicated to your precious Angel pet please join! This webring is for any pet you have lost.

2. You must download the graphic for the ring onto your own server. Do not link to my graphics, This is bandwidth stealing and is not allowed.

3. Please do not alter the webring image. Only change your ID, your E-mail address, and Your Name

4. You must have the ring fragment and graphics uploaded to your site before you email me asking to be added to the ring.

5. One of most important rules. Your website, MUST be compatible with ALL web browsers. I use Netscape, and I do have MSE, If other people can not view the webring fragment or image on your website, or the links do not work I am sorry but I can not add you to the webring.
The webring fragment is like all others, nothing special or different, so you should not have a problem, but some people have, depending on the HTML program that you use, or where you have their home page. i.e. homestead.com seems to really mess up HTML coding on Netscape.

6.  You must have the Webring Fragment on the Web Site URL you provide when you join the ring. If you do not do this I will change it for you. You can have the fragment on a webrings page, but the URL you provide for your web site has be the one with the webring coding.

Please pick a webring image to use for the ring, and save it to your harddrive



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