Creating Datum Axes

Tushar Suradkar

Topics covered

  Through Edge.

  Normal to Plane.

  Point Normal Plane.

  Through Cylinder.

  Two Planes.

Axes Through Edge

Feature - Create - Datum - Axis - Thru Edge

Select edge of a part as shown

Datum axis is created

Axes Normal to plane

Feature - Create - Datum - Axis - Normal Pln

Select face of a part as shown

Axis will be created normal to this face

To locate the axis, click the face as shown

Type distance from this face.

Press Enter

Click another face as shown

Type distance from this face

Press Enter

Axis (A_4) is created.

Axes Normal to plane through a point

Feature - Create - Datum - Axis - Pnt Norm Pln

Select face of a part as shown

Axis will be created normal to this face.

The axis will pass through point PNT0

Front view shows that the point is above the selected plane

The point PNT0 must exist when creating this axis

For a tutorial on creating datum points, Click Here

Select the datum point PNT01

Click Done

Axis A_8 is created

Axes through Cylinder

Feature - Create - Datum - Axis - Thru Cyl

Select a circular face as shown

Axis will be created passing through the center of the circular face

Axes by two planes

Feature - Create - Datum - Axis - Two Planes

Select DTM1 and DTM3

Axis will be created at the intersection of the two datum planes.