Please enjoy our bountiful extras section, and feel free to submit new ones if you feel the need...and who doesn't?

Remember River's first song? Well, our good friend "Patrick, obviously", from a whole buncha threads, made it into a real song. Enjoy!


Ah, remember way back when, in question 47? Well, that song is finally done, and located here.


Help support QNA2K and look stylin'. Buy QNA2K clothing now. Hip!


Our April Fools 2001 joke was a big success. Check it out, it's pretty informative, really.


Chapter one of the QNA2K fanfic is up.


QNA2K fakepage month:
Pink On Blue
Jam Eaters Monthly - Part Two!
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The hell? Comics? Aw yeah:

The regular strip, QNA2K Presents. Look for more in the future. Drawn by Patrick, obviously.
Episode 1: The Turkey
Episode 2: Rancid
Episode 3: A Really Bad Pun

A comic drawn by our very own Saker

And you say Adam has never done anything for you.
Check out the Mock Zero Wing Theater I did a while back:

And let's not forget Saker's tale of switched rolls, the Captain Jack/M. Bison saga. That sounds a lot like DBZ. Try to not let it bother you. Oh well. Check it out:

Go back to the main page.