Joanie's Wildlife Homepage

Hello! Welcome to my wildlife homepage!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone! Even tho it's kind of late, the spirit's still living, and it wouldn't hurt to keep on spreading it! For now, plz visit my webring or my "working"award pages. Oh yes, check out my What's New? page, I've finally changed it! Not dramatically, but then there are additions!

If you have Crescendo!, turn up your speakers! If you don't or you don't hear anything, download Crescendo! at their site. To test if you do, wait until the music loads below.

The Phantom of the Opera

Please apply for my No Cruelty to Animals Award if you have a homepage with some info on pets or animals!

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I had to replace the Geocities Guestbook, because it started overflowing, so I decided to go back to Lpage.
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Copyright June, 2002

Nothing on this page (for example, articles, awards, graphics) and any ideas can be taken from this homepage. It is illegal to take other people's ideas, so of you want a file, picture, article, whatever, please ask me, I might just give you permission. The midis and graphics of webrings and other causes are property of their owners and are usually free to take, but please visit their homepage first to make sure.

A Geocities Featured Page

Animal Lovers Club

Worldwide Animals and Pets Top 100

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Now I have stopped talking. Please go on with your trip to read about magnificient animals and please bookmark this site!

Frames or no frames?

If I were you, I would pick frames.
Or break out of someone's frames

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