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People for Animal Rights

(PAR) of Central New York

Welcome to the People for Animal Rights Web Page.

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[ Information | Membership | Education Service | Watch us
| Events and Alerts |Vegetarian Dining | Links | Comments ]

PAR information:

We are a local group that educates about animal rights and protecting the Earth.� We host vegan meals, bring in speakers on a variety of topics, have a legislative network, produce a newsletter and other material, produce a cable TV program, and provide educational material and speakers to schools and others.� Read further for details. If you are interested in joining or getting more information about PAR, please contact us:

People for Animal Rights
P.O. Box 15358
Syracuse, NY 13215-0358
(315)488-PURR (7877)
or email: linpar@acmgfcu.net


If you are looking for general information about animal rights rather than looking for a local organization, please contact one of the larger organizations, such as People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), (SEE our list of links as they can send you much more information and material). If you live in or near Syracuse, New York, we would like to hear from you.


People For Animal Rights was formed in 1982 in Syracuse, New York and continues its grassroots, all-volunteer work to protect animals and the Earth. We would like to send you our mission statement ("Animal Rights: A Natural Extension") and a sample of our newsletter. After receiving these, we hope you'll become a member.

Annual dues are $10 for individuals, $15 for families (2 or more people) and $100 for a life membership. The newsletter is included in dues. If you only want the newsletter, please send a donation of any amount. Dues and donations are tax-deductible.


Our Earth and Animal Education Committee accepts invitations to make presentations on environmental protection and animal rights topics from schools, colleges, libraries, houses of worship, clubs, etc. in Onondaga County and nearby counties. Most of our visits have been to middle schools, high schools and colleges. We have videos and handouts and encourage the students to challenge us with their questions and viewpoints. We also provide lists of materials (some free) which teachers can use to teach about animal rights and the environment. And we provide samples of many of the items listed. Libraries can also benefit from our resource lists and free materials. Finally, we have a lending library of videos.


Watch Us! We have our own program, called 'Sharing the Earth', on the public access channel of cable TV (in Syracuse and suburbs), with the same program running every week for a month before switching to new material. It's on every Saturday from 10 pm until 11 pm on the Cable Access TV Channel 98 (96 in some areas).

Showing from 11/05/05 through 11/26/05: a 3-part video including: EcuFilm's "Celebrating Earth", Sierra Club's "Environmentalists Under Fire", and Fund for Animal's "Solving Beaver Problems".


LEGISLATIVE ALERTS: Click below for various Legislative Alerts:

Special Alert: Bonsai Kitten web site is a hoax - Click here for details

Click here for alert related to the effort to shut down Huntington Life Science's cruel laboratory

Click here for alert related to Wegman's grocery chain which owns a huge "egg factory" in Wolcott, NY where thousands of hens are kept in filthy, crowded misery! POSTED AUGUST 2005!!!

Click here for alert related to Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine and the effort to get them to stop cruel and outdated dog labs!

Click here for alert related to Cruel and stupid experiments on monkeys will be conducted by Mark Laudenslager at the University of Colorado! POSTED AUGUST 2005!!!


On Wednesday, October 12, 2005 at 7 p.m. at the Liverpool Public Library in the village of Liverpool, about 40 people attended NY People for Animal Rights' free, open-to-the public presentation by Harold Brown. Harold is a former cattle farmer who now is an advocate for the animals of Farm Sanctuary of Watkins Glen, NY. Free vegan snacks were enjoyed by all. The theme of Farmer Brown's talk was "Plant based vs. Animal based Agriculture: Sustainable Farming in the 21st Century", and his presentation was inspiring!


Twenty-Year Holiday Celebration Gains Momentum as Honored Compassionate Tradition

Watkins Glen, NY � October 25, 2005, � Farm Sanctuary, the nation�s leading farm animal shelter and advocacy organization, invites everyone to a Thanksgiving dinner where turkeys sit as the guests of honor instead of the holiday menu. Celebration FOR the turkeys, now marking its 20th year, is part of the nationally recognized and celebrity supported Adopt-A-Turkey Project and serves as an integral part of the program�s hands-on educational outreach focusing on compassionate consumption.

This annual Celebration FOR the Turkeys will be held on Saturday, November 19, 2005, from 12:00 p.m. � 4:00 p.m. A potluck dinner will be held at the Watkins Glen Community Center and all guests are asked to bring a vegan dish (no meat, eggs, or dairy products) to feed eight people. Ticket cost is $5 per family and registration is required.

Following the potluck dinner and special presentations, guests may travel to the Watkins Glen Shelter for the highlight of this alternative holiday tradition, the famous Feeding of the Turkeys Ceremony. Fortunate rescued turkeys, now enjoying the freedom of their peaceful safe haven, will feast on a special meal of squash, cranberries and pumpkin pie.

For more information, or to register for the event, please call 607-583-2225 ext 221. To register online, visit www.farmsanctuary.org. Reservation deadline is November 11, 2005.

About Farm Sanctuary............

Farm Sanctuary is the nation's leading farm animal protection organization. Since incorporating in 1986, Farm Sanctuary has worked to expose and stop cruel practices of the "food animal" industry through research and investigations, legal and institutional reforms, public awareness projects, youth education, and direct rescue and refuge efforts. Farm Sanctuary shelters in Watkins Glen, NY and Orland, CA provide lifelong care for hundreds of rescued animals, who have become ambassadors for farm animals everywhere by educating visitors about the realities of factory farming. Additional information can be found at http://www.farmsanctuary.org or by calling 607-583-2225.


Linda DeStefano, Lou DeSantis and John Freund cover the PAR table at the Dec. 12 holiday party/fundraiser organized by a new group in Syracuse - Community Animal Project (C.A.P.). The event included vegan food and raised money for building dog houses. Congratulations to Shawn DeLeo of C.A.P. and those who helped him with this successful event.

More information? Contact People for Animal Rights, (315)488-7877(PURR).

More info?� Contact PAR at linpar@acmgfcu.net


Definitions: A vegetarian eats no animal flesh, whether mammal, fowl or fish. A vegan eats no animal flesh and no animal products, such as dairy or eggs. Many people are choosing this way of eating - or at least reducing their flesh consumption - for reasons of health, the environment, animal welfare and reduction in world hunger.

Click Here for List of Restaurants

This is just a sampling. Explore on your own and let us know what you discover!

Some Links of Interest

Vegetarian Pages (Comprehensive index!)
Animal Rights Resource Site
Envirolink (with more great links)
PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals)
Veggies Unite! (Searchable Vegetarian Cookbook)
Vegan Outreach
Animal Rights Law Office
Great American Meat Out
Youth Corps for Animals
Sweet Onion Inn
ETERNAL TREBLINKA - book about the 'Nazi' way we treat animals
Pangea - vegan products (note: we are not personally familiar with these products but thought you may want to check them out)
Take the VegPledge!
Tribe of Heart
World Animal Net
Atkins Facts

Student Animal Rights Alliance has planned several conferences in various areas of the U.S. For information about the national conferences, go to Liberation Now

For info about the regional conferences, go to Demand Liberation

The Student Animal Rights Alliance is at P.O. Box 932, New York, NY 10013, (212) 696-7911, info@defendanimals.org www.defendanimals.org

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�This page was created Aug 1, 1996 (updated November 19, 2005).