Arabic on the WWW Ring

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What is the Arabic ring?

The Arabic ring is a place where HTML developers engaged in Arabic text electronic publishing join for promoting Arabic text publishing, exchanging experiences and hopefully reaching a concesus on the best technologies to use. Exceptionally informative Arbic graphic sites may be included by the ringmaster. This ring is formed under webring.

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What is a ring?

The best place to give you a comprehensive answer is Webring.

Objectives of the Arabic ring:

 Exchange of ideas and techniques of Arabic posting between members.
 Making it easier for the user interested in Arabic to go to the different sites
 Establishing standards for Arabic electronic publishing.
 Use and development of new technologies helpful in Arabic WWW authoring.
 Seeking best services for all members.

Click here to select this site as one of the top 100 Arab sites

Join the Arabic Ring:

The Arab ring is a free service. To join you must have an exisiting Arabic text (again not exclusively graphic) web site.

There are simple steps to follow:

1- Copy the following text file TEXT and the following two graphics logo and next.

2- Insert the text in a suitable place on your site. Upload the modified .htm and the two graphics to your page.

3- Make sure that every thing works properly.

4- Fill the following form (after completing the above steps).

Site URL:

Site Title:


Password: (Please record. You will needed always)

When the operation is complete, you will have an ID #. Record it. This is the number you will put instead of [Your_ID_#]. You will also need it, together with the password, when you want to update your information or add another site to the ring from the Queue.

Want to edit your site information? [active ring members only]

Site ID:

Has someone e-mailed you, asking to be added to the ring?

Click Here


If you add someone to the ring who does not:
you risk being both removed from the ring.

This is a non-functioning example
of how it will look like on your page

Arabic Ring This Arabic site of
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or join the Arabic Text Ring


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