The Arabic ring is a place where HTML developers engaged in Arabic text electronic publishing join for promoting Arabic text publishing, exchanging experiences and hopefully reaching a concesus on the best technologies to use. Exceptionally informative Arbic graphic sites may be included by the ringmaster. This ring is formed under webring.
The best place to give you a comprehensive answer is Webring.
Click here to select this site as one of the top 100 Arab sites
The Arab ring is a free service. To join you must have an exisiting Arabic text (again not exclusively graphic) web site.
When the operation is complete, you will have an ID #. Record it. This is the number you will put instead of [Your_ID_#]. You will also need it, together with the password, when you want to update your information or add another site to the ring from the Queue.
This is a non-functioning example
of how it will look like on your page
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International Telecommunication/Translation