Hi! I'm Jetta the Oustelets chameleon. These pictures were taken of me when I was about 4 months old.
I was only 5 inches long then. I'm not even a year old yet but I'm almost 2 feet long! We grow very fast. Oustelets are one
of the few "giant" chameleons. That means we can get to be as big as 3 feet long!
I live in a 260 gallon Reptarium in my mom's bedroom. I live in here so the dogs won't bother me.
I don't like the dogs.
My favorite foods are crickets and super worms. I love hunting those little bugs! My tongue
is about 1 1/2 times the length of my body. Once I get both eyes locked in on my taget......WHAM!
I snap my sticky tongue at them and pull them in for my lunch.
Thanks for visiting! I should have new pictures up soon.
Special thanks to my friend Michael for helping with the graphics!