Her Majesty the Queen

[His Majesty the Queen.]
Her Majesty the Queen, from the time His Majesty the King returned to Thailand in 1950 with M.R. Sirikit Kitiyakara by his side as his fiancee, to the day of the royal wedding when she became the Queen of Thailand, Her Majesty has since been the cherished Queen of her subjects and the source of their strength and hope. She has been the devoted consort of His Majesty the King and the pride of the Chakri Dynasty.
The sight of Their Majesties standing side by side at their royal residence, at state functions, and during their trips to visit the Thai peoplein different parts of the Kingdom was heart warming for the Thai people. After the miserable days of World War Two, the great loss of their beloved late king, and the departure of the new King who had to continue his education abroad, the return of their Majesties the King and Queen was like sacred water that soothed the soul of every Thai. With their presence, the Thai people were grateful and considered themselves fortunate to have their Head of State back, together with his Queen who is blessed with beauty and grace.
But more than that, Their Majesties have since dedicated themselves to hard work, with the benefit and the happiness of the people as their ultimate goals. They have assisted all the suffering underprivileged poor in ever part of the Kingdom who lack access to opportunities and have no one to turn to.
There is no place that is too far away or too difficult to travel to. For the past four decades, Their Majesties the King and Queen have dutifully served as their people's advisors.
Whenever there is a disaster, regardless of where it happens, Their Majesties are always there to alleviate the hardships, and do so without any discrimination. Their assistance has always been on a continuous basis, to enable those affected by the misfortunes to become self-reliant again.
Their visits to different parts of the country to get to know the people during the early period of their reign has created a bond that binds them with their subjects. Their Majesties have a very close the with villagers in every region of the Kingdom. They have listened to them about their hardships in making a living. His Majesty has never overlooked asingle problem faced by the people and has always looked for ways to adress these problems. Her Majesty, on the other hand, has always responded to the King's plans and directions and is committed to hard work for the benefits of the people. Her Majesty to help local rural people to increase their income by their own skills. Here demonstrations of handicrafts are given and products are sold at competitive prices. This center gives the visitor a glimpse of the typical life of a farmer and their traditional arts and crafts. The center is under the Promotion of SUPPORT (Supplementary Occupations and Related Techniques) and was established under Royal Patronage on July 1976.

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