F.B.Magpie Home Page
F.B.Magpie stands for the Formosan Blue Magpie

Welcome! Don't Buy Old Growth!You have reached the realm of birder Wayne Hsu! So I managed to find an afternoon during this busy semester to fiddle around with Photoshop and create a new graphic title for this site (above). I hope you enjoy the new version as much as I do. I also added a list of all the environmental organizations that I have joined in the page About Myself. I recently completed the trip report of a month-long birding trip around Taiwan from this past summer; you may browse my photos online. I have also been able to obtain some recordings of Taiwan's birds using equipment borrowed from Cornell's Library of Natural Sounds. In the near future, I will work on putting some of them on the web. The highlight of this site, Birding in Taiwan, is not fully completed yet, but I've been adding bits to it every now and then. While I was in Mexico last summer, I wrote (on scrap paper) many more pages for this section. Now I just need to find time to type up and upload them, so be sure to check back! I also made a PhotoPoint album of some excellent bird photos my grandfather took in Taiwan; please be sure to visit! Let me introduce myself. I am a '99 graduate of Taipei American School now studying biology at Cornell University, and picking up U.S. life birds here and there. In 1999 I published a desktop calendar featuring a special selection from over 1,000 butterfly photos that I've taken in Taiwan. I hope you enjoy browsing my home page, and please come back again! Before you leave, please make your contribution to this site by signing the guestbook. Happy surfing!

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About Myself
A brief autobiography about how I became who I am today. Start here if you don't know where to begin!
Birding in Taiwan Under Construction!
An entire section devoted to my passion, birding, in Taiwan! Includes details about Taiwan, places to bird, how to find the endemics, trip reports, annotated checklist, resources, and much more!
Exploring Nature in Taiwan
These are some articles I wrote for GATEPOST magazine.
Photo Gallery
Some photos that I took in Taiwan of:
Birds Art Gallery
Pictures of Taiwan birds that I illustrated using colored pencils.
Wildlife of Taipei American School
Descriptions of various wildlife habitats at the school I graduated from and a checklist of the birds and insects found on campus. I've also compiled a list of Birds Recorded From my Home.
Please make your contribution to this site and sign my guestbook! You may use HTML tags if you wish. The entries lost during the Lpage disk failure have been recovered!
My Favorite Links
Sites that I recommend on the Internet.
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Click to save rainforests!
Click to save rainforests!
E-Mail ME! FBMagpie@usa.net
This website is constantly being updated! Please send me your comments or suggestions. Questions about topics within my field of interest are also welcomed.
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Copyright © 1997-2001
Please request for permission before taking any of the material on this site to use elsewhere.

Last updated December 2, 2001

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