Caresheets and Reviews

Last updated Decemeber 13, 1997

Follow the stars!

Not all caresheets are created equal. Some of these links may lead to questionable iguana information and were included to show how even now misinformation is still around. While some caresheets may provide outdated information in one area (ex: reccomending iguanas be fed insects) they may still have helpful hints in other sections. (ex: housing tips.)

Before you can jump to the caresheet you will be able to read a mini-review for it. I've given a rating 1- 5 stars to the caresheets. The date the caresheet was last reviewed is present. I do go back to see if the caresheets have been changed or updated and adjust the review accordingly.

    5 stars = Excellent, up-to-date and easy to read.

    4 stars = Above average, up-to-date

    3 stars = Average, but no has outdated info.

    2 stars = Needs some work, may have some good tips despite outdated info.

    1 star = Needs a lot of work or extremely outdated

Judging Criteria.

Paul and I both reviewed these caresheets to come up with the rating they received. Some of the things we asked ourselves:

  • Was the diet reccomended plant-based? Was a variety of foods stressed?
  • Was the importance of regular vet check ups stressed?
  • Was hygiene well mentioned?
  • Was the fact that iguanas get large and need large enclosures mentioned?
  • Was the importance of UVB access stressed?
  • Was the need for maintaining good temperatures emphasized?
  • Was the site easy to read and understand? (ex: no distracting backgrounds or colors)
  • Did the paper accomplish its goal? (If it strived to be an all encompassing guide -- did it work? If it was supposed to be a short checklist did it work?)

Add a Link or Send a Caresheet?

We do collect iguana caresheets -- the good, the bad, the unknown. If you have a link, or a caresheet to share with us, please e-mail.

NOTE: If you prefer snail mail, e-mail for mailing address.

Anthony's Iguana Care

Review Coming Soon!

Care of Green Iguanas as provided by the Belmont Pet Hospital

    RATING: (4 stars)

    A short 4-page caresheet covering the basics of iguna care. Covered plant-based diet and common ailments and symptoms well. Nothing about reproduction. Good for a first read into iguanas.

    NOTE: Original possibly written by Richard W. Woerpel, MS, DVM and Walter J. Rosskopf, Jr, DVM

Care and Feeding of the Green Iguana as provided by the Winter Park Veterinary Clinic

    RATING: (4 stars)

    A short 4-page caresheet covering the basics of iguna care. Covered plant-based diet and common ailments and symptoms well. Nothing about reproduction. Good for a first read into iguanas.

    NOTE: Original possibly written by Richard W. Woerpel, MS, DVM and Walter J. Rosskopf, Jr, DVM

The Care of Pet Green Iguanas by Lords Valley Pet Shop

    RATING: (3 stars)

    A short general caresheet with a lot of good tips. I'd liek to see the temps a bit warmer, and the UVB explained more clearly. "Full Spectrum" is not alays UVB. 12-13-97

CARE SHEET FOR GREEN IGUANAS (Iguana iguana) as provided by The Ontario Herpetological Society

    RATING: (2 stars)

    Very short general tips. NO PARTICULATE SUBSTRATES! Diet needs some clarification. 12-13-97

The Complete Guide to Keeping Giant Green Iguanas in Captivity by Jennifer Swofford

    RATING: (5 stars)

    A long booklet covering the basics of iguna care from babyhood to adulthood. Excellent discussion about nutrition and provides nutritional food values in short tables. Because of it's length, it is best downloaded. 12-12-97

Giant Green Iguana Fact Sheet by Philip Maxwell

    RATING: (3 stars)

    One page "fact sheet" giving a brief overview of iguana care. Basics coverage only, nothing about reproduction or advanced care. Good for a quick read. 12-12-97

Green Iguana Care by Flower's Mill Veterinary Hospital, P.C.

    RATING: (2 stars)

    Short caresheet with good info except diet. NO ANIMAL PROTEIN. Humidity box idea is questionable -- although igunaas come from a high humidity natural environment, re-creating that in captiviy can encourage bacteria growth in their cages. 12-13-97

Green Iguana Care by Thomas H. Boyer, D.V.M.

    RATING:(2 stars)

    A short caresheet covering the basics. It was gogin really great until we arrived at the outdated feeding section. NO ANIMAL PROTEIN! It would have rated a lot better ahd this section been improved because the other parts are hold some reasonable advice. 12-13-97

Green Iguana Care by Joyce E. Davis

    RATING: (3 stars)

    Short General checklist of iguana key points with a short food list. Would have liekd to see a little bit about Ca:P and a clearer UVB section. Other than that it is a good short fast read. 12-13-97

GREEN IGUANA CARE - Only the Basics By Kevin Egan

    NOTE: In his homepage K.E. states that direct links may change without notice. I have provided a direct link but if it does not work, try the indirect link and look for his caresheet.

THE GREEN IGUANA (Iguana iguana) By Reptile & Amphibian Magazine Editorial Staff

    RATING: (1 star)

    I strongly disaggree with particulate substrates for an iguana -- he could eat it and get impacted! I'd prefer slightly warmer night temps too. NO LIVE FOOD! This caresheet needs some serious updating. 12-12-97

Green Iguanas: Their care and Captive Husbandry By Norman Frank, DVM

Review Coming Soon!


    RATING: (1 stars)

    No particulate substrates! No Animal Protein! This care sheet is too general for my tastes, and needs a lot of work.

Iguanas: Basic Captive Care Considerations by Patick J. Morris, DVM

    RATING: (2 stars)

    No particulate substrates! No scrambeled egg or egg whites! While some of this caresheet is pretty good, some sections do need updating. 12-12-97

Iguana Blurb by Steve Ford

    RATING: (3 stars)

    Ok guide, but flies around all over the place. A laid back sort of read, but might prove a little difficult to follow. 12-12-97

Iguana Care by D. Kelley

    RATING: (2 stars)

    No particulate substrates! Very tiny lettering makes it hard to read.12-13-97

Iguana Care by The Sanata Clara Pet Hospital

    RATING: (2 stars)

    Very short general caresheet covering only diet, basic housing, temps and some diseases. NO PARTICULATE SUBSTRATES. Housing section needs improving. 12-13-97

Iguana Care, Feeding, and Socialization (ICFS) by Melissa Kaplan

    RATING: (5 stars)

    A long booklet covering iguana care from egg to end. Also has many links to "sub" documents. Really the best thing to do is to print the ICFS and browse through the main index page for the iguana sub-section of her site!

    A wealth of info, but until you familiarize yourself with it some items may be difficult to find.12-12-97

Iguana and Vegetarian Lizards Fact Sheet

    RATING:(3 stars)

    DO NOT USE A HOT ROCK! Use a human heat pad instead! Other than that this is a pretty good basic guide -- would have scored better wihtout hte hot rock stuff. 12-12-97

Iguana Care by Henry Yan (general care plus links)

    RATING:(1 stars)

    Very hard to read (no paragraphs!) and the pages are laid out in a series. Needs a lot of work to clear it up and make it more user friendly... I couldn't get past the first page to review it -- my eyes weren't able to keep up. Use at your own discretion.12-12-97

Iguana TLC Care by Dr. Selmer

    RATING: (3 stars)

    If it weren't for the outdated diet, I would have rated it better. It is thoughtful, and amusingly laid out with Mozilla images to fill in for the iguana. Does have an anatomy area. 12-12-97

A Short List of Essentials for Iguana Care by Sue Solomon

    RATING: (3 stars)

    A very short checklist covering key points in basic iguana care but not going into too much detail. Good to read as an overview.

The House of Galahad

© Copyright 1997 Catherine E. Rigby-Burdette

All rights reserved.

Comments or suggestions always welcome!