Have you read the preface?

Last updated Jan 4, 1998

Forest Iguanas. (digital composition by C. Rigby)

The House of Galahad revolves mainly (but not exclusively) around green iguanas.

While this website will not use frames, you will need a browser capable of handling tables! Otherwise you will encounter problems with using this site! A table-free version of this site is not yet avaialble.This website is graphic intense. Some documents may take a few moments to load.

Did you ever wonder if there was a photo of us?

Table of Contents

The documents below are both housed locally or are outside links to archives by other people. I’ve grouped them here into loose categories, and in the way I find it easiest for me to use. Besides being the things I’ve written, this website is also my big “iguana bookmarks” file!


Reproductive Issues

Biology and Anatomy




Fun Stuff

Non-Iguana Stuff


Spanish Documents


Things Colophonic

Medical Concerns


Extraordinary Web Sites:

The following sites are rich in iguana and other herp info. In fact, too many to re-index here! Instead I offer the "main" doors for iguana care where possible.

Giant Green Iguana Care

The Basking Spot

The Iguana Den

Things Colophonic

The House of Galahad was created on a slowly dying PC named “PigDog” at DarkLizard Technologies using various text-based editors, Netscape Gold 4.0, Microsoft Word 6.0, PaintShop Pro 3.0 and other minor programs.

This site is hosted by Geocities -- your home on the web!

The photographic images within were taken by Catherine Rigby or Paul Burdette. Images by other people have been credited in the source file for the pages and/or visible as footnotes on the page. Buttons and rules and other web doodads were acquired from the web off websites dedicated to providing freebie icons or “hand-made”.

When crediting work on-line in your research papers, please follow either the APA or MLA guidelines. When making your own pages please footnote accordingly. Web material IS copyrighted material, and stealing for whatever purpose is still plagiarism.

Contributers have provided their proof-reading services, images, and other suggestions. Keep them coming!


have wandered past here since Nov 21,1997


This has been a test of the Iguana Emergency Broadcasting System. If this had been a REAL iguana... you would have seen it.

~Paul, being silly.

The House of Galahad

© Copyright 1997 Catherine E. Rigby-Burdette

All rights reserved.

Comments or suggestions always welcome!
