The Chronicles of Galahad:

The Arrival of Dana

As you know, Neil Sweetman has sent one of his girls over to my house to be Gala's girlfriend for a while. Dana is a well-behaved lady so far, and things here are ever the circus.

Dana: [exploring new surroundings] What's that? *lick*

Gala: [following Dana like a lovesick puppy] Why are you looking behind the baby cage?

Dana: [entering gap behind cage] What's in here?

Gala: [sitting in front of the gap] Aren't I lovely?

Dana: [exiting gap, now batting blinds] What's out there?

Gala: [entering gap and coming back out] Why were you looking in here? There is nothing here. This is the toilet! <demonstrates a poop> See?

Cat: [hollering to paul] Poop!

Paul: [hollering to cat] How come I always get the poop back there?

Cat: [hollering to paul] Coz you skinny, white boy. Get the POOP!

Dana: [leaping to rocking chair, trampling Cat's childhood dolls] What's this soft stuff? *stomp*

Gala: [obediently trotting to rocker] Aren't I handsome?

Dana: [placing front hands atop wall unit drawers] Is this a ladder?

Gala: [cooing] Don't I make you quiver in excitement?

Dana: [leaping to wall unit] Can I land here? [...falling...] Guess not. Get outta my way! [nudges Galahad]

Gala: Oh! She TOUCHED me! <little hearts oozing from his tympanums now>

Dana: [patting speakers] Can I climb that?

Gala: [rubbing vent along carpet as he follows Dana] Wanna see my pores?

Dana: [leaping to sit atop record player, effectively slowing down the Rolling Stones to a screeeeeeeennnrgh!] I thought this was supposed to be a carousel?


Paul: [running from kitchen] Oh no!!! DANA!

Galahad: Oh Dana....<bliss> [Cat slowly approaches Dana and removes her from the record and inspects her toes, Paul inspect the Stones.]

Cat: Dana! Don't DO that! <to Paul> Your own fault ,fool, for not putting the cover back on the thing!

Paul: But Gala never goes there!

Cat: He used to til he wrecked that other Rolling Stones. Now he's learned better. Dana is exploring -- we gotta guard the stuff better! She could get hurt or the Stones could get dead!

Dana: Who ARE these people? What's wrong with my feet? Why are you looking at my feet!?

Gala: [licking Dana's tail] Aren't I cuuuuute? Can I see your feet? Hold your tail?

Dana: Don't do that! <nudge> Pervert! A foot freak and tail perv! Sheesh!

Gala: Oh! She touched me again! <swoon> Wanna feel my belly? I'm soft. How about my armpits? Those are soft too.

Clyde to Lucy: He's getting weirder and weirder.

Lucy to Clyde: Yeah, but at least we get the heat pads!

Cat to Paul: He's getting weirder and weirder.

Paul to Cat: Yeah but at least he is not biting our feet this year!

Dana to Gala: Boy, you are weird!

Gala to Dana: <little hearts leaking from his tympanums again> Wanna feel my bulges?

Galahad under Dana. (Photo by C. Rigby)

"The Arrival of Dana"

© Copyright 1997 Catherine E. Rigby-Burdette

The Chronicles of Galahad

All rights reserved.

Comments or suggestions always welcome!