The Chronicles of Galahad:

Pulling Galahad's Tail

[Galahad is asleep on his bookshelf, tail flopped over the front. Paul and Cat are doing an iguana head count before going to bed themselves.]

Paul: He's such a sound sleeper. Hey Cat! Look! <pulls on Gala's tail gently> Ding Ding!

Cat: What are you doing to the poor iguana!?

Paul:<snickering, tugs again> WA-OOOOGAH!

Galahad:<shakes head, still asleep> nergh!

Paul:He didn't even wake up! <tugs> Toot toot!

Galahad:<opening one eye> Ok weirdo.... leave my tail alone.

Cat:Now you did it...he woke up!

Paul:No he isn't..... are you Gala? <pets Gala, who closes eyes again> What a good boy.... What a little sleepy head.... <eyes tail, tugs again and starts to sing> Clang, clang, clang goes the trolley! Ding, ding, ding goes the bell!

Cat:<laughing> He is gonna thwap you in the head with his tail and you'll deserve it!

Paul:He wouldn't do that to his daddy! It is just so tempting, it reminds me of those old pulling doorbells...see? <tug>

Galahad:<wakes, puffs, glares at Paul and turns around the other way, making sure his tail is now BEHIND the bookshelf> Asshole!

Cat:<really laughing now> Oooooo! Dissed by your own iguana!

Paul:<apologetic> I am sorry Galahad... i won't pull you tail anymore.... <pets>

Cat:Ding, ding, ding goes the BELL?

" Pulling Galahad's Tail"

© Copyright 1997 Catherine E. Rigby-Burdette

All rights reserved.

The Chronicles of Galahad

Comments or suggestions always welcome!