About the Chronicles

Cat Rigby-Burdette. (Photo by Paul Burdette)Anyone who says iguanas have no personality, are very boring, and just sit around all day long are very mistaken. While individual iguana personalities range from the sedate and dignified to the zany and impossible, iguanas DO have personality -- it just takes extra effort on the part of their owner's to bring it out. A sick or ill-kept iguana is not going to feel as good as he otherwise might, and his real personality will not blossom.

Iguanas can be very interactive, at times and seek out their owners. They exhibit a wonderful curiosity, and general nosiness that is both infuriating and adorable. They have a "Don't call me, I'll call YOU!" attitude, but when they come calling, you better pick up!

The stories I write about are true. I don't make this stuff up. It really does happen in my house! While I do guess at what my iguanas might be saying to me or thinking, my guesses are within their character traits.

I began writing about my iguanas on the Iguana Mailing List. After enough poking and prodding by the "fans" of my stories, I slowly began collecting my posts with the idea that someday I would archive them all at a website. The collection grew to become what you see here. While I still share some of the adventures with the IML, all of them are archived here.

I really believe herpetoculture is not about who you listen to. It is about maintaining an open mind, keeping abreast of the changes in your herp's captive care, and your devotion and relationship. While The House of Galahad is more about captive care and husbandry skills, The Chronicles of Galahad are about the more emotional aspects of iguana care -- the love, the affection, the bond between an owner and his pet.

Really, iguana ownership can be quite the adventure....

"About the Chronicles"

© Copyright 1997 Catherine E. Rigby-Burdette

All rights reserved.

The Chronicles of Galahad

Comments or suggestions always welcome!
