The Chronicles of Galahad:

Tomato Sauce Envy

10 Nov 1997

The quiet and well behaved iguana was a front. I knew it.

[Cat and Paul are eating dinner at the table. Paul has decided to cook since Cat is ill, and Cat is too kind to tell Paul She is sick of eating hamburger helper, his only dish]

Cat: Oh, you made dinner for sweet! (Oh god, not this stuff again. I have to teach this man to cook something else!)

Gala ponders a tomato attack. (Photo by C. Rigby)Paul: Want a napkin?

[wild scuttling down the mesh noises]

Cat:Look out-- here comes Gala.

Galahad: Fee fie fo fum! I smell tomato sauce and I want some!

Paul:NO Gala! <shoos Gala away>

Cat:He's gonna jump you. <scoops some plain pasta out onto a plate to cool for Gala>

Galahad:I will fool him..... <walks away>

Paul:See -- he is going away.

Cat:He's gonna jump you.

Paul:He wouldn't. Can I have the rolls and the ... AUGH!

Galahad:Gimme that tomato suace! <leaps onto Paul's lap and runs up his chest and flips onto the table in one death defying swift move> Ha ha! Here it is! <scrambles madly to sit in Paul's plate>

[Paul pushes chair away from table, waving bread in one hand and butter on a knife in the other]

Paul:Get him off! Get him off! I can't touch him! I have food! Get him off!

Cat: <calmly eats watching the dinner entertainment>Told ya.

Paul:PLEASE! Help! augh!

Galahad:Why are you flapping? Sit down and behave like a person not an animal. This is the dinner table! Sheesh!

[Cat removes Gala pasta from table, shows it to Gala, and sets it on the floor. Galahad leaps off his dad and chows down.]


Paul:He ambushed me! He waited til I wasn't looking and then got me!

Cat:You sound surprised. <looks at Gala> and I don't think he likes southwest flavor.

Galahad:What is this crap? What happened to mom's homemade tomato sauce?

Paul:Well, that is too bad!!!

"Tomato Sauce Envy"

© Copyright 1997 Catherine E. Rigby-Burdette

All rights reserved.

The Chronicles of Galahad

Comments or suggestions always welcome!