Iguana Babysitters List*

compiled by Sue Solomon

*Note from Galahad and Co. : The House of Galahad copy. Other copies available at other internet locations. This copy was last updated Feb 1997

Here are the names of the generous people who offered to be on my ig sitting list. Some are listed under two cities because they split their time between them.

If you'd like to join the list of possible ig sitters, please send an e-mail to ssolomon@csus.edu with your name, city, state, country if not US, e-mail address, and phone number (optional)

Please let me know if I've made any transcription errors, and please remember to let me know if you change your e-mail address or wish to be removed from the list.

Those who volunteer as ig sitters aren't interviewed or screened by the maintainer of this copy of the ig sitter list, the iguanas e-mail list, or myself. It is the responsibility of the ig owner to do whatever is necessary to feel comfortable about engaging an ig sitter.

Thanks for volunteering! ~Sue Solomon

United States of America
AZ, Phoenix Linda & Jack jgreen@primenet.com
CA, Long Beach Lois(professional sitter) YODASARK@aol.com
CA, Mountain View Alta altab@netwizards.net
CA, Redondo Beach Desiree desiree.wong@trw.com
CA, Santa Ana Christa cboroski@nexus.chapman.edu
CA, Sacramento Sue ssolomon@csus.edu
FL, Fort Pierce Judi (professional sitter) ocserv@gate.net
FL, Kissimmee Joanne gatorfan@phoenixat.com
FL, Orlando Neil neilswee@ix.netcom.com
GA, Atlanta Anna misteria@mindspring.com
ID, Boise Rob reedc@xmission.com
IL, Aurora Bev bev@imsa.edu
IN, Indianapolis Kim kscott@iquest.net
MA, Boston Liza gecko@echonyc.com
MD, Joppatowne Anita aremesch@census.gov
ME, Gouldsboro Barbara bcarter@acadia.net
MI, East Lansing Paul sanschag@sol.bch.msu.edu
MN, Minneapolis Barb johns505@maroon.tc.umn.edu
MO, Kansas City Kris kallen@qni.com
NC, Charolotte Anna misteria@mindspring.com
NJ, Perth Amboy Lysette lfontan@pseg.com
NY, Buffalo Hallie halliec@iaw.com
NY, Depew (near Buffalo) Keith possingk@pce.net
NY, Long Island Ron rrny@wnis.com
OH, Cincinnati Heather & John onutzha@ucunix.san.uc.edu
OH, Columbus Michelle micki@netwalk.com
OH, Conneaut Tom holygral@suite224.net
OK, Norman Kate kate@ou.edu
OR, Eugene Ann augarda@lanecc.edu
SC, Anderson Suzanne scustons@poiusa.com
TX, Austin Jen iguana@baskingspot.com
TX, Houston Hal & Margie halco@chelsea.ios.com
TX, Lewisville (north of Dallas) Bryan bryanj1@flash.net
UT, Salt Lake City Rob reedc@xmission.com
VA, Alexandria Judy & Darryl Judy_Schaffer@lccinc.com
VA, Alexandria Susan & Eric sdavis@brtrc.com
VA, Fairfax Dario dario.capriotti@boeing.com
VT, Brattleboro Susan sumac@sover.net
WA, Maple Valley Jessica & Jason a-debr@microsoft.com
WA, Marysville Tory tory@eskimo.com
WY, Casper Mollie mlfrey@trib.com
Other Countries
Canada, Hamilton, Ontario Mike mike.straightedge@freenet.hamilton.on.ca
Canada, Kelowna, BC Jennifer & Clint kikaz@direct.ca
Canada, Niagara Falls, Ontario Hallie halliec@iaw.com
Canada, Ottawa, Ontario Tracey bp979@freenet.carleton.ca
England, Arlesey, Bedfordshire Dave dbrooke@armltd.co.uk
Israel, Ra'anana Aviva aviva.lipschitz@iso.mts.dec.com

"Iguana Babysitters List*"

© Copyright 1997 compiled by Sue Solomon

All rights reserved.

This file is archived at

Comments or suggestions always welcome!
