Is there a photo of ALL the iguanas together?!

One of the most frequently asked questions about us at The House of Galahad is whether or not there is a photo of us with all the iguanas. The answer is no. Why? Well... YOU try keeping 6 iguanas still, and close enough so that they fit all in one frame!

Cat and Igs (Photo by P . Burdette) Clyde: But mom, I don't want to sit on the crates!

Cat: Easy there, gal. That's my stomach!

Janis: Mom, I don't want to sit on your head!

Lucy: I am tired of your hand, Mom. Are we done now?

Cat: Paul, dammit. I can't juggle iguanas!

Paul: Keep trying.

Clyde: Stupid people! Take the damn photo!

Cat and Igs (Photo by P . Burdette) Cat: Paul, I don't think this is working.

Paul: Try to hold still.

Janis: I am tired of sitting on your head!

Cat: No, Janis!

Paul: How can I take a photo if you keep moving around?!

Cat: But it isn't me! YOU juggle and I'LL photograph!

Paul (Photo by C. Rigby) Paul: See? Galahad holds still.

Stump: Can I run on the carpet again?

Galahad: Stupid kid iguanas running all over the living room. Sheesh.

Cat: Try to get them to hold still. See if you can stack them again.

Paul: They won't cooperate! I can see why this is so hard now...let's trade again.

Stump: Yaaaah!

It's a good thing we were doing this with a digital camera or else we would have wasted many rolls of film! But did we ever get any pictures with all 6 iguanas!? Kind of. But I doubt there will ever be a photo with BOTH of us together AND the iguanas. Unless we tie them up. Or duct tape them. Don't ever try this at home. Really.

Cat and the kids. (Photo by P. Burdette)

Who is who?! Lucy is on Cat's shoulder. Janis is on the top white crate with Stump sitting on top of her. Ziggy is below them. Clyde is under Ziggy. Sir Galahad is on the crates with the blue table cloth.

Who is who, again?! Paul is holding Lucy. Janis is is on top of the white crates. Ziggy is under Janis. Clyde is under Ziggy. Stump is last under Clyde at the bottom. Sir Galahad is still sitting on the low crates with the blue table cloth. He's the good boy!

The House of Galahad

© Copyright 1997 Catherine E. Rigby-Burdette

All rights reserved.

Comments or suggestions always welcome!