Four Colours Teaching

Four Colours Symbol

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A Short explaination about Colours and Conviction

Many people believe that a Spirit has no colour. For this reason I offer the following thoughts. All living beings of Heaven and Earth carry colours. All Heaven and Earth is painted with a kaleidoscope of colour, to accentuate the beauty of life.

The closest one can get to the Creator God, is through a vision and through one's dreams. When one is blessed and has had a vision, the memory of the vision is something you will carry with you all of your life. For visions are so vivid, brilliant, and full of colour, that you remember every detail. Visions are more real than what you see in this world. This is why Native People seek Truth though visions. Spiritual Vision helps everyone to see Heaven on Earth. Dreams of a Spiritual Person are in colour too.

Many People come to us and ask for their colours (for regalia, for ceremonial objects, etc.) and their colours are dreamed, and in some cases, people will naturally wear their colours. Your spirit remembers everything about you and all the objects you have chosen to wear, speaks about the real you, the spirit that you are. Everyone remembers who they really are, but some are more conscious of it than others. The objects and colours you wear and live with remind you of your purpose.

Colours speak! Each and every colour carries teachings and are messages to one and other, telling of their purpose and convictions. Every spirit that emanates from the Creator chose a conviction and was given a divine purpose, to empower all other spirits, to grow greater through love. You have major convictions and minor ones. Even the colour of your eyes and the colour of your hair, hold teachings about your convictions. The more you know about yourself and the convictions you carry, the easier it is to help you to fulfil your purpose and enables you to help others.

When a Medicine person learns or teaches about the Plant People, they will know the Plant's purpose by its colours. Like the Colours worn by the Birds, Butterflies and Fish, Plants to tell other beings of their purpose and colours are used to signal the time for pollination. Colours are a language used in mating rituals, for displays of strength and to warn others. Colours may be used to indicate, whether one being is safe for another being to eat or not, approachable or not. Mankind understands this teaching, of colours, for they follow the Great Spirits by "flying their colours", their flags, logos, tattoos and other sacred designs.

There are colours we wear to call in Spirits, during prayer ceremonies. Colours state feelings. We could go on and on with teachings about colours, for each Tribe and Nation were given teachings about colour, from the Creator, through His Messengers.

So the Big question is; "Why would the colour of your skin mean nothing?" Our skin colour has meaning, like all things! The Creator created Colour so we might understand life better. He gave colours to all things. There are many stories about the various ways different Beings earned their colours, in the beginning of time. Even Warriors in Societies new and old, earn their colours. Why would the ones with Two Legs, people, be any different from the rest of the animal kingdom? If people remember the teachings of colour and conviction, we could understand the different perceptions everyone was given and then we would be able to learn to respect one and another, without discrimination.

The following is a spiritual teaching about the Four Colours of Skin that Mankind wears and shares in, and the Convictions everyone holds. If one being is made up of different colours/races, it just means you have more to understand about your purpose. We are all ONE FAMILY, with different perspectives, that we are supposed to share with one and other to grow Greater in Spirit and Greater in Oneness!

The Convictions You Carry For All To See

The Four Colours teaches about the four tribes of Mankind, and what convictions they were given to carry out, to bring unity,helping all Spirits to grow greater in Oneness. All Spirits are Native to Earth. All the teachings of the Universe are held within the Sacred Circle of Life. This is only one of them.

This is a spiritual writing and is meant to be read a minimum of four times. This is only a partial teaching of the wisdom of the Four Colours teachings.

The Four Colours of People in the Sacred Circle of Life

In the beginning of Creation, All beings new/knew they were made in the image of the Creator God, pure and perfect Spirits of light, emanating from the thoughts of their Father. Made in His image, they knew they were spirits that lived forever, for their Father, the Great Spirit lives forever. All spirits were born through their first and true Mother, the Earth. She supplied Her Children with physical bodies for their Spirits to flow through. Allowing them to live on the Earth, to learn and understand their relationship with one and other. All Children of the Creator God, knew they were related, whether they are as numerous as blades of grass or as singular as the sky, were meant to live in harmony and love, and become greater in the Oneness of Love.

These Spiritual Children, chose convictions to carry throughout all of their lifetimes, giving them purpose, enabling one and other to grow greater through sharing. A conviction is a truthful belief that guides one to action, to fulfill the purpose given to them by the Creator. Every spirit that emanates from the Creator, chose a conviction and were given a divine purpose, to empower all other spirits, to grow greater through love. Love is acknowledging and respecting the purpose of every living thing and remembering that all of Creation is related to you. This acknowledgment and respect enables you to love, protect and care for all living beings. Throughout all of your lifetimes, you have sacrificed your body and your life for them, as they have sacrificed their bodies and lives for you. The Buffalo illustrates the totality of every beings purpose through sacrifice. The Buffalo gave us everything in order that we might live and through time, our physical bodies were to returned to our Mother, the Earth, becoming the grass the Buffalo fed upon. In this selfless way we show love through sacrifice and sharing, becoming greater in Oneness, fulfilling our purpose given to us by the Creator God.

To understand your relationship to one and other, you must understand the convictions you carry. Nothing in the World of the Creator happens by chance. All things happen through the Creator's divine will, in spiritual perfection. The colour of your skin teaches you and others the convictions you chose when your spirit was born. The Creator placed four major tribes of Man on the Earth; Yellow, Red, Black and White, each holding convictions and purpose, to help one and other grow greater in love. Never was the colour of skin to cause division! Your Skin Colour was to illustrate to others your purpose in life and that all mankind were beings of light and all living things are the Children of the Creator God and that all of these Children are Native to Earth.

The Conviction of Yellow Skin

The Yellow Skinned People dwell in the East, where the Sun rises, orienting All through direction and light. In the beginning of creation, the Yellow Skinned People chose the conviction of Wisdom. To acquire wisdom one needs to know that the Creator is the Source of All Knowledge that flows through all that He created. In order to carry out the convictions of knowledge and wisdom, the Creator gave the Yellow People the gift of patience; the ability of acquiring knowledge, through time. It takes patience to endure and foresight to understand its use through time. The gift of patience teaches that it takes time to acquire the knowledge of the ki/keys to life, that become wisdom. Using their gift of patience, the people of the Yellow Skin developed many forms of contemplation,(developing the power of constant thought)and meditation,(taking the flow of a thought action or ideal to its fullest extreme or end). To acquire the knowledge of the tree, one might take a thousand years of meditating of the cosmic tree of life, for trees live longer than one human lifetime. Once contemplated, one has acquired the wisdom of the tree. Now they have the intelligence of the tree. The Yellow People learned to study the Order of the Universe, from one generation to the next using their gift of patience through time, enabling the collection of knowledge that would have been inaccessible to them otherwise. They become wise through patience. Patience is the attribute that made them the ‘gleaners of knowledge’, for they carefully selected good seeds of knowledge, keys/kis of knowledge that opened the doors of wisdom to all the Children of God.

The Conviction of Red Skin

From the South, direction of the Heart of Earth, were born/borne the Red Skinned People, choosing Love as their conviction, they were given the gift of Spiritual Vision, enabling them to envision the spiritual aspects of all life and read the spiritual aspects of all life, and read the spiritual knowledge contained in all living things. Through this vision they understood all of creation as the physical manifestation of thought, eminating from the Creator, flowing through everything, providing all life with purpose. Making Life Sacred. Making all living things sacred. The Red Skinned People knew every living thing, made by the Creator, were Spiritual Beings like themselves, and were to be treated with the utmost respect. The Red Skinned People were given the ability to see the harmony and know the Oneness of Creation. Knowing this oneness, made them the caretakers of all living things throughout the Universe. The conviction of love is based on the spiritual knowledge which flows throughout the Universe and through all natural life. This knowledge enabled the Red People to carry out their purpose and caused them to value the sacredness of life, protecting All life, ensuring the future of their children, for seven generations. Through their teachers in the natural world, the Red Skinned People learned to share all things. Sharing causes caring, caring causes love, love being the Oneness of all life throughout the Universe. They knew that they were to share the Oneness of their vision, to cause a union of the hearts, minds and souls of all Mankind, to manifest love and peace on Earth. Teaching All, that love is caring for All life. Love is the only Natural state in the Universe. For God is Love and created every living thing in Love. The attribute of Spiritual Vision is attained through Love, which enables the Red Skinned People, to fulfill their purpose of protecting All life on Earth, for the future generations, of all Mankind. mouse running

The Conviction of Black Skin

The People with Black Skin, from the West, were born from the direction of Change, choosing the conviction of Respect. The Black Skinned People were to teach All people, however dark their skin, that all beings were Children of God and Children of Light, to be respected as light and like others, their skin held the colour of their conviction. Black, the colour of Respect, was not meant to indicate they were beings of darkness but beings defined by light, Children of God, created in the image of their Father, the Creator. They were given the gift of rhythm; the understanding of living in harmony with the ebb and flow of All life throughout the Natural Order of the Universe. Their knowledge of rhythm was gathered from the elemental forces of nature and the Great Spirits of Earth. Only through their Oneness with the forces of Nature and total respect for All living beings is harmony possible to obtain.

This knowledge of the rhythm and flow of life, enabled the People with Black Skin, to synchronize their thoughts, words and deeds, with the natural laws and acts of Creation, teaching them the respect for All Life in the Order of the Universe. They knew all life was at the mercy of the elemental spirits of nature who dictate the rhythm of our lives. Through this knowledge they understood the heartbeat of the Universe and the rhythm of the Breath of Life. Sharing in one heart, one mind and one soul, they learned to live in harmony with the Song of the Universe and the Mother of all Creation, the Earth. The People with the Black Skin knew that the Oneness of Creation, was obtained through harmony and achieved through the sharing of Respect for All life, causing love and peace for All the Children of Earth.

The Conviction of White Skin

From the North, borne in the direction of spiritual enlightenment, came the White Skinned People, who chose Spirituality as their conviction. Spiritual Belief is the knowledge that you are a Spirit of Light, that emanates from the thoughts of the Creator God and as spirits of light, the White Skinned People knew/new their purpose is to shed light through truth, to destroy all darkness hidden in the deepest recesses of the hearts and minds of Mankind. Destroying all darkness so only light remains in the Universe, for it is the light that ensures a rich harvest of every kind of goodness, righteousness and truth; unifying the Family of God through faith, hope and charity(meaning love not money).

The White Skinned People, were given the gift of movement to carry the Word of God to All of Mankind, and to stabilize the belief, that the Great Spirit of God, flows through every living thing, filling the Universe, becoming all things. There is only One Creator God. He is the Soul/Sol of the Universe and His Son is the physical manifestation of His Great Spirit flowing through a body on Earth. His chosen Son/Sun has all the Spirits of His Father flowing through him. All can see God through His Son, for He is perfect like His Father and emanates from the Great Spirit of His Father. He and His Son are One in spirit, reconciling all the Children of God, through His only begotten Son, in Oneness. Holding to their conviction of spiritual belief, the White Skinned People in the Oneness of Creation, held steadfast in this knowledge through the courage of their conviction, to cause faith in the Oneness of All Life. True faith is acting in a sacred manner, causing faith through example, in one and other, promoting confidence and trust, ridding everyone of fear, promoting a world of peace and love.

The White Skinned People were to share this knowledge to unify all of Mankind, to become as One Family, through the Creator's Great Spirit of Love, which flows throughout the Universe.

All Spiritual People, Yellow, Red, Black, White, colours of the four major tribes of Earth, were made One Family by the Creator God. All were made equal in love and oneness, given substance by their Mother, the Earth. These spiritual beings of light, were to share the knowledge gained through their convictions, so that all Spirits would grow greater through Love. Remaining steadfast in faith, is never compromising your convictions, given to you by the Creator God, nor ever stepping off the Path of Light.

All the Peoples of Earth fell off the Path of Light. So Return to the convictions that God gave you. Use your gifts to empower one and other through the sharing of your knowledge of life and love. Unify as the Children and Spiritual Beings that you are. Only when all living beings(swimming, flying, standing, crawling, two and four legged) are respected as Sacred Spirits, all beloved of their Father the Creator God, understood through the convictions of the Wisdom of the Soul, Love of the Heart, Respect of the Body and Spirituality of the Mind, will the Oneness of the Universe, cause Peace. When All Spirits, return to holding steadfast in their faith and have the courage of their convictions; Loving the Creator God and Loving One and Other; only then, will the Oneness of the Universe cause Peace, Unity and Heaven to appear on Earth, for All generations.

Simply Love one and other.

WRITTEN BY Del Ashkewe and Paula Johnstone

also known as Immortal Thunder and Lightening Woman

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