When are we Whole and Healed?
I have been there and I try not go there...in my personal past, any more. When I was a child, I knew that alcohol, ruined lives, and I prayed that the day would come, when all the alcohol in the world would burn up...so no one on the Earth, could drink again. In every family I met, Alcohol had found a way in and had left a path of destruction, much like a blazing trail, that even a blind person could follow. As an adult, I experienced alcohol in many ways, and those ways all led to darkness, pain and sorrow. I saw alcohol continue it's destructive path all around me. Alcohol eats up lives, in much the same way as fire eats wood. As an adult though, I knew I had a choice. I could continue the path of destruction my parents and society left me as my inheritance or I could change the things they taught me. I could choose a new way to walk. Why not learn from others mistakes?
Anyway, now I am a Spiritual Teacher and I have learned to understand the Spirit of Alcohol. Alcohol used to be called Spirits, remember? Spirits not Alcohol, meaning there is more than one Spirit involved to form the body of alcohol. Each glass you drink, is actually an invitation to 21 Evil Spirits to come live in your house(Body, your body is supposed to be the temple for the Holy Spirit enter in). Twenty One Spirits that have the ability to effect one's Spirit on all levels of consciousness, and through this manipulation can cause physical harm to manifest in a variety of ways. These Evil Spirits have a single purpose too. Their purpose is to find the weaknesses in your Spirit and then enhance them to make them greater. Thereby as Evil Spirits, they fulfil their purpose of destruction. The ultimate victory for these spirits is to lead you and as many others, to Death. Remember they are Evil Spirits, and they lie and do not die. They just move on to a new host Body, once yours is used up. You do not die either, but the Body you need to live your life through, may die or become crippled, and your Soul can be seriously damaged.
Another thing that the Spirits of Alcohol do is they make you displace or loose consciousness. These Spirits have an affect on the Spirit of Water. Water is life and consciousness! When you drink, you know that the Alcohol has the ability to make your body dehydrated. That is the physical symptom. The spiritual symptom is the "Battle for Consciousness" that takes place. Many people have experienced this battle and know they have lost, when they have black-outs. This loss of consciousness is when the Spirits of Alcohol are in absolute control of your Body.
These Alcohol Spirits need to cling to your weaknesses and feed on them. They search for weaknesses in your Spirit. If you have a Gluttonous Spirit flowing through you, or a Wanton Spirit, or a Destructive Spirit flowing through you, then these evil spirits, using the doorway or portal of alcohol, enter your body and attach to the weaknesses in your Spirit. They then enhance that weakness and cause you to do the things you know are wrong. You are drunk and in a weakened condition, so you comply easily with these evil spirits. Later, through further manipulation of your emotions, these evil spirits may make you feel "guilty" or "desirous", so you will desire to go and have another drink, or feel guilty about being weak and drinking, and want to drown out these emotions, helping these evil spirits even more. You are now captive to the Spirits of Alcohol. You have become a willing participant in their vicious cycle of Alcoholic Destruction. They get real happy, when you are struggling or completely destroyed or dead, or when they can cause destruction in the moral and physical lives of others around you. These Evil Spirits have then succeeded in fulfilling their purpose, with your help. They need your co-operation to host their party of destruction.
What can you do? You just have to choose not to lift the glass! See the Evil Little Spirits looking up at you. Knowing what the problem is, seeing the evil beings, naming the spirits that you are trying to defeat, is the largest part of this battle. Alcoholism is a State of Being. One cannot be a Human Being, when one is an Alcoholic. You are an Alcoholic Being! For the Spirits of Alcohol are in control of your Being. When you Stop drinking, you begin to take control of your life and become a human being again. You defeat the Spirits of Alcohol and help yourself and all of us. You demonstrate Love for yourself and Love for others. You defeat Evil. Know that when you defeat the Spirits of Alcohol, you have defeated a small army or evil. Evil Spirits are only strong if you empower them. Love and goodness can overpower all evil. You can choose to be a victorious warrior, defending your life and the life of others. What a Victory for All Life!
This leads to one other point. I have tried to share this with others in Healing Circles and I feel it needs to be brought up everywhere! To begin with, Healing is supposed to be a support step, not a life-long career. I have always felt that Support Programs, do not elevate your thoughts and take you far enough on your journey of recovery. Many groups use a certain format and it works something like this; they make you stand up and say "Hi, I am "your name" and I am an alcoholic" which is good, when you first start any healing program, for you need to admit there is a problem and you need to recognise all the aspects of that problem. You definitely need to except your responsibilities. The responsibilities you have for yourself, for others, and for the problems arising from your lack of control over your habit of drinking and the desires of your addiction.
Now, I understand that one can go to meetings for years, and say the same introduction over and over. My question is this... "When can one say they have defeated these Evil Spirits?" " When can one say, they are healed and whole?" "When does one say, they are no longer an Alcoholic?" At some point you can actually heal and become whole once more, not dependent on alcohol and the life associated with alcohol. If you don't believe you can become whole, why quit drinking?
As a Spiritual Teacher, I know that every time you say; "I am This", you call in that Spirit. You are or become "This Spirit". So when one says; "Hello, I am 'your name' and I am an Alcoholic", they are an alcoholic, over and over, and that Alcoholic Spirit is invited to come and flow through you, and is once again flowing through you, when you leave your meetings. No wonder, it is so hard to quit! If one does not order these Evil Spirits to leave and stay away...they stay with you!
Why not stand and say "Hi, I am 'your name' and I am working on Health and Wholeness!" Call those strong and powerful Spirits to you. Give yourself a gift, each and every time you say those words, "I am healthy and whole", so you become more healthy and whole! Then one can immediately defeat the Spirits of Alcohol! You are what you say you are! Your thoughts become You. Become healthy and whole. If you made mistakes in the Past, why repeat them? If they were wrong before, repeating them, talking about them, won't make them any better, now. Your past, is better left in the past, where it belongs. Practise forgiving yourself and others. Concentrate on the gift, of this day. Go forward and make a new life and a new future, each and every day!
You need to let go of the Evil Spirits of Alcohol, that have a hold over you and/or your family. Bring the Spirits of Health and Wholeness, as gifts for everyone around you! Put childish things behind you and walk like an adult, Clean and Sober. Remember too, that giving is better than receiving and sharing is the greatest gift of all! Share the gift of Sobriety, Health, Wholeness and Demonstrate your Love for others!
In the Spirit of Sharing,
Lightening Woman
Read the Spiritual Teaching on Emotions verses Feelings, it will make you feel better. This teaching was my "Christmas" gift to all my Brothers and Sisters on Turtle Island that are suffering due to Alcohol. I wish you Health and Happiness!1999.
This ring is for people who have broken the chain of Alcoholism. Recovering alcoholics, Adult Children of Alcoholics, or friends and relatives who have endured what this disease does to them.
"Empowerment is about being able to change things. It is not only about anger at injustice and suffering. It is not only about having a deep feeling of Love. It is about having the courage to use love as a powerful force to act against injustice in any form."
Pregaluxmi Govendaer, South Africa Member of African National Congress