Morning/Rising Teaching


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What To Do Upon Rising

The reason I am sharing this information, is because I am asked what I do every day to begin my Walk in a Sacred Way. I believe that the start of your day is one of the most important things we do, as it sets the mood, or tone of your day. We All need to greet the Sun, and the Earth, the two Greatest Spirits, Our Mother and Father, who have provided us with all things.

Every morning on rising I have been in the habit of pledging my love and alliance to the Creator. This is important, for we were never to pledge to any Thing or any One other than God. The Creator God is the One and Only Being, that should be dictating your Path each day and the One in charge of your Life. It is His Will we are to strive to fulfill and not our own or any one else's will, that should guide you through each and every day. No one except the Creator of All Life knows what is best for you and how to guide your growth, how to make you into the most powerful and perfect Child that He wants you to be. So start your Day in His Light.

For example I pray;

Creator Father,

I pledge my love and alliegence to you this day,
Your will, is my will.
Guide my footsteps on Your Sacred Path and fill my mind, heart, body and soul with Your Holy Spirit, So that I might think, feel, speak and act in All Ways that are Right and Pleasing to You.
Help me to protect my Mother the Earth,and All My Relations, All those that are Natural.
Protect me from all evil spirits.
Defeat my Enemies
Thy will be done,in All Things.
Nya Wey!

Sometimes I ask for specifics if I have something special to do on a specific day. The Creator used to wake me up at 4:30a.m. and not let me back to sleep until I had prayed, and that's how I learned to make sure I never missed a morning.

Another thing that women are supposed to do each morning, is to give thanks for the Water. We are the keepers of the Sacred Water that brings New Life into the world. This is the water that women carry in their womb, and so it is our responsibility to give thanks and ask protection for the Waters, of Our Mother, the Earth. Water is symbolic of Life and Consciousness(Wisdom). Whatever Water chooses to become, it becomes. Drink deeply of the Waters of Consciousness and fill your Spirit with Life! Water springs abundently from the Heart of the Earth, and flows along through the Her veins, as Rivers of Life, to the Children, She Loves. Water flows from the tops of Mountains into the Valleys of Earth, bringing life to all things. To deny anyone water, is to deny one life, and is the gravest of errors. Water is Sacred. Life is Sacred.


Some peoples offer water to the 4 or 7 directions. To do this you can keep a small bowl by the sink with a sprig of Cedar(women's medicine) to use for sprinkling the water. Also it is the morning glasses of water that help to replenish the water lost at night. So it is the woman's responcibility to encourage her family to drink two glasses of water, each morning on rising.Remember that water is power. Hydro power is made of water, so why wouldn't it make you powerful since you too, are made mostly of water.(more water teachings in the Red/Blue writing)

Men are the keepers of the Sacred Fire. This Fire is the loving fire their family gathers around, in the morning and in the evening. This Fire keeps the Family warm, fed and protected. It is the Man's duty to keep the fire stoked, making sure there is enough wood to feed the fire.

The most important aspect of Fire is that it is symbolic of the Soul of the Creator God. The Fire on Earth is the Spark of Light that reflects the Sun and guides all the Children of Earth, each and every Day of our lives and lights our path in the Night. This means that Fire is symbolic of Light and Faith. The Fire-Light or Star, we follow is the Wisdom of the Sun/Son. Fire is Faith. Through Fire or Faith one can be purified and made strong. Through the testing of the metal, of those around them, one places the nessesary material or light/wisdom into each and every family member to ensure their survival.(more on metal/sword in the Warrior teaching) Men are the Spiritual Heads of the Family that the Creator gives them. They are to be the Light that guides the Family, through Faith. Tending the Fire, feeding the fire in Love and protecting the Faith will keep all the Family's of Earth, Strong and Whole. Teach your Family how to walk in a Sacred Way following the Creator God, our Father, the Sun.

These few thoughts will bring about a great change into your life! Feel free to share this with others. Have a red and blue day! Have a Sacred Day.

Written by Lightening Woman

Paula Johnstone

Medicine Bag

May the Sun brighten your days and warm your heart and the Moon light your way and soothe your nightly dreams.

Let the waters refresh you and wash your fears away and most of all let Mother Earth nourish your body and free your soul.

For more teachings or workshop information, write: Meshu Peshu Productions, Box #98135, 970 Queen St. East, Toronto, Ontario.
M4M 1J0
Donations are accepted, and are needed so we can eat. Thankyou.
Permission is given to copy these writings provided they are left unchanged and in their entirety. August 30th, 2000

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