Our Spirits are real and more important than our physical bodies, for without our spirits, our bodies are merely corpses. Our Spirit flows through many Bodies, a Physical Body on Earth and many other Soul/Sol Bodies. We have 7 Souls, that our Spirit continually flows through. Our Spirit is like a river that flows from the Sacred Mountain, representing the Creator, flowing through us, forever flowing to the Ocean, where it is then lifted up, when we die, into the Sky to fall once more, as rain upon the Mountain once again. Spirits like water, flow and Souls are the Bodies of Light(stars) that guide you and keep you on the Sacred Path the Creator God has ordained for you.
Accepting the undeniable presence of the Spirit of God in all things, makes it easy to understand that Human Beings are the Spirits of God first, and the body is the chosen vessel through which either, the Will of God or the wilful thoughts of Humans, are manifest or made clear for all to see. It is the body that manifests the intent of Human thought, through actions that make them clear to others, by their effect upon their lives. The actions carried out by the body make the intent of Human thought, matter to all life. Ideas are thoughts and the thought is the 'spirit of a word' that each Spirit carries forth. If the thoughts of Mankind are based upon the Will of God, life will flourish. If their thoughts are based upon the wilful ambitions of Mankind, life will be destroyed and their love will die.
Knowing the Body is a sacred vessel through which our Spirit flows, is one of the most significant understandings of your life on the Earth. For without ever coming to this understanding, you would miss the entire reason of Creation. If you as a Spirit never flowed through any physical body, you would have no basis to understand that you are an individual or one spirit in the Body of Oneness or in the Universe. Your Body is an assessing tool, and through your senses you are able to assess your placement and relationship in the Universe. As Spiritual Beings every experience we have on Earth and in Heaven, is a Spiritual experience, whether one chooses to recognise it or not. Understanding that we are Spirits first, teaches us that the Spirit World is real and that reality in the Physical World is only one level of the Spirit World.
Your Spirit was born when the Creator God first thought you into existence. At that moment you were born as a Spirit of His ever-living and ever-lasting thought. You are one Spirit. You were given a Soul/Sol Body, the Star that is the Soul that your Spirit will flow through and return to, many times on your Spiritual life-journey. Only after the Creator instructed you in Love and gave you Purpose, did you start your journey towards the Earth. On the way to the Earth you passed through the Moon where you were joined with your Soul Mates. What the Creator joined together, no man can change. You were then born into your first Physical Body, and borne by your first and true Mother, the Earth. That is why the Earth is everyone's Mother. We are all connected in blood, and made into one race, the Human Race. Your physical Body has three Souls. The soul under your feet, that keeps you connected to your Mother, the Earth. The soul of your mind, sitting as the pineal gland or lotus of light, that connects you to the Heavenly bodies, and the soul spinning close to your heart, that when in balance, connects you to All life. These bodies of light make up the Soul that is you.
To clarify the 7 Souls your Spirit flows through...they are, The Sun-Soul of God the Creator of the Solar System(Sols/Stars of Earth), the Star-that is you, The Moon, The Earth, and the 3 Souls of your Body, the soles of your feet, connecting you to all things Physical, the Soul of your mind, connecting you to all things Heavenly, and the Soul located in your Solar Plexis, that connects you to All Life. To make your Soul eternal, you must choose your future Sol/Soul, the Family of Souls, that you will spend Eternity with.
You are a Spirit that emanates from the Creator and you are born through Earth, your First Mother. We are a product of this Union of Divinity, the marriage of our Father and our Mother. We are the Children of Earth. You are a Spirit 'flowing'(continually flowing...not filling, or stuck in a body) through a Body. You are some One, not some Body. With the breath of life, you become some One, one Spirit that flows through a Body, here on Earth to learn how to love and grow greater, in the greater 'Body of Oneness'.
Your spirit is born only once. For like your Father, the Great Spirit(the Creator God, the One and Only), you were made in His exact image, and like the everlasting Spirit that He is, you as His Child and one of His Spirit's, lives forever. You are here on the Earth to learn to reconcile yourselves to God. That means that you were given Free Will. You were given the free will to choose which Soul Body you are going to reside in for Eternity. You have a choice. Will you choose to live in the Family of the Creator God or be destroyed with the Fallen Angles, at the End of Time? This time of Reconciliation, the one time when the Creator God will destroy all those Beings that refuse to live in Harmony and Respect with those that love Life. Therefor they will loose the life, they do not cherish. So love All Life! Choosing which Soul Family that you will spend the rest of eternity with, should warrant one's full attention and action.
You know how everyone is writing books about their 'near death experiences' these days? (New-Agers are making a lot of cash on this one.) Well, understand how common this near death experience is. I believe everyone has experienced this more than once.
If one is outside walking about and they come to a cross-walk and they start to cross the road, and a car that was supposed to stop to let one cross, doesn't stop but runs through the cross road and just misses killing the one trying to get across the street, is this not a 'near death experience'? Now it is not as dramatic as a 'near death experience' where someone leaves their body and is aware of it. Or where someone leaves their body and sees a light at the end of a tunnel. These 'near death experiences' happen to people all the time and are just large "Stop Signs", Destiny Points, that the Creator places on someone's Sacred Path, to tell them they are going in the wrong direction and need to take time to 'reassess' their journey.
The described path that the majority of people come back and share with others is; they die, leave their body, see a light, start to move towards it and start a journey down a tunnel and sometimes see loved ones before them, beckoning them or giving them a message. This Sacred Path is familiar to all of us, for it is the same path we journeyed on or in to get to this Physical existence (plane). They are describing the 'Birthing' process, that every person on the Earth has experienced, to get here. A baby being born, heads down a tunnel, towards the light, and sometimes see loved ones before them, as they enter this world. The 'Re-Birthing' experience is the same life-journey. We have all experienced this life-journey many times as we are 'Re-Born' into the Spirit World. We know that the Spirit World is the "real" world, as we are "Spirits" flowing through a body. One simply has to grow in awareness, awaken in Spirit, become "Wakan/Holy (Pawakan-Cree)" to see the Circle of Life in a clear and whole way.
Why would one fear death? The only reason one should have fear, is when one has not asked our Loving Creator God, for forgiveness for their/our Selfish and Wilful ways, which has caused so much pain for those around us, those that we share life with. For we were told to Love one and other. That means we were to be concerned for every living beings welfare. We all know that what we think, feel and do has an effect on All Life. We were shown through example, that sacrifice for those we love is the greatest gift we can give to one and other. Sacrifice is the greatest of all gifts....not Selfishness or Self-Centeredness. In understanding this, one acts, making right decisions that take All Life into account and ones actions speak to All others, and clearly shows all others that you choose to walk in harmony with Life. You are a changed being. You act, you don't just speak the words of change, you become the Wings of Change.
It was the example given to us by the Son of God, so All would understand that each and every One of us, is capable of personal sacrifice for Love. Native People have always understood this. The Buffalo teaching and the Tree teaching hold this lesson for us. Many other Great Spirits teach us this also. Every Family of Creation were given similar ceremonies and teachings, to understand the importance of Love through Sacrifice. It is not the Physical Sacrifice that is really important. It is the Spiritual Sacrifice that pleases the Creator.
Only those that live for themselves and their personal empires, should have fear of death. For those are the beings, that the Creator will destroy. He will stop thinking of them one day and their soul light will go out, die and be forgotten forever.
He loves All those willing to be corrected and those willing to change and those that will understand that His Plan, is better than their own. Those that will give Him the most Sacred Gift, their Free Will. That is the only thing we have to give, our Will to Him, for it was the Creator that gave us everything.
Many of these thoughts were inspired by my friends in the Iron Houses, the Prisons of America, who are working on their Spiritual growth. Chi Meegwetch!!! For the many lessons you'all have shared and taught me. For further understanding, read the Respect Teaching. Pray for those that are confined by prisons, in the mind and elsewhere.
From my Spirit to Yours in Love,
Lightening Woman