

The Strawberry teaches every one about the Trinity of Womanhood, the Great Mothers of All Women, and symbolises the Heart of Love, and Hope of All Nations. Teaching the rites and elevation of Girls to Women, the Strawberry teaches us to be like Our Mother, the Earth, and demonstrates her Love as abundant, ever flowing, life-sustaining and everlasting.

This is a spiritual writing and is meant to be read a minimum of four times. This is the wisdom of the Spirit of the Strawberry; Our Mother, the Earth's message of love, to help all the Daughter's of Earth, to Grow Greater.

The Strawberry

The Strawberry Leaf symbolises the Trinity of; The Earth; the Heart of Creation, the Moon; Daughter of Earth and the First Woman; the Grand Mother of All Mankind. Through these three Great Female Spirits; the Daughters of Mankind were brought Fourth, to become the Mothers of Nations and through this Trinity, the spirit of Womanhood was made 'Continual'. Women giving birth to Women in Heart, Mind, Body and Soul.

The short growing season of the strawberry plant illustrates, how fleeting childhood is. The petite white flowers signify the innocence of childhood, and the dropping of these petals, the loss of that childhood innocence signified by the development of the white berry. The white berry represents the physical blossoming of Child Adolescence and the formative knowledge of adolescence. Though the white petals of innocence are lost, their replacement by a white berry signifies that virtue is prized and passed on. When this white fruit begins to become flushed with red, it represents the hot flushes of confused feelings, the maturation of unfamiliar feelings, the sexual immaturity that agitates the adolescent. The adolescents urgent need to satisfy these urges, makes it imperative that this new adult, be taught the virtues of abstinence. The red fruit of the Strawberry(this is where the Anglo Saxon word "Streowberrie" which means "strewn on the ground" comes from) appears to be droplets of new blood coming up through the ground from the Womb of Earth. Thus exposing the once hidden white seeds of the berry.

Fresh Berries

These tiny white seeds (the seeds are the true 'fruit' and are called achenes) symbolise the Abundance of our fertile Mother, the Earth, just like the starting of a Woman's Menses tells of her ability to bring forth life, and the sign of a Girls elevation into Womanhood. This Time of Change is signalled annually by the Appearance of Strawberries(the Strawberry Moon), beginning the annual rites of passage for Girls changing into Women. The bright red colour of the Strawberry reminds us of the Heart of Earth, and the colour of Her conviction of Love, the vein in which we as Human Beings chose to live. The Strawberry symbolises the Love of our Mother the Earth, the Abundance of Life and the Fertility of Womanhood. The Strawberry teaches us to become like Our Mother, the Earth and to carry Her conviction of Continual Love.

Women bring forth life, by giving birth to the Children of Earth and are to teach them the continuity of love, through the understanding of the Trinity of Womanhood. By teaching the Female Children of Earth, to take on the Spiritual aspects of the First Woman, they teach their daughters to become like the First Woman, who is the physical manifestation of the Spirit of the Daughter of Earth, the Doter Moon. The Moon, who for her adoration of Earth, was given all of the Spirits of Earth to call Her own, earning Her the title of the Mother of All Mankind, and all the beings that relate to man how to live in harmony with the rhythm and flow of All Life in the Universe. The Native American expression 'All My Relations' is related to this ideal. Through the Moon's rhythmic effect on the Waters of All Life on Earth, she assists all beings on the Earth, to bring forth life. She became the First Mid-wife, whose intervention, on behalf of All Life on Earth, assisted her Mother with the birth of her Brother the Northern Star. She helped in the enfolding of Life, by moving the Sea, to cause the ebb and flow of life, bringing balance and harmony into Her Mother's life, assisting the Earth, in the birth and raising of Her Children. Born through the kneading of Earth by the Sea of Consciousness, She, a Rose of Earth, was elevated and lifted into the Universe by the Power of Her Father, the Sun. She chose to follow in the wake of Her Father's footsteps, reflecting His Light, to give direction to the Children of Earth. Like Her Father, she is born in the Sea of Consciousness (knowledge) and sets in the Sea of Tranquillity (peace), a Pearl of Wisdom enthroned in the Sea of Tranquillity. A pearl of wisdom; she was the pebble that was thrown into the Sea of Tranquillity, which caused waves of consciousness, to touch its varied shores. She is the Sage of the West, Sea Star of the Earth, God Mother and Great Aunt to the Children of Earth. The Moon is the Great Mother of the women's Rites of Passage into Womanhood and Grand Mother in the rites of Motherhood and the Great Aunt of the rites of Sisterhood. A Keeper of Time and a Protector of the Night, she is the reason why all the Women of Earth honour, celebrate and participate in Women's Ceremony during the Four Phases of the Moon.

The Strawberry Plant, honours the Earth, the Moon and the First Woman and carries their teachings for the Children of Earth, so they may be forever reminded of the Love of this Trinity of Mothers.

The growing season of the strawberry plant is very short and depending on the demographics, can be between 13-19 days in length. Starting life from a small, brown, tear-shaped seed, the Strawberry plant grows a short, strong, woody root stalk, hairy green stems topped with three sharp-toothed leaves and the plants glory; delicate, five-petaled white flowers on top of a green crown, that when pollinated turns into sweet, juicy, red, heart-shaped fruits. The whole of the Strawberry Plant or Heart Berry carries the teachings of the fertility of women and the rites of passage into womanhood and the extended family or expansion of the Nations. These teachings are carried out on three levels of Consciousness; a spiritual level, a conscious(mind and heart) level and a physical level.

The quick growth actively demonstrates one of the strongest, life-forces in the Plant Kingdom. This life force is even evident in the cold winds of Winter, for when you dig under the deep snows, you will find the three, deep-green leaves peeking up at you, reminding you of the Creators' promise of renewal and the continuation of life after death. This small and wondrous messenger, reminds you that Spring will return and the Strawberry Plant will once again flourish, bringing the blessings of Hope and Abundance. This nourishment for the Soul becomes the nourishment and vitamins needed for the physical Body during the long, dark days of Cold.

The three leaves of the Strawberry also brings us one of the very first teachings; the teaching of our Tribal origins. Each of the three leaves, reminds us that all the Tribes of Earth, were set up with three/tri/tres Head Beings, that cared for the Heart, Mind and Soul of their People. These Chief beings, knowing that all life was Sacred, that All Life was Related, were never swayed from their convictions of Love, and upheld the Sacred Laws, the Laws based on the flow of Universal Order, making sure that All Members in their Tribe Respected and held All Life Sacred. The three leaves symbolised those the Chief Beings followed; their Father, the Sun, the Sol/Soul of the Creator, His Heart and Other; our Great Mother, the Earth and the Moon, the Minder and Sol/Soul that all the Children of Earth share in and flow through. The three leaves also remind us of a Triune God, the Great Spirit; the Creator God, His beloved Son, and the Holy Spirit that flows through the Family of God, the Body of Oneness. The leaves remind us All of the Great Circle of Life and the Sacred Path we are All to Walk.

The Circle of life begins in the East, through the doors and passages of the Fourth Eyes of all the Female Spirits. The Female Spirits, taking after their Mother, the Earth, give birth to our Physical Bodies. We are only Bodies until Our Father, the Creator in whose image we are made breaths His Great Spirit into us, making us the Spiritual Beings we are. It is our Father that gives us Life, allowing us to share in the Breath of Life; the gift of God, given to all the Flowers/Flow-ers of the Tree of Life. Knowing that you are Spirits flowing through a body, you know you continue flowing along the River of Life, making choices, reaching for your destiny, the stopping place, your physical death; the death of your Body. Reaching for Light you remember that you are Spirit like your Great Father, that life is everlasting, and you are being reborn into the next world, and will continue in this circle of life. The Strawberry, prolific and plentiful, like the Earth, who continually gives Bodies for our Spirits to flow through, reminds you that life is everlasting.

From the Budding Moon until the Strawberry Moon, you will see the strength of the small Strawberry Plant, quickly reaching out to embrace Maturity or their full flowering. Children like Flowers have a natural innocence and purity, of which we are reminded when we see the pure white flowers of the Strawberry. These virginal blossoms, are symbolic of the Earth's virtuous Conviction of Love. Flowers are the Sexual organs of a Plant announcing to all their readiness for pollination, so they may fulfil their purpose, to perpetuate life. Like the innocent blossoms, our young girl-children, grow quickly in beauty, reaching for Maturity, their bodies changing and developing the organs necessary for mating. These young virgins are cherished, instructed and honoured in all Tribal teachings during this Natural Transformation.

During the Budding Time, the young girl, growing towards maturity, can be recognised as her body takes on a new shape, much like the new shape that starts to form on the stem, signalling to all that a change is starting to occur. At this signal usually by the thirteenth year a girl, begins her more formal teachings, and in tribal tradition, her Spiritual Guides/Teachers, start the instructions necessary for her transformation and natural elevation.

All women older than her, in the tribe, have a responsibility to take more time to instruct her in the knowledge she will need, to be a good woman and mother. Having gone through this transformation and elevation themselves, remembering the new thoughts and stirrings, the older women know that these young-girls-soon-to-be-women, will want to experience the taste of love from a man. It is the Women who teach the virginal girl, the importance of control and abstinence, teaching her the reasons to stay pure, teaching her about virtue. Virtue is the inherent power and authority of property, naturally given to women. The Women teach the young girls the teachings of property and management of their future households and territory rights. During this transformation time the girl-soon-to-be-woman is taught about faith, hope and love, for these are the gifts that will soon spring forth from her womb. It is in everyone's best interest that she be instructed well for the many challenges ahead, for she will soon become a Mother of their Nation. The more upright and moral the Primary teachers, the Mothers of the Nation, the more Powerful, Beautiful and Great the Nation.

The actual flowering time, is when the body announces to All , through the first Moon, or first show of Menstrual Blood, that the girl, the virgin, has now developed fully and will be able to bare fruit from her womb. She is now a Woman! Naturally elevated by the Creator and a blessing to the Earth!

There are many ceremonies that take place at this time and the girl-turned woman, is guided by her close female relative(s). Usually, on the first moon, the young woman separated from others, is instructed in the sacred rites of womanhood, she is told of the joining of Man and Woman and instructed how to care for herself during her cleansing time. She is made to understand the fullness of her power of change and is fully instructed in her new moon-time responsibilities. She is taught how truly powerful a woman and her thoughts can be. It is a woman's thoughts that are the first thoughts taught to all people, for the woman is the first or primary teacher; the primary teacher of all children, male and female. She is the first teacher of the future generations and it is her thoughts that align the future. The new young woman is taught to hold only good thoughts, thoughts that will strengthen and bring beauty to the Nation and the Future. She is made to understand that as a future Wife she will be cooking for her family and it is only her thoughts that enter into the food she prepares. For as everyone knows it is the Spirits of Fire and Water that cook food. She is taught that as the body flushes and cleanses each month, with the ebb and flow of the Moon, the Woman's power ebbs and flows too. All of the woman's power(thought or knowledge, is power) is flowing out from her during this time and she needs to be aware how this power can affect others. It is for this reason, that woman naturally separate themselves from others, for they would never want to cause another, an ill or harmful thought. They do not cook and they do not usually attend ceremonies other than the Full Moon Ceremonies, for they are busy in the Moon Lodge. They concentrate on their realignment with the Earth, Moon and Sun. Their Mind, Heart and Body, are regenerating and their Spirit is realigned through instruction from other women in the lodge and/or through instruction from the Great Spirits. All these things are taught to the new young woman.

During this first moon-time rite she is instructed to keep very busy, doing a variety of tasks, that will demonstrate to All Spirits, that she is ready and willing to be a strong, hard working member of Her Tribe, one that is caring and loving, one that will benefit the Family and All Oneness. She, in all felicitousness, demonstrates all the tasks she has learned during childhood instructions; teachings that were preparing her for this time, teachings that a woman and future mother needs to know. She shows she is worthy of elevation and new status in her tribe. When all is done, there is a public feast and ceremony that announces to all the Tribe that a new Woman walks among them. This newly named woman leaves all her childish thoughts and relationships behind her.

Later, at the larger Gatherings of the Nations, it is announced to All through ceremony and celebration(dance), that elevation and transformation has occurred; just as the Strawberry Moon announces to all the Strawberry Fruit is ready to be picked, a girl turned woman, is ready to be wooed, ready to find a mate and ready to bring forth fruit from her womb, that will add beauty to their Nation. This is a day of Pride for all Women in the Nation, for they have a new Sister!

A young woman may choose to participate in a Strawberry fast. During the year long fast she demonstrates her ability to gather food for her family, she is able to demonstrate to her new 'Sisters' her speed and skill at filling her baskets with fruit and not her belly, as the children are want to do. She shows control. She shows that she will benefit the people and not burden them in laziness and weakness. Further, this "First Fruits of Earth" initiation, teaches the new woman to exercise control and abstinence. Overtime the woman abstains from eating the sweet strawberry fruit, saving all her fruits(drying them), she demonstrates her ability to herself and others, the control necessary to abstain from the Sweetness of the First Fruits of Love and the Sweetness of Sexual Encounter, saving herself for her Other. This willing sacrifice makes her offering of first fruits to her tribe and one day to her mate, all the more sacred and sweet. All the berries that are gathered throughout the year are shared with All the People and this new woman is respected by her Nation, for they all know she can be depended upon and can control herself. She is a part of their Pride.

The loving Mother Earth, teaches all her Children the lessons they will need through-out their lifetime, as all good Mothers do. In giving Her Children the Strawberry, Our Mother teaches us to be Great Mothers like her.

Once the Strawberry Flower is fully open and displayed for all to see, its tempting scent is carried by the spring breezes, calling forth the Spirits that will be necessary for its pollination. Once pollinated, the petals of youthful innocence drop away and the fruit of the Strawberry begins to grow, replacing the small white flower with a small white berry, growing from a corolla. The corolla or crown once again reminds us of the elevated position of the woman-turning-into-a mother. For once a woman gives birth to a child she will become the Mother-of-a-Nation. From Her a Nation will spring forth, and she is the Heart of that Nation, a Queen/Kwe-en, and is to be treated as such, by all. That is why we honour our new mothers and treat them with the utmost of respect and care. We offer these Mothers-to-be the first and finest foods, so their seed will grow strong insuring the strength of the People.

The small white berry reminds us that this woman, although she has lost her child innocence, her virginity, she still maintains her virtue. For walking in a Sacred Way, remembering the teachings that were taught to you in love, keeps you upright and good, which is the making of anyone virtuous. This small berry, nourished by its family, the Spirits of the Sun, Earth, Moon, Wind and Rain, will grow plump and full and on reaching maturity, will become a deep red, the colour and symbol of love and care. In this way the Strawberry teaches all women with full bellies, to be proud when they are 'blooming' with their new loves and future children.

The Strawberry Seed, that grows into the Berry, can only get plump with the help of rainwater. It is only after the first Moon Time, that a Woman holds the sacred waters; the water that brings forth Life. This hidden water, the Life Giving Waters, is the Gift of the Earth to All Her Dotters/Daughters. This Water carried in the Blood, acts like the spark to life, to start the Seeds to grow and that make the berries and bellies full. This transformation and growth of the berry is the most important aspect of the symbolic teaching of this Strawberry. As a young girl develops, her womb changes growing first, filling with water, the berry is white, and as hormonal changes occur, like the colour of the berry changing to pink, this flush of colour, is like the flushes of new feelings springing forth in the girls body. The womb starts to prepare becoming more fertile, preparing the bed that life bringing seeds will need to grow in. When the womb is full and ready for seeds to grow, it is announced by the Drops of Blood that begin to flow, the beginning of the new Woman's first Menses. The new, red Strawberries are tender, but bravely exposed to the eyes of All passer-by's, appearing as the fresh droplets of blood shed by the Earth, in Womanhood. These berries, represent the droplet's of the Blood of Earth, and are not hidden in Shame by the Earth but are displayed in Pride for all to see, teaching Women to be proud of their new and elevated status.

The mature Heart-shaped Strawberry, known as the Heart Berry to many, is covered with numerous tiny seeds, surrounding the outer layer of the berry. The Strawberry is one of a few fruits on the Earth, that has seeds displayed for all to see, showing the trusting nature of a Mother of Great Faith. These berries, Children of Earth(erdberre/earthberry in German), are not hidden from view and are easily seen, for their bright colour, as red stands out, calling for all to notice; that these berries were given special purpose and they carry a great message. All messages of Love are important and not to be missed. The Earth has taught the Strawberry, who teaches us, to know our children's worth and to rely on the Promises of Our Father, the Creator, by believing Him when he says "I will provide all things for you and I will protect you." The Earth, taught this lesson of Faith so well to the Strawberry that the Strawberry bears her seed, unlike other Mother's. The Strawberry displays her potential children openly, for all to see and does not hide them. She exposes the potential of the greatness they possess. In this way she honours Her Mother the Earth, and teaches us why she was elevated above other fruit, to carry the teachings of womanhood and first rites. She is confident in Love and carries her Hope, her Seed, with Great Faith.

The structure of the Strawberry is used to teach Women the connectedness and extending of family, through the potential brought to light in the new rites of womanhood. When you cut a Strawberry in half you will see the white veins of virtue extending out to each small seed, always keeping them connected to an inner circle, that symbolises the greater circle of life, your extended family. The full understanding of this teaching of love is best understood when sharing and tasting the First berries of Earth. When the Spirit of the Strawberry entwines with your Spirit you can taste Love and you recall in Spirit all the teachings held within this Sacred Fruit.

To Thank our Mother the Earth, for her gifts and teachings of Love and Fertility, we are to take the first plump, ripe Strawberry that we desire to eat, and we sacrifice our desire, and in prayer and thanksgiving we return that special Strawberry back to the Earth. By planting the Strawberry, through the Spirit of Giving, we demonstrate our love for Our First Mother, the Earth and our thankfulness to the Strawberry Plant for sacrificing Her Children for our Growth.

We also show we understand immortality; remembering some of the first teachings of the Strawberry Plant, once more recalling that we as Spirits, like the Strawberry, live forever in Oneness with 'All our Relations'. We remember that it is through sacrifice and for-sight, as we plant this Sacred Berry, that our future, our Children, will remain strong and the future generations will have Strawberry Medicine to share in also. This sacrifice rededicates the strongest and most beautiful fruits back to Earth. We share in all things, empowering all things to grow greater in Love. As we continually remember and nurture the next Seven Generations of Life, they too, will one day remember our sacrifice and love and the circle will never be broken. This small but very important Strawberry Ceremony lets you demonstrate love, for love is a thought-filled-action that takes All Life into account for seven generations. For it is in the seventh generation that life is physically manifest. Sharing, Faith and Love are the greatest gifts of Life!

This is also the time when we begin our Summer cleanse, allowing our bodies to adjust to the new rhythm of the Earth. For four days, starting in ceremony shared with family or tribe, we eat Strawberries, to cleanse the blood and clean our major organs. (Some people are allergic to Strawberries, check with your practitioner first) Some people use Strawberry juice for this ceremony, but all share in the Traditional Stories and teachings at this time to remind everyone of the special gift given to us by Our Mother, the Earth, the First Woman.

The Red Juice of the Strawberry is said to represent the Blood which flows through every Body, through all the Veins of the Children of Earth. This red blood connects us all to the Heart of Creation, the Earth. The colour of Love and Caring; Red Blood clearly shows that we are One Family under the Sun, the Sol/Soul of God. We flow in the vein of our Mother, the Heart of Creation. A vein is a line or tube that carries blood to the Heart. This Red Juice symbolises we all share and are born from the same Mother, the Earth. This blood-line shows the Inter-relatedness of All Life, the Oneness of the Family of God, the Flowers/Flow-ers of the Tree of Life.

This Oneness is further demonstrated by the runners(symbolising the umbilical cord from Mother to Child), the offshoots that develop from the Main Mother or Strawberry Plant. The Strawberry Plants are connected above the Earth and below the Earth, ever entwined in Her Love. The Strawberry Plant having learned all things from Her Mother, the Earth, teaches her children all lessons necessary for survival, and then as all good mothers know, the time comes when the children need to branch out and continue to grow on their own. Wanting her children to stay close, the children move out, but not too far, always connected, allowed to call out to their Mother, for further advice, if need be. They can now start families of their own. The Strawberry Mother will stay connected to her children if she can, but as a Great Mother knows, she raised them in Love, and they strong and fortified by her Life Teachings of Love, have developed strong convictions, and are firmly rooted in Faith, the foundation which will forever, keep them Strong. The Strawberry knows that should her Hope, her children ever be torn or taken from her, they are strong and will survive.

In the Spirit of Sharing,

Nya Weh! Thank You! Aho!

Written by Paula Johnstone and Del Ashkewe

Lightening Woman and Immortal Thunder

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