With His golden colour, fiery mane, and great strength, the Lion is the symbol of the Sun/Son of God, the Word(Jesus/Son of God, no matter what Name you know Him by)of the Creator God. He was given a Voice of Thunder, making him Lord of his domain. The Lion is the maned Godhead and Great Spirit of all Cats on Earth. The Spirit of the Lion teaches the courage of conviction and holds the reigns of war. Every action of a warrior, king, or god is based on Love, to cause Peace, Harmony and Family Pride. Given the reigns of power during a time of war, He is a Lord of War, acting to prevent war. The Lion is the Defender of the Nobility of Pride, Protector of Peace and the Restorer of the Glory of God. The Lion is the Guardian of the Children of Earth, who are true to the Family and Pride of the Creator God. It is through family pride, the Lions and Warriors of God, learn of the true meaning of needing one and other through the oneness of their hearts, minds, bodies and souls.
True Pride is knowing, our line of descent is from the Lion of God, the Protector of the Pride and Glory of God. Everyone acting as one, to carry out the will of the Creator God, become His Great Spirit. We as His children are made in the image of the Creator God and we are immortal in spirit and like Him, we live forever. As the lion begets lions and the eagle begets eagles, the Children of God, like God are gods.
We as pure and perfect Spirits of Light, know, that no other kinds of spirits, can emanate from a pure and perfect God, but pure and perfect spirits. The Creator God, is the Father of all Creation, the Source of all Knowledge and the Source of all Life, and the Universe is the embodiment of His Great Spirit of Light. Pride in anything other than our eminence, as Spirits from the Creator God and our Oneness with Him, is false. False pride is never lasting, forever fleeting, illusionary and not real. True Pride is knowing and accepting the Truth of God, and living by the Word of God. We are not entities unto ourselves and life does not depend solely on our existence. God made all Living Things to be His Children with pride and no less important in purpose than mankind. They too (plants, rocks, insects, birds, trees, etc.) have a right to be here.
The maned or head lion is the main protector of the pride, given to him by God. He is a courageous, spiritual leader who maintains order and unity, by instilling true pride in the family he was given to protect. Making them his pride and joy. He was given great strength and physical prowess to protect his family from outside influences, influences that interfere with harmony and destroy the unity of his family. He has compassion, the kindness and mercy he shows through the wise use, of the power of life and death He was granted, over all living things within the sphere of his territorial domain. He breaks the neck of a zebra with one blow from His paw, never allowing the prey to suffer. He culls the weak, injured, sick and infirm from families outside of his immediate family, providing sustenance for his pride, leaving the main body of the other families healthier, stronger and in tact. Through the elimination of any flaws that exist in the regime of his family and in all families within the sphere of his influence, He protects the pride and honour of his family, ensuring there will always be food enough to keep all families within His domain well fed and cared for.
The Lion is a Steward of Power, given the Voice of Thunder that all life on Earth may know his majesty is in the Word of God. When he roars, the earth shakes. All who hear his voice, heed his words, for were he to whisper, it would remain a command. Roaring, he issues forth his territorial right of possession, announcing to all that may not know of His title or His prestige, to accept his authority, as their King. He is magnanimous, roaring to let his prey know he walks among them, seeking those who would surrender their lives so others might live. He was given his physical power, mane and spiritual strength by the Creator God, and it was He, the Lion, who chose to use His gifts in their proper manner. Respected is He, for He chose to become Lord of His Domain, through the Power of Love and True Pride, and through His Word. His Word is Truth. Content only, when all life in his kingdom is safe and cared for, he purrs with tenderness, whispering words of love. In righteousness His tongue is sharp, like a rasp, and His searing words can cut you or strip you of your skin. He does not allow any indifference to His command nor have His name taken in vain, for in His name is everything He was given by God. He was not elevated by His own kind but accepted by them. It is only through God and by God, anyone is elevated or made King.
Warlords are the Warriors of the Creator God. If the head of a family acts without the council of their family’s heart, they will place their family at great risk. For without the Lioness, the heart of the Family of Pride, the family runs the risk of acting without love and regard for all life, placing your family and everyone else in the territory, in peril. The females, guide His pride by teaching His children order and disciplines which become the formidable forces of his army of Love and Light. Providing the food that sustains the power of His pride, for without their love and caring, he would be without an army. Without their assistance, guidance and advice, He could not hold onto His kingdom or the power of His reign. Then darkness, death and destruction would divide and devour His Pride. When there is no heart, you do not need a head. This is a principle of war. This shows all that it is not the fault of the followers, when things go wrong but the fault of the leaders, who have lead them to their demise. The governing principle of the Lion’s Kingdom is consensus, the taking into account of all life, basing all of His decisions on the respect for all life, even when hunting.
The Lioness, matriarch of a pride of lions, is a skillful hunter and tactician of war, inherently knowing that the unparalleled unity of her family is their strength and her pride. Her conviction is to cause stability by ensuring the oneness of her pride, making them one in heart, mind, body and soul. By placing great importance upon and enforcing an unwavering discipline on the established order of her family, causing fluid movements and unerring accuracy with which family objectives are carried out. Her ability to use their every strength and weakness to advantage, makes her the principle caretaker of the military precision and order, needed to execute their lightning attacks and complex maneuvers. She trains her family to be efficient providers and effective protectors of their own domain. Every member of a pride works in harmony and oneness with their family, for the Power of Unity and the Wholeness of Family Pride.
The Lions practice an ordered form of eating, based on nutritional requirements for health and survival. Like all good Mothers, lionesses teach their young to eat the foods in order of nutritional value. The first food eaten being the most beneficial in maintaining a balanced diet and healthy body. "Starting with their vegetables", when a kill is made, the first thing to be eaten is the intestine, containing partially digested greens stuffs. These concentrated greens are useful as roughage and are extremely high in vitamin content.
After the intestine is eaten, the lions turn their attention to the flesh, starting at the hindquarters, which usually have the highest protein value and most solid meat. Lions eat forwards towards the head, where there is less meat per pound. Eating the softer bone and cartilage assuring their calcium intake, to strengthen their bones and teeth. This procedure ensures a good meal, in case uninvited guests happen by, insisting on their portion and turning a family dinner into a communal feast. If a lion while feeding gets too large a chunk of meat in its mouth, they use their dew claw to hook it out, much like a toothpick. The Creator provides everything we need for our health and well being, for as He loves the Lion, He loves All, every living thing, dearly.
The order in which meals are eaten in a large pride, when the population is high, and food is plentiful begins with the lions eating first, in order of rank, taking the entrails with the highest vitamin content in order to lower their population to maintain a balance with their food supply. The lionesses feed next and the cubs take what is left. When food is scarce and a lioness is on her own, the cubs will eat first, taking the high vitamin entrails to ensure a high survival rate among the cubs and ensuring the survival of the pride. After a feast, when food is easy to come by, Lions will leave food for the members of other predating families under their protection. All of the Creator's Spirits are taught that life is based on sharing and sacrifice, and this is their way of showing their love for others and their way of caring for the good of All. When hyenas or other large predators out number and manage to persuade the pride to let them share in their family meal it quickly becomes a noise filled community feast, a banquet fit for a king. Key/ki-ing/ is what they do, they align them selves in order of family rank; lions, hyenas, vultures, wild dogs, on down to the beetles and ants.
What would a banquet be without Ants, but a waste. Ants are the keepers and restorers of the sacred hills and the workers of the Earth. In respect for the animal, who gave its life so others might live and become greater, for their gift, grace, presence, and humility, they show their thankfulness and respect for life to the Creator and nothing is wasted. This allows the animal that gave its life to fulfill its purpose, to become a part of everyone and everything in heart, mind, body and soul. In sacrificing His life, he became a part of them, for whatever we eat, becomes us. In this way all are taught to share our food and feast, with one and other.
From the moment of their birth, cats know love, through their need for one and other. Immediately, after the birth of the lion cubs, their mothers lick and clean their children forming the bond of love for life. The litter of lion cubs are groomed and cared for, on a daily basis, by their mothers, placing family pride in their hearts and minds, through the tenderness of care and the wisdom of love. The licking of one and other, during grooming, is the molding of their souls into one. This maternal trait of goodness, becomes the basis of their love and courage, which they will carry with conviction throughout their life times. They will never forgo or compromise their family unity or pride. These principles make a family strong and an army invincible, for an army is a family composed of many families made one under God Knowing they need her, their mother, they show the need of her love, with the gentle massaging of her breasts, while being fed. That the cubs know not to rip and tear their Mother's breast with their sharp claws, shows their inherent control of power and their respect for love and life.
Through the Spirit of the Cat, we were given the Message of the Mass-Age. The kneading of the physical body for one and other, works out the aches and pains acquired through the stress and strain of every day life. This is called massage or the laying on of hands and has the power to heal. The word Massage, comes from the age of Mass, a time when matter came together and we were given mass, through prayer, for prayer makes everything matter through God. It also has to do with the fact that your body is the sacred temple for your Spirit and the Spirits of the Creator God to flow through. We were given bodies to enjoy the physical world the Creator made for us. Our bodies are sensory organs, devices capable of assessing the thoughts of the Creator, for our continual health and well fare.
Through massage we work out foreign particles of matter, giving support to weakened areas of the heart, mind, body and soul. If it does not matter to the mind, it does not matter to the heart, and it does not matter to a soul, therefore it just does not matter or become physical. Through the message of love, we massage the heart. With words of love you are given knowledge, knowledge that can become the wisdom of the heart. Wisdom is the power we understand with our mind. The grooming of one and other shows the love and caring we have for one and other, by bringing to the surface, the tender-ness and beauty of each other, through physical massage. All love, feeds and cares for the soul, kneading the wisdom of truth and the power of light into the soul.
When Mankind invented mirrors, introducing self love and vanity to the world, the beauty of his own reflection, blinded him to the beauty of others and the beauty of all things, causing him to be self centered and to neglect the caring for his family and friends. Mirrors are tools of Illusion. When a woman stands before a Mirror, she perceives herself to be larger than she is and when a Man stands before the same Mirror, he perceives himself to be thinner than he is. The Mirror is a tool of vanity that holds the spell of self deception. You will get a better reflection of yourself when you gaze into a pool of water. Before the Mirror, all family members, their animals included, needing care, to keep their bodies, hair and clothing in repair were helped by everyone in the family. Never did we walk away from an imperfection in the appearance or health of our family. With the help of family and friends, one can break All spells.
Grooming and kneading one and other shows the tenderness of caring. Caring for one another causes the bonds of love and trust, dis-spelling stress and dis-ease. No one can beat love into a child, nor can they beat respect into a stone. Through the tenderness of caressing a child or a stone, you can bring out their beauty from within. When you place love in ones heart, correcting ones mind with knowledge, kneading the body with tenderness and protecting the soul, you bring forth beauty. All beauty in Life is the Spirit of God.
I am the male puma who lies upon the Earth. I am a person who had made a male puma of his body. The knowledge of my courage has spread over the land. The god of day sits in the heavens. I sit close to the god of day. When men make me their god, all deaths die as they travel the paths of life.
And I think in this empty world there was room for me and a mountain lion. And I think in the world beyond, how easily we might spare a million or two humans, And never miss them. Yet what a gap in the world, the missing, white frost-face, of that slim yellow mountain lion!