Healthy Diet Teaching
Warning: Consult a qualified health practitioner for any serious medical problems. Use caution and common sense with the recipes found in these pages. The printed material herein is intended for educational purposes only and no responsibility is assumed for misadventure resulting from the use of botanical preparations or suggested therapy practices. If you have a health problem, you should consult a qualified medical doctor for diagnosis. Herbal treatment should only be taken with the advise of a qualified herbal practitioner. The writer assumes no responsibility for the efficacy of these recipes and suggested therepies and does not promise healing. You are ultimately responsible for your health, and Only through faith and the will of the Creator God, will healing occur. Healing and Medicine are not Magic.
This medicine is shared with the best of intentions. My hope is you will find a few ideas or new information that you can use that will help you and your family and friends to gain or retain better health and longevety. Keep adding knowledge to your Medicine Bundle. The Stronger our Medicine Bundles, the Stronger our Nations.
Diet to Help the Organs and Systems of the Body
First, I need to say, I do not like the word DIET, for at this time, people have miss-used their diets, and think it is 'normal' to diet. It isn't! The message in the word 'DIET' is this; 'et' meaning 'eat', 'di' meaning 'die', equals "Eat Right or DIE!" Get it? What you eat becomes(looks well on and/or is a part of you)you. The focus on the physical body has become so unbalanced, in the World of Man, that the evil spirits of gluttony and vanity, are held up in high esteeme, as witnessed by the programs on Television. Many have suffered and died because of this. The focus on 'Body Beautiful' is VANITY and the 'worship and idolization of food' is GLUTTONY! Your diet needs to be balanced for your PERFECT BODY TYPE. The Creator God made you the way He wants you to be! PERFECT for whatever purpose He has given you. Be satisfied that He loves you the way you are and if you still feel it nessesary to change your body, just Seek Balance and to as Healthy and Whole/some(sum of your parts) as you can be.
I tried to stay with the Original/Traditional Food Plan, except when a food was really the most beneficial and easiest to get. I believe that most of the illnesses such as diabetes, alcoholism, and obesity etc. are due to turning from the natural diet the Creator gave us, to the Euro-American Fast(sure doesn't make you skinny)-Food-Drop-Dead diet. To maintain the best standard of health you should eat the foods from the area you were born in and those most Natural. The foods found near your home are usually the best for you, for they are made up of the major spirits your people love and honor. Most Native People have Bodies that require meat to maintain good health, unless they are Native to the Tropic areas where, they may require more fish or vegetables, and spices which are often required for health in a hot climates. Ask your local Medicine People to guide you to what is unique to your Territory and your People.
I definately believe in eating meat. We each have a spirit system and those spirits need to be fed. If you are Wolf Clan for example, you would be wise to eat Deer. You will be feeding the Wolf Spirit that flows through you and whatever you were, you still are. It brings balance to your body and spirit system. Most First Nations People would become very ill without meat and many would be much healthier if they didn't drink milk!
I also believe that you need to cleanse on a monthly basis. This cleanse is for parasites. You need to start your parasite cleanses 5 days before the Full Moon, in order to kill the parasites before they lay more eggs. In the 5 days before the Full Moon the parisites are in their eating stage. SO FEED THEM! Feed them the foods that will destroy them and help you to maintain health.
Originally we followed the Great Spirits and they showed us how to eat for optimum health. For Example; in the Spring when our brother the Bear awakens from the long sleep, He would show us where the first foods were. He would dig roots and bulbs, graze on new grasses and mark the trees in His territory. Following His example, we dug roots like burdock and bulbs like trout lily or spring beauty, grazed on fresh nettles, dandelion and amaranth and found the fresh flowing sap from the maple and birch trees. With these foods our bodies maintained the rythym of Earth, and we learned ceremonies, like the Sweet Water ceremony, that started the time of a new cleanse. We gave Thanks to the Great Spirits, that shared their gifts and lives with us. Each Moon brought new foods and new cleanses that helped us maintain strong bodies and good spirits. Only when we find the rythym of Our Mother, the Earth again, will we find true health. Who else but Our Mother, would know what is perfect for Her Children and the bodies she gave us?
The Body your Spirit lives through, will heal amazingly fast when given the right support. When you are parisitically free, you will be so much healthier. The other things needed for a healthy body is good water, exercise, a balanced diet, combined with the proper rest and 20 minutes(minimum) of sun per day. The most important things you need/knead are; massage, something all Native People use to practice and love and caring. Plus, the more you correct your mind and heart, through Spiritual Teachings, the more your body will change and all the cells of your body will become re-aligned with the Universal Order and you will become whole.
Your Body is likened unto the Universe and made up of Cells, from the word 'Celestial', for the Celestial Body is made up of Stars and Cells are the Stars our Body is made of. Cells are composed of protoplasm or "living Matter". Cells, like all things,consist mostly of WATER(so drink the required 8 cups a day minimum), which dissolve all of the nutrients, molecules, salts, minerals, elements,ect., that help sustain life. Every 7 years we replace our complete cellular structure. Cells are made physically manifest, by your thoughts. Pray every night for regeneration and rejuvenation. What you think, you become. Replace all your thoughts of dis-ease with thoughts of love, for yourself and others. Remember Always that Love and Care can bring a body back to health and wholeness!
Nya Weh,
Lightening Woman
The Skeletal System
When two or more kinds of tissue are organized together and
perform a complex function, it is called an ORGAN. A SYSTEM is two or more organs that work together, to perform a more complex function than they can do alone. The suggested diets are for SYSTEMS.
- Vitamins- C,D
- Minerals-calcium, magnesium, florine
- Foods-sesame seeds, kale, millet,
- Herbs-comfrey, boneset, kale,nettles
- Whole System-asparagus, beans, beet greens, cabbage, corn, fish
- Joints-celery, okra, veal or pork joint jelly or broth...'Geletina'a product found in most health stores
- Calcium absorption-apples, strawberries, turnip greens
The Muscular System
- Vitamins-B6,D,E
- Minerals-calcium, potassium
- Foods-asparagus, bananas, lima beans, watercress(not too good anymore)
- Herbs-juniper berry, tansy, sage, witch hazel
- Muscles-dried or green beans, yellow corn, green peper, pine nuts
- Ligaments and Tendons-green beans, limes(for all from South of Equator), potato
The Nervous System
- Vitamins-B complex
- Minerals-calcium, phosphorous, manganese, sulfur
- Foods-acorn, egg yolks, fish, kale, indian turnip
- Herbs-hops, lobelia, lady's slipper, scullcap, valerian
- Whole System-fish, mulberries, plums
- Brain-raw goat's milk, onions, prunes
The Circulatory System
- Vitamins-B complex, B6, niacin
- Minerals-calcium, iron
- Foods-beets, cabbage family, dandelion and other green leafy lettuces, pumpkin
- Herbs-cayenne, garlic, ginger,hawthorn berry, motherwort
- Blood-blue and blackberries, currants, parsley
- Heart-alfalfa sprouts, currants, hawthorn flowers and berries, prunes and wild rice
- Iron Absorption-apple, apricots, green beens
- Blood Vessels-leeks, lima & butterbeans, all melons(white close to rind)
The Digestive and Excretory Systems
- Vitamins-A,C,B-complex
- Minerals- sodium, chlorine, magnesium, potassium
- Foods- liquid chlorophyll, papaya, spinach, sun-dried olives
- Herbs- alfalfa, aloe vera, golden seal, peppermint, papaya
- Salivary glands- chlorophyll, garlic
- Tongue- brown and/or wild rice, whole grains
- Stomach - apples, chickpeas, gooseberries, potato soup(peelings too), pumpkin
- Teeth- collards, carrots, kale, chessnut(real traditional food), indian turnip(others will do)
- Gall Bladder- black cherries, dandelions, nectarines, peaches
- Liver- beets and greens, parsnips, raspberries, watercress(not wild), milk thisle(will help to rebuild liver) indian turnip
- Intestines- brown rice, all berries, most green leaf
vegetables, yellow corn and corn meal, winter squash, yogart(will restore and bring balance, great after fasts)
- Pancreas- blueberries, huckleberries,
- Parasites- soaked pumpkin & squash seeds, almonds, garlic,wormwood, black walnut hulls...some are better for different types of parasites, so check with your medicine people and if you cleanse regularly, 5 days before Full Moon, you cleanse with In-Season medicines.
- Spleen- celery, dandelion, strawberries
- Rectum- beans, collards, cranberries
The Respiratory System
- Vitamins- A,C,D, B-complex
- Minerals- calcium, iron, silicone
- Foods- dandelion root, garlic, wild leeks, onions, turnips,
- Herbs- aloe vera, elderflower, mullein(but not if family has cancer history)peppermint, yarrow,
- Nose and Sinuses- honey(tsp. a day from local bees),white and sweet potatoes, winter squash,raspberries,
- Bronchioles- green leafy vegetables, garlic, raw turnip
- Lungs- butternut squash, leeks, currants, exercise
The Urinary System
- Vitamins- A,B-complex, C,D
- Minerals- calcium, potassium
- Foods- apples, asparagus, liquid chlorophyll, watermelon (with seeds),
- Herbs- cranberries, juniper berry, parsley, uva ursi (bearberry)
- Kidneys- asparagus, elderberry juice, summer and winter squash, melons
- Ureter, Bladder, Urethra-cranberry juice(use on the first signs of infection) green leafy vegetables, green
pepper, radishes
The Integumentary System
- Vitamins- Pantothenic acid, PABA, D
- Minerals- silicon, calcium, fluoride
- Foods- acorn, avacadoes, black bass, carrots, raw goat's milk, soya milk(most Natives are lactose intolerant), sea vegetables
- Herbs- comfrey, horsetail, oat straw, nettles, sage, shavedgrass
- Skin- almonds(will open and clean pores)asparagus, cranberry, dandeliions, strawberries
- Nails- dried and green beans, wild or brown rice, nuts and
- Hair- potatoes and sweet potatoes, lemons, sage tea & wash, winter squash
- Oil and Sweat glands- fish, root vegetables and sea
The Endocrine System
- Vitamins- B-complex
- Minerals- iodin, phosphorous, silicon,
- Foods- sea vegetables-dulse, swish chard
- Herbs- dong quai (angelica root)ginseng, kelp
- All glands- cod/salmon roe, elderberry juice, nuts and seeds
- Thyroid- cherries, dandelion, egg yolks
- Parathyroid- seeds and nuts(acorn,chestnuts), sea vegetables, swiss chard
- Pineal gland- cherries, dandelion
- Pituitary- avocado, dandelion, peas
- Adrenals- dandelion greens, sweet potatoes, seeds, brown rice,
- Thymus- apples, dandelion,
- Pancreas- cherries, dandelion, parsley
The Lymphatic System
- Vitamins- A, C, choline
- Minerals- potassium, chlorine
- Foods- endive, green leafy vegetables,lemons,strawberries
- Herbs- burdock root(tea)blue violet tea leaves, chapparal, echinacea
- Lymph nodes- beets, spinach, strawberries
- Thymus- garlic, onions, strawberries
- Tonsils- garlic, leeks, onions
- Spleen- celery, green leafy vegetables
The Reproductive System
- Vitamins- B-complex, E
- Minerals- zinc, calcium phosphorous, iodine
- Foods- seeds and berries(Strawberry-female, Blueberry-male)
- Herbs- sage(stops flow of milk), black & blue cohosh, licorice(carefully), dong quai(menopause), ginseng, blessed & milk thistle, motherwort...
- Female Reproductive-Violet leaves, elderberry flowers and all berries, seeds, nut butters (not peanut), wild carrot root.
There are so many other plants to use but each individual body needs are different, and change all the time. Some women need medicine to bring things on and some need things shortened and others need balance. That's why we value our Medicine People. They can access your unique needs.
- Male Reproductive-use Zinc and do not smoke!
- Penis, testes, scrotum, ducts, and glands- pumpkin seeds,
raspberry seeds, oysters, ginseng
- Sperm- amino acids, garlic, cold showers
- Prostate- nuts, oysters, seeds, root vegetables, zinc
The Sensory System
- Eyes-apples, beets, carrots, sage, Vitamin A(for short periods of time)
- Ears-green peppers
- Nose-for sinus problems, echinacea, golden seal together
- For your 7th sense- a Creator inspired AWARENESS
In the Spirit of Sharing, Nya Weh
Written by Paula Johnstone
also known as Lightening Woman
"The Spirit Messengers of Turtle Island" 1998. Copyright Sketch by Del Ashkewe.
For more teachings or information on workshops, write to Meshu Peshu Productions, Box #98135, 970 Queen St. East, Toronto, Ontario.
M4M 1J0
Donations are excepted and greatly appreciated, Thankyou.
Permission is given to copy these writings provided they are left
unchanged and in their entirety. Copyright February 6, 1997