Emotions Verses Feelings

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A Teaching about Emotions

This spiritual teaching defines the World of the Creator and the World of Man.  Through understanding, you will learn why you should rid yourself of Emotions and fill your life with Feeling, for yourself and all living things, for what you hold in your mind and heart becomes the future.
This is a spiritual writing and is meant to be read a minimum of four times.  This is a short version of a much longer teaching on Emotion verses Feelings.

Emotions/Weakness Verses Feelings/Empowerment

The World of the Creator is based on Love.  Love is the spirit and thought of the Creator God.  All that He loved, He created.  All that He held in His heart and in His mind became His Word.  The Word of the Creator was manifested through His thoughts and words of love.  The Creator's World is the natural world, for the Creator brought forth all natural things.  Love is the only natural state in the Universe and the Universe is His Great Spirit.  The Oneness of Creation is the Universe filled with the Spirit of love. The Creator is the Universe.  The Creator is love.  Love is the Oneness and the Song of the Universe.  Love holds the Universe together.  When we accept in our hearts, the words of the one verse which holds the Universe together, "One Heart, One Mind and One Soul" we share in the body of Oneness and the love of Creation.  The Creator is Everything and in Everything.

The World of Man is based on the destruction of the Natural World and the subjugation and conquest of all living things.  The desires of Mankind are alien to love and are outside of the bound of acceptance and understanding.  Any thoughts outside of love are unnatural and alien to the Creator and are contrary to the Word of God.  The economies of the Empires of Man are based on the physical destruction of Earth and the total consumption of the ecological systems of the natural world.  The World of Man is based on greed and the insane premise that you can improve upon the works of the Creator God.  Anything that man has caused to come into existence came from the destruction or physical alteration of life on Earth.  Mankind lacks respect for life and does not have the moral fiber to sustain any form of life.  Mankind’s greed for material possessions has endangered their very survival.  Mankind should be at the very top of their own endangered species lists, although, in their arrogance they would rather lie to themselves than admit their vulnerability.

Emotions are tools devised for manipulation, given to you by the World of Man.  Emotions are the devices, which the Empires of Man use to control and enslave you.  Emotion is negative and is mistaken for feelings.  Emotions are a profusion of negative ideals produced by a confusion of concepts, based on past experiences of destructive behavior.  Emotion is the concept of weakness based on the guilt of past deviant behavior, which makes you vulnerable to anyone that chooses to use information from your past to victimize you.  Thought based on emotion makes you powerless through incorrect thinking and devoid of feeling.  Incorrect thinking disables your actions making them ineffective.  Emotions are devices by which your feelings can be manipulated.  You become confused and your senses of perception are distorted.  Your senses of perception are based on your abilities and the attributes given to you by the Creator to assess life situations.  Life situations are the end product of your thoughts, feelings, words and actions.  What you hold in your heart, understand with your mind, is that which becomes your world.  What you think today, becomes your future and the future of all living things. Your thoughts are the future! Your thoughts affect the future of every living thing.

Man taught one and other emotions so they might gain control and manipulate the lives of others through confusion.  When you accept any emotion, you are equally defeated.  You are crippled in thought, controlled through confusion, thereby easily overcome by any opponent. When emotions are introduced, a profusion of negative imaginings occurs, causing you to be ineffectual in your responses and disabled in your reactions.  Actions based on negative thoughts cause negative responses perpetuating already negative situations.  Emotional responses are never correct and are detrimental to everyone concerned.  Emotions are triggering devices to already explosive situations.

Actions based on mistrust caused by betrayal, cause you to act out in violence or cause you to build walls for protection, making you incapable of feeling.  Usually when a person is filled with emotion, onlookers tend to loose confidence in the emotional person.  Expressed in such statements as ‘Your crazy’ and ‘You are an emotional wreck’ or ‘You are emotionally unstable’, are used to take what little confidence you have in yourself away.

When you allow emotions to rule, you are your own worst enemy.  Emotions are used to cause or establish adversary situations, based on the personalization of negative information.  Emotions were introduced by Man so that you might make or take everything personally, depending on your position as aggressor or victim.  When a remark or action is directed at you and you take it personally, it hurts or stings you.  Had you been brought up right, following the Creator’s instructions, you would have looked at the 'emotion manipulator' and instead of react, you simply would have thought ‘this person is immature and has not been raised right’.  In this world, people react instead of acting with dignity in a sacred or holy/wholly manner.  In the World of Man people react in fear and hatred.  In the World of the Creator you act in faith and love.  The World of Man has never liked ‘Activists’!

Dove Flying

You cannot feel joy when you concentrate on sadness.  When you concentrate on sadness for any length of time, it leads to depression.  You can be devastated physically and mentally, to the point of loosing the will to live.  Stress is caused by the accumulation of unnecessary responsibilities.  All of this is the dis-ease that causes illness. You can't feel love, when you hate.  The emotion anger when acted upon becomes hatred.  Hatred becomes fury and fury becomes violence and violence can lead to death.  Death has many forms;  death of a relationship, death of a living being, death of a dream, etc. The death of your ability to dream, is the death of your will to live and the destruction of your world.  This is called the spiritual annihilation of a Child of God.  In the World of Man, when you are told to ‘get in touch with your emotions’, someone is basically instructing you to accept a life filled with misery and death. Hate and death bring great sorrow.

In the World of Man, you are taught to wallow in your past,  to get in touch with your emotions and share your experiences, to get them ‘out’, giving the ammunition of your weak thoughts, to others who may use this information to manipulate you.  In that way others will feel empowered by your weaknesses, giving them the information they need to manipulate you.  You are made weak by the enhancement of your weaknesses.  When others have the knowledge of your weakness, they use that emotional weakness from your past to trigger guilt, causing unwanted alliances based on ‘blackmail verse guilt’ in order to move you.  Your past keeps you in the past, and today is a gift, the present, the Creator wants you to explore.


"Reflection" 1978, 38.x56.cm.©Copyrighted Painting by Del Ashkewe.

Feelings are positive and make you strong.  Feelings are given to you by the Creator to assess the correctness of your thoughts, words and deeds.  Your actions should cause joy, never harming any living thing, for you are related to all things.    Love is the feeling of life.  To love is the oneness and power of life.  To truly love is to accept that you are One with Creation and live forever, for understanding that you live forever enables you to think of all living things in infinite time and space,  which will enable you to understand the totality of love.  You will see the world though eyes filled with love and not with the eyes of greed and the immediate and/or self-gratification, expected of you in this world.  Respect all life.  Live in harmony with the rhythm of life, for the rhythm of life is the flow of life and harmony is the love of Creation and the Oneness of life.

In the World of the Creator you are to live only in the moment, treating every moment as precious and sacred, for you know you are manifesting your future and the future of every other living being.  Love and Respect are the moral guides given to Man and are the fibers, which hold the World of the Creator together.

To accept the forgiveness of the Creator, in order to forgive yourself for participating in wrongs, is the first step of true healing. You are to forget your past deeds and forgive others theirs and not use their errors against them.  You are to forget the past having learned from your mistakes and you are never to repeat your mistakes again. If they were wrong deeds when you did them, or when someone else did them, why would repeating them with others, make them better now?  What you re/member or make a part of you, becomes you.  Only through correcting and changing your errors, can you move forward to a brighter future.  You are not to participate in reliving the past and repeating your wrongs.  No one has the right to judge you but the Creator. When you pray and ask the Creator for forgiveness, accept that you are forgiven. In the eyes of the Creator, you are now seen as His PERFECT Child and no One has the right to see you in any other way.

Accept the forgiveness of the Creator, for accepting forgiveness sets everyone free! Through faith in God, you will be empowered. Start each day in perfection. Live and follow His Sacred Path. Strive to be desearving of Our Father's Great and Forgiving Love. The only gift you have to offer the One and Only, is your Will to be His Perfect Child.

WRITTEN BY: Del Ashkewe and Paula Johnstone

Also known as Immortal Thunder  and Lightening Woman

For more teachings or information on workshops: write to Meshu Peshu Productions, P.O.Box #98135, 970 Queen St. East, Toronto, Ontario.
 M4M 1J0

Donations are excepted, Thankyou.
Permission is given to copy these writings provided they are left unchanged and in their entirety.
©Copyright November 15, 1996

  Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?

You are a Child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightening about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. It is not in just some of us; it is in every one, and as we let our own light shine, we unconciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

Written by Marianne Williamson and used in Nelson Mandela's Inaugural Speech.

If there is light in the soul,
There will be beauty in the person,
If there is beauty in the person,
There will be harmony in the home.
If there is harmony in the home,
There will be respect in the Nation.
If there is respect in the Nation,
There will be Peace in the World
and Order in the Universe.

Chinese Proverb

A Warrior’s Understanding

One day I went out in search of enemies and found no friends.

Next day I went out in search of friends and found no enemies.

Writer Unknown

Nya Weh to Beth for correcting my spelling...I need all the help I can get in that department.

Email- Mepeshu@hotmail.comor to Treezen@yahoo.com

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