
The Medicine Wheel Continued

You will see, that as usual, this teaching is written in a 'whole or universal way' and I even placed some teachings on the Medicine Wheel Chart from China and India, to demonstrate that the Creator gave these teachings to everyone. He loves All the Ones (Children of Earth), He Created. We are All Related! You should be able to read across, and up and down, the columns, to see how every living thing relates to one and another. If you just invest time thinking about these teachings, you will see a circle that will lead to another circle, and another circle, in the Sacred Wheel. Some Circles are big and some are small, but they all teach the inter-relatedness of All Life. These circles are demonstrated in our writings, for all the teachings are one very long teaching, and when talking about water, for instance, you will see some teachings repeated, but slightly diferent...like the Red-Blue Teaching, and Beaver, Trees and Rivers of Life Teaching, share some of the same thoughts about water, and if I were to teach about the Amazon Otter, the water teaching would be the same but slightly different, coming through the perspctive we are sharing in at the time. So we can see, small circles and larger circles, all in the greater Sacred Circle or Sacred Hoop.

I was taken into the Medicine Wheel once...in a dream. That was about three years ago(1996)now. It was a beautiful dream and all the colours went through me and around me and I was shown the Order of Life. I would not say this, if it were not true! The Creator God and His Spirits told me "to bring back the Order of the Medicine Wheel to the People". You might think your teachings are right and have been taught one way to your people for generations, however, the Creator is the One and Only, you are supposed to follow and if He says to correct yourself and others, then I suggest you do it. He does not send these visions through His Messengers, for no reason. It is the Great Spirit that chooses His Messengers, it is not a personality contest or an election! Only the Creator God can elevate (lift you up) you, and then the People are "to lift them"(on the blanket) in recognition of their following the Creator's Will, to bring honor to The Great Spirit, still not to the honour the Individual.

Mankind only thinks with ego. The Creator is the One that placed the Order in All that He created. He expects us to learn His Order. Ego and Tradition are keeping People from pleasing their Creator, and we are suffering for it. I am only a Messenger, and have shared the messages I have been instructed to share. I know many do not believe (me or anything shared, for their hearts have hardend, and their faith has died), and think many things about me personally, well so be it. I am here to serve. I will tell you, that everyone will learn what the Creator wants you to, either, Willingly in Love, or God Will and Can force you. The choice is yours. The Earth Changes, will teach everyone to Respect the Earth and Live in Harmony with All Life and to Honour and Listen to their Father God, once again. As the Earth Changes increase, Countries that run to the Aid (money, supplies, army, etc,) of other Countries in need, will eventually stop helping others, as they too, will have too many problems of their own to deal with. (1999)Aho! I have to speak of the medicine wheel now and not about the things to come.

Did you know that the Circle represents the Totality of All Life? I think of the Sacred Hoop, as The Way, everything was/is En-framed or encircled by God's Love, or the Circle reminds me of His Arms around all that He Created, protecting and loving us All. It helps me to see the Creator, as the Loving Father, He is.

Anyway, I love the Medicine Wheel Teachings, and I had been disappointed for years, by all the "philosophical" teachings everyone kept trying to share, as truth. I knew many of the things being presented were made up or mixed up. Does it sound like I am being egotistical? I am not, you know. I just follow the simple rule I live by; **"If someone can show me where a teaching comes from and that it is taught, by One of the Great Spirits(thoughts)of the Creator(in the Natural World), I will believe the teaching and embrace it." Otherwise, the person sharing the teaching may be presenting their own thoughts, or someone else's thoughts as truth, and they may be good-hearted or well-intended, but wrong. We need to have a basis and foundation for testing, the teachings we are given. Always look to God to guide you to His Thoughts, so that you do not get caught following Mankind. Why would one want to follow Mankind, when they do not know how to Love, anyway?

A lot of times when I asked others, where their teachings came from, they would name some man or woman, religious order, or society. So I don't except those teachings quickly! I think about them and put them to the test...****I look to see if they are taught by one of the Great Spirits. Why would I believe some person and get sucked into following some false idea? Mankind has made a world of mistakes and has gone wrong in more ways than I could recount. Mankind, are the ones that treat everyone and everything with malice, unless they can use them, to build their private world or empires. Most People seem to disrespect life and live 'out of harmony' with all life. So, I listen respectfully and then dump the teaching of personal philosophy in the garbage, by forgetting it, if it does not pass the test****.

I might add here that some people have passed 'Traditional' wrongs on too. Just because people have been sharing in a practice for a 100 years or a thousand years, the length of time that a teaching is practiced, does not make it right. That is why the Creator made us assessing beings, beings capable of assessing right from wrong. So, just because, someone says that they have been traditionally taught something...be careful! A person can pass on a wrong a lot quicker, than a right/rite. Through colonization and the bastardization of things, through propaganda, many of the original teachings were lost...people tried to recall and remember things, from the past. Wrongs were passed as rights/rites, as people tried to recall their teachings. This wasn't intentionally done by all. So, Test your teachings. Can you find a 'Natural Spirit of God' that demonstrates your teaching? If so, you have the blessing of the Creator and can see His thoughts...if not, change your perceptions, correct your thoughts and re-align your thoughts to the Creator's Holy Thoughts. Aho!

Here are some explanations about the Chart...I taught for two hours the other day, just on the first box...the Sun rises in the East...explaining how the stars give everyone direction. This also demonstrates Truth, for the stars were placed by the Great Spirit and know matter what your personal beliefs, the Truth is based on the Order of Life the Great Spirit Ordered! Your persoanl thoughts will not be able to change one star. That is the Truth! That is what Truth is based on. The second box, which is sometimes called the Supreme Circle; teaches the Path all Spirits flow through, or the Soul Path, that each Soul enters and exits from...the Spirit World to the Physical World. "The Tunnel of Love!"

The third box is taught through the Stars too. As they rotate, we have the change of seasons. En-light-enment (eN is the Creator name of God) means God's light for the Children meant to be of God..this relates back to the first box...for without the Sun there would be No Light or Life or Truth on the Earth! The Sun is the Soul/Sol of God! The other Stars or Sols, are our Soul Bodies. All of these Sol/Souls make up the Solar System. The Light that shines from these Stars or Souls is supposed to remind you, when you look up into the heavens, of the time when the Creator first thought of You...and He made you, a body of light, the star or soul body, for your spirit to dwell in and flow through. Each one has a personal soul/sol/star. He made you, a Spirit of Light; perfect, bright and full of shining light. These stars remind you to be a light-filled being, when you are here on the Earth. When you forget what you are, you just have to look up into the Heavens and be reminded once again. You can be reminded no matter where you are standing on the Earth.

Without Truth, there is no Light...or Enlightenment...which is Knowledge. Light, Truth, Knowledge, Wisdom, All these teachings are placed in the East, to Orient you on the Path of Light, giving you direction, to follow the Sun(The Creator), as He illuminates your way in the day. The Orient is in the East and is the place the Oriental(Yellow) People came from. Get it?? All the boxes hold teachings like this, if you choose to work on them, to gain understanding.

On the Universal Medicine Wheel you will see the colour Yellow representing the East. Not Red...for when Red is placed in the East, it is a personal or egocentric circle Medicine Wheel...like the First Nations People put Red in the East as a Nation, for they are the First Nation of Earth (our National Wheel), reminding everyone that they are the elder brothers and sisters, but Yellow is supposed to be in the East, on the Universal Wheel, showing the Oriental Peoples placement in the Sacred Wheel of Life...and the Path of Light, that we need to follow. The East is the place where the Sun rises first, each day, which is symbolized by the colour Yellow, the colour of the bright Sun. The Sun rises each day and lightens the Sacred Path.

The Sun then sets in the West, bringing darkness. Hence the Black part of the Wheel. Since the Universe is defined by Light...the Moon rises calling the stars to follow Her, to guide everyone at Night, teaching everyone that they are never left alone, in darkness. This tells you that the Earth and Universe is defined by light. The Stars, light up the heavens so we can see. The Moon, our GrandMother or Great Mother, is sometimes called the Peace of the Night, or the Pearl of Wisdom in the Sky, whose seat/throne is in the Western Sea, the Sea of Tranquillity and She follows in the Footsteps of Her Father, the Sun, to reflect His Light. Therefore She is our guide at night and the Keeper of Time, for all of the Children of Earth. We know She keeps the Rythym and Flo of Time, for the Moon moves all the waters of the Earth and announces the Holy Days (holidays) for all to see. We are supposed to follow Her , as She follows Her Father/Brother and for She is closest to Him and knows His Wishes.

Did you know that the largest Eagle, Messenger of the Sun, on the Earth is the Berkut Golden Eagle, that lives in China (where the Sun first rises) on the mountain slopes of Ti'en Shen, the Temple of Heaven, the Mountain of the Queen of Heaven (Moon)? This is the Head or First, Eagle (Scientists call this Eagle a sub-species). They are the First Eagles because they were born in the East where the Sun first reveals itself to us...heralding the place of enlightenment and orientation. It has a wingspan of up to nine feet. The Mongols (Kirghiz Tribe) trained them to hunt for the Emperors, like Genkis Kahn (whose name meant 'from the ocean') and the Czars of Asia. All Eagles are the Messengers of the Sun, the Soul, of our Father, the Creator God. They relay His messages to His Children throughout the World. Eagles live in every land except Antartica...if the Eagles do not live there, then Mankind can not. Eagles are far-seeing and enduring of will. They are symbols of Strength and Faithfulness. There were Golden Eagles in every land on the Earth, except Antartica.

Before the Europeans entered Turtle Island, the Eagle most common and living in North America was called the White-Headed Eagle. Later his name was changed to the Bald Eagle after the new-comers whose heads went bald. Native men usually kept their hair long and our teachings on hair explain, that if your thoughts are good...your hair stays on your head. The White feathers on the Eagle's head stood for the Purity of his purpose and the thoughts of Goodness (God's-(N's) ess-essing thoughts) carried in the messages from God. His white tail symbolises the knowledge or lore of the tales that he guides his people with. Without a tail the Eagle could not fly, nor would he be able to change direction, in much the same way as people...without true knowledge, they have no direction in their life. His wings are what elevates him to great heights, symbolizing to us the need to elevate(raise up in Spirit), to raise up over adversity and use the ability we have to raise our thoughts, through life.

The most interesting Eagle, to me personally is the powerful Harpy Eagle, who has rules in his land, in South America, that all other birds have to follow. I believe they are the hereditary War Chief Eagles and that is why they wear Headresses, which are made up of the longer feathers sticking up, which appear like the rays of the Sun. The Golden Eagles and other birds, can visit the Harpy Eagle's territory but they cannot nest in their land. Harpy Eagles have the largest talons and are noted to be the strongest of Eagles, which everyone would want their War Chiefs to be, strong and good hearted, knowing their boundries.

The East Indian Wheel, with the names of some of the gods, has colours too. They come from the Sacred Mountain, Kailasa, in western Tibet, which has different colours of soil on each of its four sides(all Sacred Mountains have 4 sides). This is a geo-centric wheel...based on the geography of the area, it comes from. The east is green, the south is gold/yellow, and the west is red and the north is black. These colours are found on their Mandalas-Sanskrit-for Sacred Circle. Each Tribe on Earth has a geocentric wheel.

Sometimes you may have a personal medicine wheel, hence the word 'Ego-centric'. For true teachings are taken from Nature and pertain to a particular area or people. They are from where one lives and will determine which colours (some people have four colours, others seven, some have eight) one uses and these can indicate the convictions one holds. Then there are the Tribal medicine wheel colours, you share with your greater family. For example, one Tribe might have blue as one colour on their wheel because their Tribe lives beside the ocean or because their Tribe uses blue in all their ceremonies and it represents the Sky. This is the way their People record their descent from the Sky World. These tribal wheels are usually geographically aligned. For instance, maybe you are Woodland People and you have green in the North placement on the medicine wheel, representing the bush in its green finery, stating that fact. These are all right, but personal; egocentric.

I am concerned with the major medicine wheel, when sharing, for it is a Universal Wheel, to remind People of their FIRST relationships to one and other, so they might stop their petty bickering and remember they are All Related, in ONENESS! At this time, this is very important, so we can join together and try to save the few Great Spirits (trees, 4-leggeds, winged and crawling beings) and the Earth, our Sacred Mother, who is hurting and needs healing. We need to come together in Oneness and put aside our Individualism...which divides us. We need the strength of numbers to stop the Corporations, that are destroying Earth. People need to understand that it is the Native People of Earth, that are the ones that can stand against the total destruction of Earth, by the Corporations and Empire Builders. This is why Native People are targeted and criminalized by Governments and Corporations, the World over. We, each and every individual, has a responcibility to each and every one else, on Earth to take a stand, and protect life!

I am sure you all know of other sacred wheels and teachings and will share them with one and other and hopefully with me too. I do hope you have enjoyed this teaching…it's my favorite! I understand that all people were given this teaching, as there are traces of it all over the Earth. There are many Mandalas recorded and shared or secreted around the world. Check out the Bronze Sheilds of China, the Roman Medallions(all coins record something), the Aztec Calendar Stone, the various Womb and Tomb Teachings of Egypt, the Eight Fold Path of the Eastern Religions, the Biblical Wheel in the Sky, the Medicine Wheels of the America's and Stonehenge, and many more...are all reminders of the Sacred Circle, that the Creator gave to All of His Heavenly Children. Remember, Heaven was on Earth and will be here again soon! Just as soon as you all RE-Call(remember)Heaven on Earth!!!!Aho!

Remember, it takes years to understand these teachings and we may still have questions when we are leaving this life. Take your time and grow in the love of the Creator. Nya Weh, for allowing me to share these thoughts.

Written by Paula Johnstone

Lightening Woman

For more teachings or workshop information, write: Meshu Peshu Productions, Box #98135, 970 Queen St. East, Toronto, Ontario.
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Permission is given to copy these writings provided they are left unchanged and in their entirety. Copyright June 11, 1999


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