Sage/Wisdom Teaching


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Sage, Spiritual Teaching

Sage is Wisdom. All knowledge, all wisdom born of knowledge has been given for one purpose, to uplift, elevate, all of Mankind, so All will grow greater in Oneness...Knowledge takes time to become wisdom, so Please be patient, as I am writing the Spiritual Teaching and not quite finished. Here is some Sage Medicine to keep you busy. Nya Weh, Lightening Woman

Sage the Plant of Wisdom

The Wise Woman's Stone

A Wise woman who was travelling in the mountains found a precious stone in a stream. The next day she met another traveller who was hungry, and the wise woman opened her bag to share her food. The hungry traveller saw the precious stone and asked the woman to give it to him. She did so without hesitation. The traveller left, rejoicing in his good fortune. He knew the stone was worth enough to give him security for a lifetime. But a few days later, he came back to return the stone to the wise woman. "I've been thinking", he said, "I know how valuable the stone is, but I give it back in the hope that you can give me something even more precious. Please give me what you have within you that enabled you to give me the stone".

Author Unknown

Warning: Consult a qualified health practitioner for any serious medical problems. Use caution and common sense with the recipes found in these pages. The printed material herein is intended for educational purposes only and no responsibility is assumed for misadventure resulting from the use of botanical preparations or suggested therapy practices. If you have a health problem, you should consult a qualified medical doctor for diagnosis. Herbal treatment should only be taken with the advise of a qualified herbal practitioner. The writer assumes no responsibility for the efficacy of these recipes and does not promise healing. You are ultimately responsible for your health, and Only through faith and the will of the Creator God, will healing occur. Healing and Medicine are not Magic.


Sage, from the Latin word Salvare meaning To Save.

An easy way to remember the basic medicine principals of Sage is: S-is for smudging, A-is for aches and ague, G-is for Gray gone, E-is for eye enrichment.

Be Sage--Use Sage!

A Few Facts About Sage


There is a Sage Plant representing every colour of the rainbow, White Sage, Blue Sage, Black Sage, Purple Sage, Red Sage, ect. and more descriptive names, than one person could remember, making Sage one of the most famous herbs, on Earth. There are more than 750 species of Sage cultivated throughout the world, indicating that the Creator gave us a Great Gift, when He created the Great Spirit Sage. The Creator wanted us to use a lot of sage, for He knows its full purpose will only benefit His Children. It has been understood of Sage, in every land that it grows, that you should have a healthy and long life. Sage is known as the Immortality Herb. There is a species of Sage for everyone, beneficial for guiding one through the four basic stages of Life.

Sage is a warming herb, so do not use too much of this herb if you are red faced, warm all of the time and of a very happy and optimistic disposition. Other medicines will be better for you. Do not use this herb if you are breast feeding for it will stop the flow of milk. Sage tea promotes moon time(menses) as it stimulates the uterus. Pregnant women should not drink sage. Do not give to Children under two years old.

Remember also, that all things were to rest, including the intake of herbs. If you are on any herbal preparation, the body needs time to heal and balance. I usually suggest 7 days of herbs, 3 days rest,(if you need further support) 6 days of herbs, 2 days rest, 5 days of herbs, 1 day rest. Usually you do not need further medicines, or it is time to reevaluate. The body changes as you heal and new medicines are needed. The body and the spirits will tell the medicine person what needs to be done next. It is never good to take any medicine including vitamins over along period of time, without allowing the body time to balance. Medicines(herbal) are only meant to be a preventative support for the body. Your diet even teaches you about rotating foods to support the body in different seasons and circumstances. Medicines are the same.

Most Sage plants like to grow in sandy soils. Seeds are planted in late Spring or cuttings can be started and planted too.

It is best to harvest Sage just before the flowers begin to bloom. Some people pick a second harvest just before the Seeds are fully developed, as it is thought that the powerful life energy has been focused up the stem to begin the Creation cycle, bringing the strongest energies into your medicine. Both harvest times are good, for it is the prayers accompanying the medicines, that bring power to any healing process. Asking the Great Spirit to flow through your medicines makes them powerful. All healing is done through the will of the Creator and your faith in Him. A Medicine person will help realign your Spirit, teaching you why you are ill, how to correct your thoughts, aligning your mind and heart, so that true healing will take place in your body. What you hold in your mind and heart, phsyically manifests. The more holy(whole) your thoughts, the less your body will break down.

The leaves of Sage contain tannin and thujone and have astringent properties. Dry the stems and leaves by hanging the plants upside down in a dark, airy place. When dry, strip the leaves and store them in airtight containers, keeping the stems and wrapping them in bundles together, for medicinal use, later. We are never to waste any part of the medicines we pick. Some sage for ceremonial use is carefully stored without being stripped, and wrapped in red cloth, to be used in healing ceremonies. This sage is worn in the hair or placed behind the ears for protection, and is eaten for endurance and strength. We use Sage on the floor of Ceremonial Lodges when it grows abundantly in the area. Sage is used with water for purification and to break fasts. There are many other ceremonial uses for Sage and your Elders will share this knowledge with you.

The leaves of plants 2 to 4 years growth are best for healing purposes. Plants loose their potency after the fourth year and should be replaced with younger ones. Medicine people usually know their territory(not reservation; reserves are where animals are kept, people live in a specific territory), the places they collect their medicines so intimately, that they can tell you the ages of most of their plant family. So if you are being taught by someone knowledgeable in plant medicine and are instructed to collect a certain plant, they mean that certain plant. Normally there are many reasons why, it is that certain plant that is needed and in this case experience is the best teacher.

Remember always to ask the plant spirits to share their gifts of healing with you and explain to them what use they are asked to share in. Then place your offering, a gift of tobacco, beside them(some people bury the gift). This allows all other spirits, in the neighborhood and those passing by, to understand the sacrifice made, and teaches everyone how love is shared and reminds them once again about the Oneness of Creation. For when the plant gives its life up, fulfilling its purpose, it grows greater in Spirit and will be elevated in body, upon its return to Earth, in its next life. This is the greater cycle of life. We all share in Oneness and are to grow greater.

Sage contains high amounts of calcium, potassium, B1, and zinc. Moderate amounts of magnesium, iron, Vitamin A and B complex, niacin, and sodium. Small amounts of phosphorus, manganese, silicon, sulfur, sodium and Vitamin C and trace amounts of selenium.

Sage's actions are described as astringent, antiseptic, promotes wound healing, reduces salivation and lactation, stimulates the uterus and increases the flow of bile. Sage acts as a disinfectant when used as a mouth wash and will strengthen the gums.

Sage is a tonic that will keep the stomach, intestines, kidneys, liver, spleen and the reproductive organs(male and female) healthy. Sage has been said to benefit every ill of Mankind.

Sage should never be boiled! When making an infusion, just place the leaves in boiled water and let steep for 10 minutes. Strain and Serve.


A Few Sage Species

Sage(Salvia officinalis)-also known as Garden Plant, Meadow Herb, Long-leafed Sage, Cooking Medicine, Narrow-leafed Sage. Used by most in cooking but is effective as a medicinal sage and makes a good tea. Can be quite strong so experiment until you get the taste that is agreeable for your taste buds. Mix with one of your favorite mints. Sage tea use to be given to young men and young women during adolescence; for sage has the reputation of tempering sexual desire. This would work well for those working on their sexual addictions.

Traditionally Sage and most effective the Red Sage(S. Officinalis purpurea) has been used as a hot gargle for treating canker sores, bleeding gums, and sore throats. Use this gargle for relief in tonsillitis, gingivitis, and laryngitis, but not for children under two. Very good when mixed with lemon and honey. If taking medications that cause dry mouth, chew a Sage leaf or two, to increase saliva. Another Red Sage(Salvia splendens) has sedative properties and is used in treating nervous and sleeping disorders.

Another Red Sage(Salvia miltiorrhiza) When using the root and rhizome it will benefit the cardiovascular system. It is good for lowering high blood pressure, will help those with coronary heart disease and is an anticoagulant. Great as a body wash for those with stiff joints. For people that have problems with psoriasis, eczema and acne. I suggest you mix this Red Sage with Echinacea and Golden Seal, to make a wash. This Red Sage relieves the pain and cramps of Moon time(menstration).

Sacred Sage(Salvia Apia)also known as White Sage, used for ceremonial purposes. I believe this is an endangered species now.

White Sage(Salvia blanca) can reduce blood sugar levels in Diabetes. Make an infusion/tea and drink on an empty stomach. Discuss adding Sage tea to your diet with your doctor. One or two teaspoons of dried sage leaves to one cup of boiled water. Steep 10 minutes and drink up to three cups a day. This is also used ceremonially.

Divining Sage(Salvia divinorum) this sage is used by some Shaman for ceremonial visions and/or to induce trance states. It is cultivated in the mountains near Oaxaca, Mexico. The velvety leaves are ingested or an infusion is drank. The leaves can grow up to 9 inches in length, and the plant likes a moist soil and has white flowers. Note: A large cult is growing up around this plant, like so many other plants that were originally intended for ceremonial use. The Creator gave these plants to us, so that through a guided vision quest, the holy medicine persons would guide the seeker, to see, the Spirit world. This was to happen once and in unusual circumstances twice(to help All The People, if there was starvation or sickness, etc). The guided vision was to show younger spirits, once, that there was a spirit place that they were naturally, through prayer, fasts, dreams, and spiritual growth, to elevate to. You are and were never to abuse the gifts given to you by The Creator God.

Prarie Sage(Artemisia frigida Willd)also known as Buffalo Sage, Cow Herb. This has been used in the treatment of headaches, stomach problems, convulsions and as a general tonic for well being. This is also used ceremonially.

Pearly Everlasting(Anaphalis margaritacea)also known as Sage, Poverty Weed, Ladies Tobacco and Silver Button. Used for smudging and smoking, treating ulcers of the mouth, and swellings and bruises. The crushed blossoms mixed with mint(for males) or calendula and/or prairie sage(for females) are burned and used as a smudge for paralysis victims. A tea helps relieve intestinal spasms and lung problems.

Blue Sage(Salvia azurea)Grows in the Southeastern States, Florida, the Carolina's, to Texas, up into Minnesota. This plant grows up to 5 feet tall and the lanceolate leaves can grow to 4 inches long. Makes for easy harvesting. It is recognized by its blue flowers.

Scarlet Sage(Salvia coccinea)is found growing in the hot sands of the South. This plant originates from Brazil. It has red flowers and 2inch long opposite leaves. The plant grows up to 2 feet high. Used for smudging and is quite strong.

Lyre-leaved Sage(Salvia lyrata)is a sweet sage which is especially loved by Bees. The plant is designed with a platform on the lower lip of the flower, so when the Bee in search of pollen lands on the platform, the Bee's weight tips the Stamens, which dump their precious load of pollen all over the Bee.

Sage for Our Elders

Sage has long been used to help our Elders. The word Sage is a big hint that it would be good for the age(d). Sage will help strengthen the eyes and bladder, clear the bowels and soothe the mucus membranes and nerves, these are the first sights of problems caused by aging. Sage used as a wash will keep the gray hair away, but more importantly, regular smudging and prayer will keep the mind alert and keeping your thoughts pure will make you "forever young". Sage is good for the head and brain.

The way to enjoy the best of Sage’s benefits is to eat the fresh leaves every day. Try eating Sage sandwiches instead of (usually rancid) peanut-butter and jam. If you feel weary fresh Sage snacks will dispel all tiredness.

More Sage Trivia and Medicine

Sage aids the body towards wellness in diseases such as bladder infections, gastrointestinal distress, and kidney stones. Sage is stimulating to the Kidneys and helps to remove toxins stored in the body, as it also increases the flow of bile. This is why it can be useful for those suffering hepatitis. Make an infusion as mentioned above.

Sage cuts perspiration by as much as 50 percent, when applied to the skin. Recently companies have been adding Sage to anti-perspirant ointments.

It has long been used in treating fevers but it takes almost two hours after ingesting an infusion of Sage to work. It causes profuse sweating.

For mastitis (nipple inflammation) Sage has been used as a wash and the tea drank for relief. Sage may be mixed with Poke Root(Phytolacca americana) to make an ointment for mastitis and applied to the nipples. Make sure you clean the nipples well with warm soap and water if you are going to continue to feed baby. Do not drink the tea if you want to continue to breast feed, as Sage tea is used to dry up Mothers milk.

For wound healing, Sage has ingredients that make it active against several infection-causing bacteria. Just crush some sage leaves into the wound before washing and bandaging. Wounds seem to heal more rapidly when washed with Sage tea.

To make your teeth sparkle, make a paste with 1 part powdered Sage and 1 part powdered Strawberry Root and 1 part powdered Mint. Rub on teeth, rinse with Sage tea and smile!

For flu symptoms, mix 1 ounce of Sage (Salvia officinalis) leaves with the juice of one orange, one lemon, and honey to one quart of boiled water. You may add some grated ginger if nausea is present. Steep, strain, drink and enjoy. The lemon and orange are high in Vitamin C, decrease the outpouring of mucus secretions from the nose and head, and support the liver to flush toxins from the body quickly.

Another good drink made of Sage is; using 1 ounce of fresh sage leaves and 1 ounce of Maple Sugar, plus 1 ounce of grated orange rind, with 1/2 cup of fresh orange juice. Pour a quart of boiled water over ingredients and steep for an hour. Strain and serve. This is really good.

Sage tea also helps relieve headaches and in general is good for nervous debility, digestion and convalescence.

In treating colds and flu's, Sage removes catarrh in the alimentary and bronchial systems and can be given to people with diarrhea caused by general weakness and debility. Sage mixed with Linden (Tilia europea) helps to quiet convulsive coughs. Sage mixed with Peppermint (Mentha piperita) alleviates wet coughs and cramps. Mix Sage with Mullein (Verbascum thapsus) and Elder (Sambucus nigra) is useful to sweat out colds.

To alleviate whooping cough mix 1 teaspoon of Wild Cherry Bark (Prunus serotina) and 1 tablespoon of Sage (Salvia officinalis). Pour boiling water over mixture and when cool, keep in refrigerator. Strain before serving. Take 1 teaspoon 4 or 5 times a day.

Sage for Bathing

Use Sage leaves or Sage (Salvia officinalis) oil in your bath. The Sage will provide relief to an aching body but has long been used for its ability to dispel evil. Much of the effect is similar to using Sage to smudge but as oil, Sage goes to a deeper level of the physical body whereas smudging has to do with the etheric body. Great to use after being around negative people or after a day surrounded by large numbers of people (shopping malls, hockey games, etc.), as your spirit mixes and mingles with theirs. Smudging cuts all those spirits from the joining with your spirit, allowing you to feel "lighter".

Sage oil is good to use mixed with a small amount of oil(mineral, olive) and used for a very effective warming massage oil. If you have physical debility and nervous disorders, mix the Sage oil with Lavender oil. This mix is good for people with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. For people with rheumatic aches and pains, the Sage oil mixed with Juniper oil would be best. Do not use these oils if you are pregnant or have high blood pressure.

Clary Sage oil (Salvia sclarea) is similar to Sage oil but is more effective as a woman's medicine. It has the power to strengthen a woman's uterus and will help restore Moon Time flow if scant or absent. It will also strengthen the kidneys and digestive system. It will lower blood pressure. Over all, Clary Sage will benefit women moving through menopause. A traditional bath for women at this time is Clary Sage and Geranium Oil (Pelargonium graveolens).

Clary Sage seeds, which are mucilaginous, are soaked in water over night and the water is saved to use to soothe and clear foreign particles from the eyes. All Sage teas will provide Vitamins and Minerals necessary for good sight.

Sage used as a wash for your hair will keep the Gray out and will clear up dandruff. Since we are a people that waste nothing, respecting all life, save the stems from the Sage used for Smudging, and use these to make the wash for your hair(I have also used the stems for barbecue skewers). Washing the head with Sage, lifts your spirit and provides protection from other's evil thoughts.

Sage and Foods

Sage was used as a meat preservative because the fat in meat can turn meat rancid quickly. Sage contains powerful antioxidants which can slow spoilage. Rub or wrap leaves on or around the meat. The pungent dried leaves of Sage have long been popular to use for flavoring chicken and veal. You may also want to mix sage generously into hamburger and tuna meat. The fresh leaves complement cheese and onions.

Add sage to potato salads in the heat of summer to keep them fresher longer.

Sage will even help you to digest protein. For difficult problems digesting protein, drink 1 cup of Sage tea twice a day.

Try this ancient recipe for

Sage Pancakes

4 eggs

a pinch of (sea)salt

4 tablespoons of milk

2 cups fine flour

Sage leaves washed, dried, and minced.

Mix all ingredients well except Sage. In frying pan, warm real butter to point of bubbling. Pour batter in pan making a very thin pancake. Add Sage and a little more batter. Let them be a nice golden brown. Serve with a dab of butter and sweeten with honey or maple syrup. Enjoy!

Sage in the garden likes to grow with carrots and will protect carrots from the carrot fly. Checking the Sage growing in the front of a families home is said to tell you about that families prosperity. I have found this to be true. The Spirit of Sage will report to all passerby’s, that care to notice, the welfare, harmony and health of the family.

In the Spirit of Sharing,

Chi Megweetch

Eagle Feather
The Perfect Sage is heaven moved; that is, he is moved by eternal/continual reason.
Writer Unknown

Written by Paula Johnstone

also known as Lightening Woman

For more teachings or information on workshops, write to Meshu Peshu Productions, Box #98135, 970 Queen St. East, Toronto, Ontario.
M4M 1J0

Donations are excepted and greatly appreciated, Thankyou.

Permission is given to copy these writings provided they are left unchanged and in their entirety.Copyright March 31, 1997


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