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The Great Spirit of the Spider

The Spider teaches about the weaving of the Web of Life.  The Spider teaches the importance of Family and that Women and Men are the Mothers and Fathers of Nations and the protectors of the Nations they bring forth, in Love.
This is a spiritual writing and is meant to be read a minimum of four times.  This is only a partial teaching of the wisdom of the Spider.

Weaving the Web of Life

In the beginning, in the darkness of the deep, the Creator God, perceived aloneness and understood the needing of one for an other.  In His aloneness, the Creator God conceived all Oneness.  You are never alone, for even the word alone (all one), reminds you, of the Oneness of the Universe, the Creator conceived.  In searching for another, He understood Love and the needing of one for its other, the needing of one and other(all life).  He conceived the thought of male and female spirits and commanded them to come into existence.   He caused the male spirits to provide for and protect the life the female spirits would bring forth, for like Him they would protect all, that was created.  He caused the female spirits to bring forth life, by teaching the children they brought forth, love for all life.

The moment a female spirit brings forth life, becoming a Mother, she becomes an Alpha being, for in giving birth she begins to fulfill her purpose.  In giving birth to a child, she is not only the mother of a child, she is the Mother of a Nation, a Mother to all the Spirits that will descend from her Spirits.   For this reason she is to be respected as a Mother of a Nation, by all of Mankind. Whatever she teaches her children in childhood, will appear on Earth.  If she teaches them love, light, understanding, and the respect for all life, Heaven will appear on Earth.   If she teaches them darkness, fear, pain, self-pity and sorrow, what will appear on Earth, will resemble the world you live in.

The spider spirit is one of the major spirits of women and the teachings of the Spider are told throughout the World.   Spider Woman has long been in charge of teaching  the Children,  the beauty of  love and the way of protecting all life.  The Spider/woman is an Alpha being.  They are Alpha in the fact that they are the primary teachers of the Children of Earth.  They teach the basics of life to their children and are their first teachers.  They are the Mothers of Nations and their Children are the strands in the web of life.   The Spiders web is an extension of the Spider's own senses,  keeping the Spider up to date on the environment around it.  The web also reminds all where their sols/souls are.  When the dew kisses the web in the morning sun, the sparkles of light remind all of the stars in the night sky.  The stars are your sols/souls, sparkling for all to see,  reminding one and other to live as Children of Light.  Our children are the extension of  our love and our future.  In teaching children love and the respect for every living thing, the Spider and Women strengthen the web of life, giving order to life.  The children become an ordered society, for in teaching goodness and light to their children,  they cause Heaven to appear on Earth.  The Spiders/ Women are the weavers of destiny.

Children are spirits of love and gifts of life from the Creator God.  They are the blessings of God sent to men and women to fulfill their desire to unify themselves in purpose and strengthen their resolve to become One, through the love and true pride of God. All children are the joy and laughter of His love and the flowering beauty of His Universal Reign on Earth.  Children are Spirits of the Sun sent through you to become His Dome Minions of Earth and Spirits of the Sky, to help you carry out His will and to fulfill their purpose of protecting all life on Earth.  Children belong to the world of the Creator God, not to the personal ambitions of mankind.

Spider Web

Spiders live almost anywhere.  They can be found living all over the ground, under rocks, among grasses, on plants, in and on trees, in underground caves and on the water.  Women like spiders are the builders of their homes and will adapt to their surroundings, making nearly any place home.  A spider controls its web from the center, just as the Sol/Soul of our Father, the Sun, generates its rays, from His fiery center.  It is often said "Home is where the heart is" and Woman are the hearts of their homes, for they teach and hold love.  Like the Heart of Earth, women are the heart of their nation and the warmth of their home, extending the warmth of their love, to every being that dwells there-in. Women unify and co-ordinate life in their families, bonding the lives of their children together in Oneness with all life. Grooming their Children with love and care, molding the protectors and providers of future nations.

Female spirits are the doors and the passages to the world of the Creator.  Doors because they bring forth life and passages because they are the primary teachers of the lives they bring forth.  Like the trees of life and plants of Earth, women are given the gift to bring forth life in abundance. Bringing forth life they send their roots deep within the heart of their Mother the Earth, giving their children a firm foundation in her love for all life and giving order to life within their family.  The potential to give birth, the sacred rite to bring forth life, make female spirits and female bodies sacred temples, which should be treated as such.


Men like the birds of the air, plant seeds from the trees of knowledge, teaching their love, grooming the wisdom of great future nations for the forested fortresses of Earth.  Like the birds who take their direction from their Father the Sun above and fly through the sky,  men are Messengers of God and the Spiritual heads of their families.  Basing their lives on the Order of the Universe, Fathers set the foundations of true family pride,  through their constant faith and love for the Creator God.  Fathers teach the future to love and respect all life.

When a male spirit and female spirit join in body and spirit, they say to one and other, "Lets make love."  They are actually saying let's, share in and bring forth life.  The ‘love they make' are the children and life they bring forth.  When they make ‘love’, a new spirit enters the world and they (male and female) get to watch their ‘love’ grow.   Their love is their bond.  Their bonding is their expression of their joy for life, the response of their need of one for its other.  They join together to fulfill their purpose, for they need one and other.  Their Children are the fulfillment of Life and their lives together.

Spiders were given eight legs and eight eyes because they need a lot of assistance to raise all of their children.   Spiders are very capable beings, watching and caring for their hundreds of offspring, introducing order in their lives through the weaving of their web.   Their Father, the Creator God, gives spiders all of the assets necessary to care for all of their children.  Women have society to act as their eight arms and eight eyes.  The society, in which she brings forth life, is responsible for the protection and provision of the lives she brings forth. For without her bringing forth life there would be no society.  Without her placing order in the hearts and minds of her children, there would be no order in that society.

In Native society, on the day of your birth, you are born to a large extended family, immediately having the protection of the entire Native Nation.  This family would do anything to protect you,  even give their lives for you.  On the day you were born, your Mother's sisters, were your Mother.  Your Father's brothers were your Father.  This is why all the Native Family celebrated your arrival through ceremony (Baby Showers, Naming and Dedication Ceremonies) and offerings of Thanksgiving were made, to the Creator, for His gift of life, that you might love.

Should by some great catastrophe or necessity, all of these Fathers and Mothers are taken from you, you were also given a Godfather and a Godmother.  These two people were to arrange your education. You were supplied with two medicine people or teachers, a man and a woman, that taught you the ways of the physical world.  You were also supplied with two spiritual teachers (Shaman) to heal your heart, mind and soul, to teach you all aspects of the spiritual world.  These guides helped you to recall all the knowledge given to you by the Creator throughout all of your lifetimes.

Society owes all members of their extended family, love and caring.  You are brothers and sisters, in one family, under the Creator God.   Provide a place of love and caring for each living being and we will eliminate the world of darkness that surrounds us.  The Great Spirit of the Spider teaches us how to bring order, love and harmony back to our world so we may strengthen the webs of life.  We are Spirits that need one and other and that can share in the world of Love and Oneness, which the Creator intended us to live in.

All spiritual belief is based on the order of the Universe and can be applied to the natural world. The Spider teaching is a universal teaching, in the fact that there are spiders in every land around the world, living on every level.  What the Spider teaches in one land, the Spider teaches in every land, for the Spider is a Great Spirit. If your spiritual teachings cannot be seen in the natural world or through the natural order of the Universe they are not spiritual teachings but are the wrongs which humans choose to do and choose to teach others.

When you choose to correct others you are showing them that you love and care for them, for if it were not so,  you wouldn’t be bothered to correct them. Our greatest purpose is to love one and other.

WRITTEN BY Del Ashkewe and Paula Johnstone

Also known as Immortal Thunder and Lightening Woman

For more teachings or workshop information: write  Meshu Peshu Productions, Box #98135, 970 Queen St. East, Toronto, Ontario, M4M 1J0

Donations are accepted,  so we might eat. Thankyou.
Permission is given to copy these writings provided they are left unchanged and in their entirety.©Copyright, Aug.21.1996
Big Spider
All things are connected.
Whatever befalls the Earth,
Befalls the Children of Earth.
The Earth does not belong to us,
We belong to the Earth.
We did not weave the web of life,
We are merely a strand in it.
Whatever we do to the web,
We do to our selves.
This Earth is precious to God,
And to harm the Earth is to show a lack of respect for God’s creation.

From the Message of Chief Seattle, 1854

Email- Mepeshu@hotmail.com

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