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Welcome!  Alkaloids are plant-produced,  nitrogen containing organic chemicals. Alkaloids are derived from amino acids, and represent a varied and complex class of nitrogenous crystalline or oily compounds.

Some representative examples of alkaloids  include:
nicotine, lobeline, coniine (pyridine and piperidine alkaloids
serotonin, harmine, reserpine (indole alkaloids)
quinine, quinidine (quinoline alkaloids).
Alkaloids include some of the most important drugs that are in use today by modern medicine.
Terpenoids - are the largest group of plant products. Terpenoids are categorized as monoterpenoids (monoterpenoid lactones),  sesquiterpenoids (sesquiterpenoid lactones), diterpenoids and triterpenoids.

- form the largest group of terpenoids and can be subdivided into: triterpenoid saponins, steroid saponins, cardenolides, bufadienolides, phytosterols, cucurbitacins, and nortriterpenoids.
Why is it important to know the chemical classification of plant chemicals? Environmental Toxicology.