Welcome to the Belly Wave Contest!

This contest is all about bellies!
I am hoping to find the nicest, cutest belly to put on my postcard page!

Since I know I am not partial, I have asked Hope and Hope's Mom to be the judges. In case you are wondering, Miss Hope is doing the belly wave on our background...she is queen of all the belly wavers, and therefore the best judge!

Hey, you can visit Hope at Hope's Mom's Page, but no fair attempting to bribe the judges!

The awards are out!

Awards Page 1 Awards Page 2 Rainbow Angels Awards

We will be having 4 categories:

hopebutton1.jpg - 2696 Bytes Cat Bellies
hopebutton1.jpg - 2696 Bytes Dog Bellies
hopebutton1.jpg - 2696 Bytes Rainbow Angels Dog Belly Contest
hopebutton1.jpg - 2696 Bytes Rainbow Angels Cat Belly Contest

The winners in each category will go on my postcard page and will be displayed proudly on a special "belly wave" page with Hope. If you have a website you will also get an award graphic for your site.

So hurry and get those belly pics to me! And may the best belly win!

If you have any questions about the contest, feel free to e-mail me