They called themselves
Inde, or Nide "the people".
It is with Great Respect
That I honor the First Americans,
The American Indian.
Hon Dah....Apache for Welcome
.... To ....
History of the Apache
....Easy Reading for the Student....
The word Apache is believed to be derived
from a Zuni word meaning "enemy".
The Apache Indians are divided into six sub-tribes
Chihenne....Chi-hen-ne,(Ojo Caliente),(Hot Springs)Apaches
Chokonen....Cho-kon-en, Chiricahua Apache
White Mountain Apache
The Apache people (including the Navajo) came from the Far North to settle the Plains and Southwest around A.D. 850.
They settled in three desert regions, the Great Basin, the Sonoran, and the Chihuachuan.
The Navajo are not part of the Apache nation. They are their own honored nation. They only share the Athabscan language with the Apache.
The Apache speak the Athabscan language,
which originated in their former homeland of
northwestern Canada.
These distinct groups can be organized by dialects:
The Western Apache (Coyotero) traditionally
occupied most of eastern Arizona and included
the White Mountain, Cibuecue, San Carlos,
and Northern and Southern Tonto bands.
San Carlos, Aravaipa, White Mountain,
Northern Tonto, Southern Tonto, and
Cibecue in Arizona, Chiricahua and Mimbreno
in Arizona and New Mexico, Mescalero (Faraon)
in New Mexico and Mexico, Jicarilla (Tinde) in
New Mexico and Colorado, Kiowa-Apache (Gataka)
in Oklahoma, and Lipan in Texas and Mexico.
Western Apache (Coyotero), Eastern Arizona.
They exchanged buffalo hides, tallow and meat,
bones that could be worked into needles and
scrapers for hides, and salt from the desert
with the Pueblos for pottery, cotton, blankets,
turquoise, corn and other goods. But at times
they simply saw what they wanted and took it.
They became known among the Pueblo villages by
another name, Apachu, "the enemy".
The Apache's gorilla war tactics came naturally and were unsurpassed. The name Apache struck fear into the
hearts of Pueblo tribes, and in later years the
Spanish, Mexican, and Anglo-American settlers,
which they raided for food, and livestock.
The Apache and the Pueblos managed to maintain
generally peaceful relations. But the arrival of
the Spaniards changed everything. A source of
friction was the activity of Spanish slave traders,
who hunted down captives to serve as labor in the
silver mines of Chihuahua in northern Mexico.
The Apache, in turn, raided Spanish settlements
to seize cattle, horses, firearms, and captives
of their own.
The prowess of the Apache in battle became legend.
It was said that an Apache warrior could run 50 miles
without stopping and travel more swiftly than a troop
of mounted soldiers. |
In the late 1800's, one U.S. Army general who
had fought them meant it as a grudging compliment
when he described the Apache as
"tigers of the human species."
The Apache saw themselves differently,
they faced constant struggle to survive.
When they raided a village, they did so
from pure necessity, to provide corn for
their families when game was scarce.
Most of the time they went their own way,
moving from camp to camp in pursuit of
deer and buffalo, collecting roots and berries,
sometimes planting seeds that they later
returned to harvest.
They set up their camps on the outskirts of the pueblos.
They dressed in animal skins, used dogs as pack animals,
and pitched tentlike dwellings made of brush or hide,
called wikiups.
The wickiup was the most common shelter of
the Apache. The dome shaped lodge was constructed
of wood poles covered with brush, grass, or
reed mats. It contained a fire pit and a smoke hole
for a chimney.
The Jicarillas and Kiowa-Apaches, which roamed
the Plains, used buffalo hide tepees.
The basic shelter of the Chiricahua was the
domeshaped wickiup made of brush.
The Apache regarded coyotes, insects,
and birds as having been human beings.
The human race, then, but following in
the tracks of those who have gone before.
The Apache lived in extended family groups,
all loosely related through the female line.
Each group operated independently under a
respected family leader....settling its
own disputes, answering to no higher
human authority.
The main exception to this occurred during
wartime, when neighboring groups banded
together to fight a common enemy.
Unlike ordinary raiding, where the main object
was to acquire food and possessions,war meant
lethal business. An act of vengeance for the
deaths of band members in earlier raids or battles.
Leaders of the local family groups would meet
in council to elect a war chief, who led the
campaign. But if any one group preferred to
follow its own war chief, it was free to do so.
Apache bands that roamed the same area
admitted to a loose cultural kinship.
The Jicarilla of northeastern New Mexico
hunted buffalo in the plains, planted corn
in the mountains.
The Mescalero to the south were hunter-gatherers
who developed an appetite for the roasted heads
of wild mescal plants.
The Chiricahua, fiercest of all tribal groups,
raided along the Mexican border.
The more peaceble Western Apache of Arizona
spent part of each year farming.
Two other tribal divisions,
the Lipan and Kiowa-Apache,
lived as plainsmen in western
Kansas and Texas.
A strict code of conduct governed Apache life,
based on strong family loyalties. Each Apache
group was composed of extended families or clans.
Basic social, economic, and political units based
on female inherited leadership. The most important
bond led from an Apache mother to her children and
on to her children. Marriage within one's own clan
is forbidden. When the son married his obligations
from then on were to his mother-in-law's family.
Beyond this code of propriety and family obligations,
the Apache shared a rich oral history of myths and
legends and a legacy of intense religious devotion
that touched virtually every aspect of their lives.
Medicine Men presided over religious ceremonies.
They believed in many supernatural beings
including Usen, the Giver of Life, to be the
most powerful of them all. The Gans,
or Mountain Spirits, were especially important
in Apache ceremonies. Males garbed themselves
in elaborate costumes to impersonate the
Gans in ritual dance, wearing kilts, black masks,
tall wooden-slat head-dresses, and body paint
carrying wooden swords.
The Mescalero band consisted of followers
and a headman. They had no formal leader
such as a tribal chief, or council, nor
a decision making process. The core of the
band was a "relative group",
predominantly--but not ecessarily--kinsmen.
Named by the Spanish for the mescal cactus
the Apaches used for food, drink, and fiber.
One author's characterization of the
Mescalero Apache people of the past is as follows:
They moved freely, wintering on the Rio Grande
or farther south, ranging the buffalo plains
in the summer, always following the sun and
the food supply. They owned nothing and everything.
They did as they pleased and bowed to no man.
Their women were chaste. Their leaders kept
their promises. They were mighty warriors who
depended on success in raiding for wealth and honor.
To their families they were kind and gentle,
but they could be unbelievably cruel to their
enemies--fierce and revengeful when they felt
that they had been betrayed. (Sonnichsen 1958:4)
The Apaches were nomadic hunter-gatherers.
They chased any wild game located within their
territory, especially deer and rabbits.
When necessary, they lived off the land by
gathering wild berries, roots, cactus fruit
and seeds of the mesquite tree.
They planted some corn, beans, and squash as crops.
They were extremely hardy prior to the arrival
of European diseases, and could live practically
naked in zero temperature.
Many Apache bands were so influenced by the
tribes they came into contact that they took
on many of their customs and practices.
Western Apaches living near the Pueblo Indians
became farmers.
Jicarilla Apaches pursued the great buffalo herds
like other Plains Indians, mounted on horses they
acquired through raids on the Spanish and Pueblos
in the late 1600's.
Kiowa-Apaches became more like the Kiowa,
a Plains tribe, than their own Apache kin.
The Lopans raised dogs for meat as many
Mexican tribes to their south.
In 1871 , the original White Mountain Reservation
was established. It contained today's Fort Apache
and San Carlos reservations. In 1897, the land was
divided into two independent reservations. |
Today several of the Apache reservations
have lead in commercial development of
reservation resources. The White Mountain
Apache of Arizona manage the popular
Sunrise Park Ski Resort and Fort Apache
Timber Company. |
If you are using this for a class report or school project....
I suggest....Ride to....Apache Life next.
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